
The First Irish-American Pope?

Niall O'Dowd sees homosexualist Newark Cardinal Joseph Tobin, 68, as a papabile after Francis’ named him to the Congregation of Bishops.

Tobin has now become Francis’ “eyes and ears” in America “where a right-wing slant still exists” which was particularly evident when New York Cardinal Dolan gave the opening blessing at the Republican Party Convention, writes O'Dowd on IrishCentral.com (7 March).

For O'Dowd, Tobin is leading the effort to "liberalise" [= wipe out] the Church in America.

He stresses that Tobin is “deeply proud” of his County Kerry Irish heritage and that Tobin's grandmother always prayed in Gaelic because “she wasn’t quite sure that God understood English.”

In late 19th century cartoons when many Catholics came to the US, “we [= the Irish] were the ones who were portrayed as apes and drunkards,” Tobin said who uses his family’s emigration history to promote mass-immigration into the US.


Holy Cannoli
The man's got good taste in picking anti-freeze.
All sodomites are repudiated by our church. they belong to the false church.
Isn't this the 'nighty, night, baby' homo who had an Italian soap actor living with him. Gay enough for Francis.
yes the same one. maybe he wanted to go back to rome to meet his lover.
Louis IX
O’Dowd writes as an adherent to the faith of the Democratic Party writes.
Pope Innocent lll
Mr. O'Dowd is terribly in error about Dolan. Subversive Dolan assisted in Hollywood's mockery of our great Catholic Church, at the Metropolitan Museum in NYC. Dolan also promotes the perversion of sexual relations.
"Tobin has now become Francis’ “eyes and ears” in America “where a right-wing slant still exists” which was particularly evident when New York Cardinal Dolan gave the opening blessing …More
Mr. O'Dowd is terribly in error about Dolan. Subversive Dolan assisted in Hollywood's mockery of our great Catholic Church, at the Metropolitan Museum in NYC. Dolan also promotes the perversion of sexual relations.
"Tobin has now become Francis’ “eyes and ears” in America “where a right-wing slant still exists” which was particularly evident when New York Cardinal Dolan gave the opening blessing at the Republican Party Convention, writes O'Dowd..."
Chesterton: Every philosophy of sex must fail which does not account for its ambition of fixity as well as for its experience of failure. Men's loves are not immortal; and yet they cry aloud upon their immortality.
Mary Jo Beniger
As a Christian Woman, Just because you are in the United States does not give you rights to abuse our Children as you have in Rome. If you continue down that path, You will be arrested and thrown in prison and the key needs to be thrown away. Is this what celibacy is about? This is just sick. It is black - black - black as the black pope. God's world was almost ruined by you pigs. Never again.