
Seifert: Francis' Monstrosities Destroy Faith And Morals

Francis is destroying the foundations of faith and morals, writes Austrian philosopher Josef Seifert, who currently teaches at Munich University, in an Open Letter to the Cardinals sent on 2 May (English …More
Francis is destroying the foundations of faith and morals, writes Austrian philosopher Josef Seifert, who currently teaches at Munich University, in an Open Letter to the Cardinals sent on 2 May (English text below).
Seifert does not understand how all the cardinals except the Dubia cardinals simply remain silent on the problem of Francis. Seifert's examples:
- his assertion that God positively wills the diversity of religions (Abu Dhabi Declaration);
- his support of homosex concubinates;
- his denial of the existence of acts that are always and everywhere evil, e.g. adultery (Amoris Laetitia);
- his false teaching on the death penalty (CCC);
- his claim that hell is empty;
- his claim that the souls of mortal sinners are "destroyed" after death (also claimed by Jehovah's Witnesses). "As far as I know, there has never been a pope in Church history who has claimed similar monstrosities," Seifert explains. He would expect that all cardinals would write to Francis like one man and demand …More
Sandy Barrett and one more user link to this post
Francis' cooperation with evil (especially the past 3 years of diabolical and tyrannical plandemic genocide unfortunately ignored by Prof. Seifert) is being the tool to illuminate good and bad souls. The separation of sheep from goats is necessary for the Final Judgment. During these days many will appear to be deceived and lose Catholic faith whilst other receive opportunity to combat for good and …More
Francis' cooperation with evil (especially the past 3 years of diabolical and tyrannical plandemic genocide unfortunately ignored by Prof. Seifert) is being the tool to illuminate good and bad souls. The separation of sheep from goats is necessary for the Final Judgment. During these days many will appear to be deceived and lose Catholic faith whilst other receive opportunity to combat for good and be gathered on Lord's right hand - Heaven.
Misioneras M Formadora
God bless you!
Phillip F McCabe
A child can see that Non Catholics cannot hold an office in the Church. Did you read yet, this book that I sent to you? johnthebaptist.us/…oks/rjmi/br65_noncatholics_cannot_hold_offices.pdf
Always the same problem. A few years ago, Cardinal Brandmüller said he can't undertake the fraternal correction because he owes fidelity to the ''Pope''.
''You shall know them by their fruits.''
Will the bishops finally realize that this man, Francis Bergoglio, has not received the gift of pontifical infallibility unlike all genuine Successors of the Apostle Peter!
There must be one or many canonical …More
Always the same problem. A few years ago, Cardinal Brandmüller said he can't undertake the fraternal correction because he owes fidelity to the ''Pope''.

''You shall know them by their fruits.''

Will the bishops finally realize that this man, Francis Bergoglio, has not received the gift of pontifical infallibility unlike all genuine Successors of the Apostle Peter!

There must be one or many canonical defects with his ''election''. The solution: Francis is not the Supreme Pontiff!
E.g. No Pope ever denied the existence of Hell.
Interview with Jorge Fontevecchia in 2023.
As part of the in-depth discussion, Francis was asked, “What is your own interpretation of Hell and paradise, and what happens to people who go to Hell, and what happens to those who go to paradise?”
Giving a trademark lengthy, convoluted, and somewhat evasive answer, Francis appeared to deny the existence …More
E.g. No Pope ever denied the existence of Hell.

Interview with Jorge Fontevecchia in 2023.

As part of the in-depth discussion, Francis was asked, “What is your own interpretation of Hell and paradise, and what happens to people who go to Hell, and what happens to those who go to paradise?”
Giving a trademark lengthy, convoluted, and somewhat evasive answer, Francis appeared to deny the existence of Hell as an actual place. “Hell is not a place,” he said. “If one goes to attend the Last Judgment, and sees the faces of those who go to Hell, one gets scared. If you read Dante, you get scared. But these are media representations.”
Expanding on his answer, Francis described Hell simply as “a state” — a description which appeared to refer to a state of mind. “Hell is a state, there are people who live in Hell continuously.”
He clarified that he was not referring to suffering generally, but to “those who make a world of bad or sick self-referentiality, and end up living in Hell.”
Hell is a state, it is a state of the heart, of the soul, of a posture towards life, towards values, towards the family, towards everything. There are people who live in Hell because they seek it, there are others who do not, who are suffering. And who goes to Hell, to that Hell, to that state? They are already living from here.
Not content with appearing to deny the existence of Hell, however, Francis implied that there was no one actually in Hell — an about-turn in his argument that saw him appear to thus accept that Hell could be real.
“If you ask me how many people are in Hell, I answer you with a famous sculpture of the cathedral of Vézelay,” he said. Providing a description of the sculpture, Francis noted that the sculpture “has Judas hanging and the devil pulling him down, and on the other side they have the Good Shepherd, Jesus who grabs Judas and puts him on his shoulders with an ironic smile.
“What does that mean?” he queried. “That salvation is stronger than damnation. This pilaster is a catechesis that should make us think.”
“God’s mercy is always at our side, and what God wants is always to be with his people, with his children, and not for them to leave him,” he ended.

Pope Francis denies that Hell is 'a place,' says it is 'a posture towards life' - LifeSite
So, Francis is teaching that salvation is stronger than damnation. But how could this be true if damnation does not exist (according to him)? If Hell is just a state of mind, then Hell exists only during the present life, therefore eternal Hell does not exist... Francis is in tune with his interview with Scalfari where he affirmed that bad souls are annihilated after death.
Wait! He just said …More
So, Francis is teaching that salvation is stronger than damnation. But how could this be true if damnation does not exist (according to him)? If Hell is just a state of mind, then Hell exists only during the present life, therefore eternal Hell does not exist... Francis is in tune with his interview with Scalfari where he affirmed that bad souls are annihilated after death.

Wait! He just said salvation is stronger than damnation, even for Judas! But why not for the other bad guys and gals?

Anyhow, Francis is an arch-heretic and no one can find a Pope like him in two milleniums of Papacy...
Tony M
Good work Adrien!!!
@Tony M Thank you!
English Catholic shares this
An excellent letter
Hound of Heaven
I could not agree more with Dr. Seifert. God bless him for his witness for the Faith.
English Catholic
@Hound of Heaven Yes, God bless him. This statement will hopefully bring many to their senses.
Jan Joseph
Ik kan voor 100% mee instemmen met deze verklaring. Het is helaas de waarheid. De Dubia-kardinalen zullen een actie moeten ondernemen.