
It’s “Certain”: Francis Will Abolish Celibacy in South America – And Elsewhere

The semi-official IlSismografo.blogspot.com (January 16) announces that it is “certain” that Francis will abolish celibacy in early February via his Amazon Exhortation.

The measure will first regard the nine countries which have a part of the Amazon basin, IlSismografo writes.

They are: Peru, Brazil, Venezuela, Ecuador, Colombia, Guyana, Bolivia, Suriname and French Guiana.

IlSismografo pretends that Francis impending decision was “authorized” by the Amazon Synod.

Nothing could be farther from the truth. The Amazon Synod was an authentic Robber Synod to which Francis invited a selected group of ignorant Pachamama bishops with the only task to rubberstamp decisions that were made beforehand.

The present problem of the Church is not a lack of priests but the theological, spiritual and moral decadence of the papacy and the bishops. The lack of priests is a consequence of this.

The problem will not be removed by “ordaining” second-class priests.

Picture: © Mazur, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsJghgqjxtii

Arthur McGowan
I used to think there were ten Catholic bishops in the U.S. Then three, then one. Now, I doubt there is one. If there are any, they are keeping themselves totally hidden. There is no bishop in the world willing to say in public that Jorge Bergoglio is not pope, except Gracida and Viganò.
It is certain Unrepentant Jorge of the Pachamamas will fall into eternal flames if he does not repent.
St Michael the Archangel defend us in battle
old school
B16 and Sarah take us back on track
Claudius Cartapus
John 10, 12-13: 12 The hired hand is not the shepherd and does not own the sheep. So when he sees the wolf coming, he abandons the sheep and runs away. Then the wolf attacks the flock and scatters it. 13 The man runs away because he is a hired hand and cares nothing for the sheep.
Claudius Cartapus
Cardinal Zen of Hong Kong could have said to Pope Francis; 'Holy Father, do not sit idly by and take care of the Chinese sheep ...' The symbolism of the arms crossed, I see it there too.
John 10, 12-13 - these verses refer to B16: 'The hired hand' and to Bergoglio: 'the Wolf'.
I think it was certain the day he was elected. This is all part of the masonic plan to destroy the Church
Given Francis' other antics, it doesn't take a saint to recognize the man is going to Hell. Pachamama punched his ticket long before this.
J G Tasan
I agree with you!
I read it somewhere that the pavement in hell is made of flesh of unworthy clerics, etc.
Gosh... 😀More
I agree with you!

I read it somewhere that the pavement in hell is made of flesh of unworthy clerics, etc.

Gosh... 😀
Claudius Cartapus
What else would we expect from drunk with power, Pope Machiavelli. Does he think real Catholics believe him or his decrees?
Novella Nurney
Agent Rose, I would think not( as in I agree with you) Orthodox Catholics of the perennial, all and everywhere, in every point, throughout Church History have rejected the errors of thier times. Calling them out as Anathema. However, I see we are but a few amongst the confused sheep( I do not say this to injure anyone) Rejecting error and praying to God Almighty for His Just and Righteous Mercy is …More
Agent Rose, I would think not( as in I agree with you) Orthodox Catholics of the perennial, all and everywhere, in every point, throughout Church History have rejected the errors of thier times. Calling them out as Anathema. However, I see we are but a few amongst the confused sheep( I do not say this to injure anyone) Rejecting error and praying to God Almighty for His Just and Righteous Mercy is not easy. I fall short on an hourly basis. But , I recognize I fall short, I know there is a hell , Jesus Christ the King and High Priest is THE focus of Catholicism in its sacraments. I do not ( nor most Catholics I am acquainted with) believe in the church of nice and its accompaniment to the " low road". Lord help us, Our Blessed Virgin Mother protect us in her mantel. Pax Christi