
"Pure Lie": Journalists Insist Announced Changes in Conclave TRUE

Despite Cardinal Ghirlanda's denials (“absolutely false”, “pure lies”), Vatican sources insist that Francis is planning to change the conclave.

Francis and Ghirlanda met on November 8.

In addition to reports in RemnantNewspaper.com and PillarCatholic.com on Saturday, MessaInLatino added that "our sources do not agree with Ghirlanda, who should be more careful about making hasty statements in order to avoid the risk of being contradicted if someone turns out to have a copy of the documents being studied."

Marco Tosatti received confirmation from one of his “high” contacts saying that "the news of an initiative by Jorge Mario Bergoglio in this direction is true. Although probably now the leak of information has probably made its future path more difficult.”

The informant is wrong because the leak-and-deny tactic is common in politics to get the public used to controversial measures.

Picture: Ghirlanda © Mazur/cbcew.org.uk, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsNlwtazfgkh

Opera 369
Jorgoglio, like an octopus, has left no stone unturned, meaning that his tentacles have strategically drawn all 'higher ecclesiastics' within his circus!
Jan Joseph
Paus Franciscus gelooft niet in God, daarom denkt hij dat hij God op aarde is. Jammer voor Paus Franciscus maar er is geen gelovige die paus Franciscus als een Paus erkent.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
If he succeeds with this, the Roman Catholic Church and Papacy will no longer exist, and therefore is owed no loyalty or obedience from any faithful Catholics.
We can build up our own new Rome, new Bishops, elect a Catholic Pope, who will create truly Catholic cardinals. Hopefully this measure would only be a temporary creation, until the real Vatican and Church returned to the traditional and true …More
If he succeeds with this, the Roman Catholic Church and Papacy will no longer exist, and therefore is owed no loyalty or obedience from any faithful Catholics.
We can build up our own new Rome, new Bishops, elect a Catholic Pope, who will create truly Catholic cardinals. Hopefully this measure would only be a temporary creation, until the real Vatican and Church returned to the traditional and true Catholic Faith.
English Catholic
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Our Lord Jesus Christ said in Holy Scripture to St Peter: "And I say to thee: That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it [Matthew 16:18] This means that hell will not prevail against the Church - never has done, isn't doing now (although it appears like that to us mere human beings) and never will do. …More
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Our Lord Jesus Christ said in Holy Scripture to St Peter: "And I say to thee: That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it [Matthew 16:18] This means that hell will not prevail against the Church - never has done, isn't doing now (although it appears like that to us mere human beings) and never will do. Either that or we have to admit that Our Lord has misled us. All this talk of 'building new things' doesn't make sense and smacks of schism. We, as lay people, cannot create a new Church of Pope, Cardinals and Bishops. Also, please take into account Our Lady of Good Success's words at the ecclesiastically approved apparitions at Quito, Ecuador: "To try the faith and trust of these just ones, there will be times when all will seem lost and paralyzed. It will then be the happy beginning of the complete restoration…."
Videos of Our Lady of Good Success:
Part One: PART 1 - Our Lady of Good Success: Our Hope for the Future
Part Two: PART 2 - Our Lady of Good Success: Our Hope for the Future
Part Three: PART 3 - Our Lady of Good Success: Our Hope for the Future
Please watch those videos, they will hopefully restore your trust in Our Lord's promise during these confusing and perilous times.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@English Catholic -You post is interesting, but for myself, I would never accept the proposed changes to the conclave that Francis wnts to make, and would conclude that ANY pope that came out of this new conclave system would be 100% illegitimate......
I agree, lay people can't create their own Bishops and Cardinals, but a Bishop or even a Cardinal who saw the monstrous evil of Francis' rigged …More
@English Catholic -You post is interesting, but for myself, I would never accept the proposed changes to the conclave that Francis wnts to make, and would conclude that ANY pope that came out of this new conclave system would be 100% illegitimate......
I agree, lay people can't create their own Bishops and Cardinals, but a Bishop or even a Cardinal who saw the monstrous evil of Francis' rigged conclave system and decided to group with huge numbers of traditional Catholics to establish a traditional Catholic Church, and consecrate new bishops, maybe one od which would be chosen from among them as a substitute Pope who named traditional Cardinals is 100% valid, and would be a necessity, if Francis and his homo squad succeed in warping the conclave complete with laymen and women voters. No Pope coming from that system would be valid, and any "pope" would be illegit. Any Catholics who would acknowledge a "pope" like that are liekwise not true, legitimate Roman Catholics.