
Polish Bishop Are About to Dump John Paul II For Amoris Laetitia

The webpage Polonia Christiana learned that a forthcoming document of the Polish Bishops about Amoris Laetitia will likely dump the teaching of the Church, including the teaching of John Paul II. …More
The webpage Polonia Christiana learned that a forthcoming document of the Polish Bishops about Amoris Laetitia will likely dump the teaching of the Church, including the teaching of John Paul II.
Retired Archbishop Henryk Hoser made a revealing statement during a press conference after a recent two-days assembly of the bishops. He claimed that Amoris Laetitia "confirms the teaching of the previous pontificates" but also introduces a "completely new" format into the pastoral work. According to Hoser until now, pastoral work was "based on collective teaching and formation." In other words: Hoser suggested that from now on Church teaching is one thing, but its implementation a totally different story. Among normal people this is called double moral standards.
Speaking to Polonia Christiana, Hoser pronounced the heresy that the Church has no objective criteria to determine whether adulterers are allowed to receive Communion or not.
Bishop Jan Wątroba of Rzeszów, the chairman of the bishops …More
Don Reto Nay
@De Profundis: Mental gymnastics sounds like confusion and confusion sounds likes Amoris Laetitia.
De Profundis
The bishops' Statement requires some mental gymnastics to read as allowing access to the sacraments for adulterers
i thought that the Polish Bishops were standing firm on truth
Now the Polish bishops jump on the apostacy bandwagon. I'm sure the final plan is to let everyone, no matter what the sin, receive communion. Then the destruction of the Church will be complete