This is a report of the highlights of today’s press conference with the Papal Envoy to Medjugorje . Hopefully the complete transcript will be available soon. The press conference was streamed live by Mary Watch it here
First, it should be noted that during Archbishop’s talk there was electricity in the room. Participants at the press conference sensed something historic and special was taking …More
This is a report of the highlights of today’s press conference with the Papal Envoy to Medjugorje . Hopefully the complete transcript will be available soon. The press conference was streamed live by Mary Watch it here
First, it should be noted that during Archbishop’s talk there was electricity in the room. Participants at the press conference sensed something historic and special was taking place.

*Breaking News* Historic Words from Vatican on Medjugorje… “The specific role of Medjugorje is utterly …

@charisma There are certainly sincere priests, but there is also a possibility that not all are sincere, also not all bishops.
I don´t know if it is a Hoax or not, God knows. It could be that there are some of them that cooperate with each other and with the Vatican.
Everything is possible, so it may be also possible that all involved cooperate together and would be removed from their office if …More
@charisma There are certainly sincere priests, but there is also a possibility that not all are sincere, also not all bishops.
I don´t know if it is a Hoax or not, God knows. It could be that there are some of them that cooperate with each other and with the Vatican.
Everything is possible, so it may be also possible that all involved cooperate together and would be removed from their office if they would admit that confessions are recorded.
However, the topic of the apparitions in Medjugorje is too serious to be distracted from the messages, because the Queen of Peace said that "these apparitions will be the last in the world, and that the events thereafter will take place", and that we "will be left to ourselves"... May be that the visionaries know something about these events, but they must be silent for the time being. We already know the future events through the Gospel, as example in Matthew 24.
What Hoser says about Medjugorie is probably true. I have been in Medjugorie and I have seen it. There are however problems with the alleged apparitions, but this seems to be of no importance for the Vatican? Just take the "fruits" (and the nuts) and don't care about how rotten the roots are? They are not Old Rite, after all.
@Josefine , your first reference link (about recording confessions) is a hoax.
"Confessions are not recorded. A priest who would record confessions would be removed from the priesthood. This is just another example on how the presstitutes report about the Catholic Church. "
This is the answer I recently received from a priest.More
@Josefine , your first reference link (about recording confessions) is a hoax.
"Confessions are not recorded. A priest who would record confessions would be removed from the priesthood. This is just another example on how the presstitutes report about the Catholic Church. "

This is the answer I recently received from a priest.
@Dr Stuart Reiss , you despise both Vatican officials and Medjugorje seers. Your choice. I give respect to both of them, but do not accept everything from both of them.
One more comment from charisma
@Radulf , Unfortunately lolcal bishops, even the conference of bishops of the former Yugoslavia are not competent in this question since the Vatican decided to investigate the Medugorje phenomenon directly.
The Queen of Peace obviously came not to the Vatican and its representatives.
Homo-Abendmahl in der Erzdiözese Wien…/tragedies-never…
She came to six children to convey the messages in the name of God unaltered to the people.
It would be a fatal mistake if the Franciscans and the visionaries would trust the wrong people. …More
The Queen of Peace obviously came not to the Vatican and its representatives.
Homo-Abendmahl in der Erzdiözese Wien…/tragedies-never…
She came to six children to convey the messages in the name of God unaltered to the people.
It would be a fatal mistake if the Franciscans and the visionaries would trust the wrong people. We are charged to awaken, to live the destiny of our souls to the full.
No one should trust him - and the Vatican, as long as the Vatican controls the messages of the Queen of Peace and embargoes the visionaries to experience apparitions in foreign countries.
There are also references that the confessions of pilgrims of the apparition sites are recorded in the Vatican.
This envoy was send to the people to get distracted from all these fascist behaviours.
+ …More
No one should trust him - and the Vatican, as long as the Vatican controls the messages of the Queen of Peace and embargoes the visionaries to experience apparitions in foreign countries.
There are also references that the confessions of pilgrims of the apparition sites are recorded in the Vatican.
This envoy was send to the people to get distracted from all these fascist behaviours.
Having worked in the field of languages I think you may be underestimating the people within that profession. Just like the sciences there are plentiful peers to review work, and even locals who would not let such vast misunderstandings pass. Unless by malicious intent, I cannot see such translation errors to be published.
@Dr Stuart Reiss , if you are a catholic layman like me, you are not entitled to make a final verdict on Medjugorje. Full stop.
@ndhorner , lot of problems are generated by the sad fact that translations to other languages are rather poor therefore misinterpretation occurs quite often. I do think that the Medjugorje phenomenon itself is convincing nevertheless there are lot of auxiliary things that deteriorate the authencity.
@charisma. You can listen to Fr. Gruner's talk on Madjegore at the Fatima Center, along with several other people from other apostolates who all agree, as he uses texts from pro-Madjegore people, to point out the heresies that the seers claim Our Lady said to them. "All religions are the same under me and my Son, humans created the divide" as one. What is heresy but diabolical? Where does that lead …More
@charisma. You can listen to Fr. Gruner's talk on Madjegore at the Fatima Center, along with several other people from other apostolates who all agree, as he uses texts from pro-Madjegore people, to point out the heresies that the seers claim Our Lady said to them. "All religions are the same under me and my Son, humans created the divide" as one. What is heresy but diabolical? Where does that lead logic?
@Dr Bobus , There will be no decision until visionaries get the messages. No ongoing process is decided- at least not by the Vatican.
@mccallansteve , it is OK if you do not accept this private revelation.
It is not OK if you declare it (BTW on what ground) satanic.
Dr Bobus
Hardly historic words. Vague reference to Lourdes, noting that people go to Medugorje looking for spirituality, and no decision on whether the "messages" are of Divine Origin.
More blah, blah, blah from a Vatican bureaucrat.More
Hardly historic words. Vague reference to Lourdes, noting that people go to Medugorje looking for spirituality, and no decision on whether the "messages" are of Divine Origin.

More blah, blah, blah from a Vatican bureaucrat.
Medjugorje is satanic deception. You have been warned.