
Francis Rehabilitates His Friend Rupnik

On September 18, a canonical visitation of Rupnik’s Roman Centro Aletti came to the basic conclusion that Rupnik had been wrongly accused and should be rehabilitated. The visitation was orchestrated …More
On September 18, a canonical visitation of Rupnik’s Roman Centro Aletti came to the basic conclusion that Rupnik had been wrongly accused and should be rehabilitated.
The visitation was orchestrated in January 2023 by the Roman Cardinal Vicar de Donatis whom Francis has reduced to an auxiliary bishop.
The report describes the Centro Aletti under Rupnik as “healthy” and claims that there were “serious anomalous procedures” in the previous investigation and “well-founded doubts” about Rupnik's conviction. Last Friday, Francis met Maria Campatelli, the director of Centro Aletti, a staunch defender of Rupnik.
Rupnik was found guilty by the CDF of fornication with more than a dozen nuns. A Jesuit investigation found the women "credible". Rupnik was excommunicated for absolving one of his female companions in confession, but Francis lifted it almost immediately.
SilereNonPossum.com believes that Francis is attempting a cover-up.
He did so when he lied on camera denying that he commissioned a …More
Michael Matthew Speyrer
Has a single one of his accusations been proven,
Cause I have yet to see any evidence of that.
la verdad prevalece
Poor Bergoglio exceeds the limit of apostasy. But what more evidence is there to hear or see if this despicable being challenges God and the Church on a daily basis.
Sally Dorman
He cannot be punished civilly but at a very minimum he should be stripped of any priestly roles
Wilma Lopez
Absolute Soviet levels of corruption- the friend/enemy distinction in practice.
Jeffrey Ade
@Wilma Lopez I think you are right! God bless you and keep up the good fight! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
John A Cassani
Please get rid of this disgraceful cartoon, that keeps popping up in posts.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I am beginning to think that all the prophecies I have read about the anti-Christ are true, as well as a very accurate prediction of the late, great Ven. Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen and also St. Francis of Assisi.
Saint Francis spoke of a false prophet/Pope, one not canonically elected who leads the entire Church, in cluding religious Orders like the Franciscans, into error and apostacy. He will …More
I am beginning to think that all the prophecies I have read about the anti-Christ are true, as well as a very accurate prediction of the late, great Ven. Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen and also St. Francis of Assisi.
Saint Francis spoke of a false prophet/Pope, one not canonically elected who leads the entire Church, in cluding religious Orders like the Franciscans, into error and apostacy. He will appear legit, but is not. His actions will appear legit, and he will in some ways seem Catholic, but is not.
Ven. Fulton J. Sheen spoke of a time when they (Francis and company) will try to build a false Catholic Church, that will look Catholic, and the Pope will appear to be Catholic, but is not, and will lead many into sin and error.
This is the final act, which to me anyway, proves that Pope Francis is totally and genuinely evil, a disiple of Satan, as are all those who ape his words and actions, and basically kiss his feet and call him "Holy Father". To call him "Holy Father" is an insult to God.
This is a tremendous scandal, probably the worst of Bergoglio's reign.
If no good cardinals (more than just 1-2) or bishops (more than just a few retired ones) don't step up to condemn Francis, then I believe the Catholic Church is in the grip of Satan, thru his agent....Pope Francis and company.
I read that Our Lord said this period would come, but that, it will not last long, even though it seems like forever.
It's important to condemn Francis and his people....disobey the bishops who stand with him, rally to those few who remain faithful to the Church and pray that more will have their eyes opened...especially as this Synod approaches, and that they will denounce and repudiate and condemn Francis.
While this Synod is going on behind closed doors....faithful Cardinals, bishops, and all the traditional faithful should rally to the Faith and condemn Francis and whatever comes from the Synod. Manifest our Faith and bring him and his people down.
Tony M
Good Kenjiro, you are getting there.....as you come to understand that this disaster occurring under antipope Bergoglio has all been prophesied. Ironic that St Francis prophesied the emergence & destructive activity of one who would call himself Pope (by the same name) Francis.
Keep digging..... with Bergoglio being the False Prophet, it would seem that the anti-christ is not far away & ready to …More
Good Kenjiro, you are getting there.....as you come to understand that this disaster occurring under antipope Bergoglio has all been prophesied. Ironic that St Francis prophesied the emergence & destructive activity of one who would call himself Pope (by the same name) Francis.
Keep digging..... with Bergoglio being the False Prophet, it would seem that the anti-christ is not far away & ready to go!!!
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@Tony M -Perhaps Bergoglio IS the anti-Christ (we already know he is an anti-Pope). An anti-Pope I think anyway, is just someone who is not legitimately elected (and there have been several in Church history). Bergoglio fits more the description to me anyway, of the anti-Christ.....one who looks and acts like a Pope, but who leads the Church into evil, sin, apostacy and heresy and attempts to destroy …More
@Tony M -Perhaps Bergoglio IS the anti-Christ (we already know he is an anti-Pope). An anti-Pope I think anyway, is just someone who is not legitimately elected (and there have been several in Church history). Bergoglio fits more the description to me anyway, of the anti-Christ.....one who looks and acts like a Pope, but who leads the Church into evil, sin, apostacy and heresy and attempts to destroy the Faith. That's what he's doing. Correct me if I'm wrong, but someone being an anti-Pope is just a legal issue, the election is invalid for some reason or other (and there was campaigning for Bergoglio which is against proper papal conclave protocol). But an anti-Christ is one who is the opposite of the teachings of Christ, opposite to past true Popes, one who deliberately goes against Jesus Christ and the traditions and teachings of the Faith and leads millions into error also. That's Francis.
I hope Francis is the actual anti-Christ, because he will be gone soon. I would hate to think that the anti-Christ is actually one of Francis' disiples, waiting in the wings of the next papal conclave ready to take the destruction of the Faith one step further.😱