Francis Makes Monsignor Gänswein a Nuncio

Francis has appointed Monsignor Georg Gänswein as Nuncio for Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia. He also named him Titular Archbishop of Urbisaglia. Gänswein was the longtime private secretary of Benedict …More
Francis has appointed Monsignor Georg Gänswein as Nuncio for Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia.
He also named him Titular Archbishop of Urbisaglia.
Gänswein was the longtime private secretary of Benedict XVI and is former Prefect Emeritus of the Papal Household.
Thus, the long-promised appointment of Monsignor Gänswein to the Baltic States is confirmed. Gänswein fell out of favor with Francis and was jobless since February 2023.
Picture: Vatican Media, #newsFyblfcxhku
Opera 369
This man has aged gravely, since dealing with 'Franco' (aka Francis).
Franco was better for Spain than Francis is for the Church!
Jan Joseph
Wat een gemene streek van paus Franciscus.
Boanerges Boanerges
I think he was always Bergoglio's man who kept an eye on pope Benedict. They were faking he fell out of favor to save his face. I actually think he was a key man without whom Bergoglio's coup would never happen
Didn't he have a trad past? Was he an infiltrator?
Live Mike
@Boanerges Boanerges Sincerely and respectfully... What did you think about this at the time? What do you think about it now? Gänswein Cries in Front of The Camera (Video)