Eviction Suit? Nuns of Belorado Excommunicated

Monsignor Mario Iceta, Archbishop of Burgos, Spain, has excommunicated ten of the Poor Clares of Belorado who joined in May a certain Pablo de Rojas.

The decree of excommunication will become final after ten days if the nuns do not appeal. They announced on Friday that they would not take part in any ecclesiastical process.

Five other sisters living in the convent were not excommunicated because they are elderly and in need of care.

On June 24, Mgr Iceta threatened the ten sisters with eviction: "If they do not leave voluntarily in the near future, our legal department will have no choice but to take legal action," the statement said. The archdiocese did not set a deadline for the nuns.

According to the archdiocese, the excommunicated nuns have no legal right to remain in the convent or its property.

Pablo de Rojas, a self-appointed "bishop" to whom the nuns have submitted, is currently living in the convent.

As was clear from the start, the nuns will find themselves in a legal battle for money with poor prospects in court. The Poor Clares are legally organised as a federation and not as individual juridical entities (as the Benedictines once were).

A bitter fact: If the nuns had preached abortion, heresy and paganism, no one would have "excommunicated" them.

Picture: Mario Iceta © Infovaticana, #newsPitkrmicym
Wilma Lopez shares this
Archbishop Mario Iceta of Burgos has announced the excommunication of the Poor Clare sisters who have formally renounced their association with the Catholic Church.
Billy F
The Isaiah 5:20 Bishops!!!
Jan Joseph
Wat is deze bisschop een gemene dictator.
Father Karl A Claver
These nuns are excommunicated, but pro-abortion monsters like Biden and Pilosi are deified. Give me a break. The lame Vatican is in downfall.
All Saints
Why be afraid of a false excommunication from a false pope in a chimera church?
Christopher Shahrazade
Excommunication from the VAtican II Church for some is a great honor.
May God have mercy on their souls. 😭 😭 😭 😭
Boanerges Boanerges
Regardless of how strange Rojas may be, they are creating the environment of fear and preparing the tide of "excommunications". They are obviously setting the stage for something big, maybe this fall with the conclusion of the diabolical "synod". Today they are excommunicating those who don't recognize Bergoglio, tomorrow they will excommunicate anyone who dares to stand in his way, mark my words
excommunicated from what religion?
Pablo Rojas, a strange man, is from the Thuc line. I cannot say, however, that it is invalidly ordered.