
Francis: Church Must "Change"

John XXIII (+1963) had a "very clear perception" that the Church must "change", Francis told Telam.com.ar (October 17).

There is no indication that John XXIII has made such a statement ("change"). Francis believes in a "theological progress of moral theology and all the ecclesiastical sciences, even in the interpretation of Scripture" and that they "have progressed according to the feelings [sic!] of the Church."

Real "progress" actually took place in the times of Augustine or Thomas Aquinas - in sharp contrast to the regression since Vatican II.

For Francis, "progress" is necessary and that the Church must embrace "novelties". Unfortunately, Francis' Church is regressing and only embracing useless heresies.

He mentions the ways in which the Church has "changed" [= decayed] since Vatican II until now, and believes that this process of decadence must go on ("it must continue to change").

Lacking arguments, Francis insults those who disagree with him ("steps backwards", "path closed on itself"). He who takes the Church back to the Stone Age and is closed in his three mantras, projects his own mistakes onto them.

Francis mentioned that the Argentine Curia Cardinal Eduardo Pironio (+1998) is on his way to be "beatified" by the end of the year. Once again, Francis resorts to polemics by ranting that Pironio faced opposition from the "narrow-minded and traditionalist" [= Catholic] bishops in Argentina.

Picture: Telam, #newsJrfgrjgrgj

Vincent Capuano
Between Parmenides and Heraclitus there is Aristotle . I is not an either or question. Either there is no change or everything changes. A third option is continuity based on potentiality. Bergoglio tends to speak like Heraclitus and Hegel and avoids a prolonged philosophical discussion because he is interested in promoting change. His strategy is to use propaganda and sound bites. This is a …More
Between Parmenides and Heraclitus there is Aristotle . I is not an either or question. Either there is no change or everything changes. A third option is continuity based on potentiality. Bergoglio tends to speak like Heraclitus and Hegel and avoids a prolonged philosophical discussion because he is interested in promoting change. His strategy is to use propaganda and sound bites. This is a Psychological operation meant to change public opinion.
Church must follow the doctrine of our Lord Jesus Christ that was given down to the apostles and given down to the Popes ,Catholics will not follow heresies
Tony M
The following description from a Professor of Law at the Catholic University of America ....... is so very similar to my memories as an altar boy growing up in a small country town in the Australia in the 1950's....For those who never lived in the pre-Vatican II Church....soak this up.....it was a beautiful time to be born into the Holy Catholic Church and to for a child to learn what it is to be …More
The following description from a Professor of Law at the Catholic University of America ....... is so very similar to my memories as an altar boy growing up in a small country town in the Australia in the 1950's....For those who never lived in the pre-Vatican II Church....soak this up.....it was a beautiful time to be born into the Holy Catholic Church and to for a child to learn what it is to be truly Catholic and to develop the 'Sensus Fidelium"....Sensus Catholicus....Catholic instinct. (PS I was born in 1950) Pope Francis, Vatican II, and the Synod: my perspective as an 85-year-old Catholic - LifeSite (lifesitenews.com) Excerpt from the above article: Not many people alive today will have clear memories of the condition of the Catholic Church in the era before the Second Vatican Council. Churches were full. Many churches offered five crowded Masses every Sunday. Saturday Confession lines were tediously long. Parishes were well staffed with pastors and curates. Parishioners and their children followed the Sunday Mass attentively and reverently with their age-appropriate Latin/vernacular missals. Seminaries were full. Nuns staffed the Catholic grade schools. Children learned and understood and accepted the timeless truths of the Catholic Faith from their catechisms. All seemed well – better than well. The Church was thriving. It really was.
Agree entirely, I was also there when it happened - even more so in the 1940's.
Pax Vobiscum. 🙏 🙏
P. O'B
The New Springtime of Vatican II has all but destroyed the Church. And credit due to the Conciliar and post-Conciliar popes. Those popes must have had very short memories. And they have been/will be canonized for their efforts.
Next, Francis will demand that God change.
Everyday for Life Canada
Pope Francis should at least be honest and say that the Church must change because he and his enablers believe She must change. But the truth that Jesus taught is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.
Say it more clearly: "change" means destroyed.
Because essence cannot change.
You will hurt it, but you will not destroy it.
Wilma Lopez
Too much change isn’t a good thing. Sometimes small changes aren’t a good thing. Just ask the climate.
Pope Francis says in answer to a question on the Synod on Synodality: “The Church has to change. Let’s think of the ways it has changed since the Council until now and the way it must continue changing its ways, in the way to propose an unchanging truth. That is, the revelation of Jesus Christ does not change, the dogmas of the Church do not change, they grow and ennoble themselves like the sap of …More
Pope Francis says in answer to a question on the Synod on Synodality: “The Church has to change. Let’s think of the ways it has changed since the Council until now and the way it must continue changing its ways, in the way to propose an unchanging truth. That is, the revelation of Jesus Christ does not change, the dogmas of the Church do not change, they grow and ennoble themselves like the sap of a tree. The person who does not follow this path, follows a path that takes steps backward, a path that closes on itself. Changes in the Church take place within this identity flow of the Church. And it has to keep changing along the way, as challenges are met. That is why the core of change is fundamentally pastoral, without recanting the essence of the Church.”
Ivan Tomas
An Imperfect Council. Now.
Francis is very much a product his generation