
Francis Is “Wrong,” “Contradicts Church Doctrine,” But Is "No Heretic" – Bishop Schneider

Pope Francis' claim that the death penalty is immoral is a "contradiction" not a "development" of Catholic doctrine, Bishop Athanasius Schneider told EWTN on May 16. He went on explaining that Francis’ …More
Pope Francis' claim that the death penalty is immoral is a "contradiction" not a "development" of Catholic doctrine, Bishop Athanasius Schneider told EWTN on May 16.
He went on explaining that Francis’ Abu Dhabi declaration is wrong because it claims that God wills the positive diversity of the sexes and the bad diversity of religions in the same way. Schneider asks for a public correction because this claim is "wrong.”
Nevertheless, the Open Letter accusing Francis of heresy goes for him "too far." He believes that Francis’ [wrong] statements about marriage do “not rise to the level of heresy.”
He presents the strange theory that Francis denies the truth “in practice” but “not by words.”
The [obvious] presence of formal heresy in Francis' statements are for him only "ambiguities" which "practically" contribute to the spreading of "wrong teachings."
It seems evident that Schneider would consider the same "ambiguities" to be "heresies" if they were pronounced by somebody who is not a …More
Libor Halik
It seems evident that Schneider would consider the same "ambiguities" to be "heresies" if they were pronounced by somebody who is not a pope. Česky - Zdá se zřejmé, že Schneider by považoval tytéž "dvojznačnosti" za "hereze", kdyby je vyslovil někdo, kdo není papežem.
Evil always takes advantage of ambiguity.
In order to be allowed to offer the 1962 Latin Mass under an Indult one has to be in-line with Rome, and it's heresies. I think this is why Bishop Schneider's comments are ambiguous.
Le Précurseur
But, nevertheless, an angel from heaven would preach another Gospel than the one we preached to you, may it be anathema! That applies exactly to François, doesn't it?
Maybe he is just a dishonourable heretic who refuses to admit the fact but willingly spreads his error. Come to thing of it - thats exactly what he does.
If Schneider were dangerous, Francis would eliminate him. Schneider does not hurt Francis. Unlike. He allows Francis to continue doing whatever he pleases.
He is paid opposition, whose job is to do "damage control", in order to prevent the Flock to leave the Wolf... He himself is a wolf in sheep cloths, acting as "controlled opposition", giving to the Francis a sort of "plausible denial"
It's like a woman seeing another woman walking down the street holding hands with her husband and immediately accuses him of adultery. Technically speaking, if they have not engaged in sexual activity, he's not an adulterer. AT THE SAME TOKEN, if he truly loves and respects his wife, he would do nothing that could be misconstrued by her as his having an extramarital affair. Shouldn't Bishop Schneinder …More
It's like a woman seeing another woman walking down the street holding hands with her husband and immediately accuses him of adultery. Technically speaking, if they have not engaged in sexual activity, he's not an adulterer. AT THE SAME TOKEN, if he truly loves and respects his wife, he would do nothing that could be misconstrued by her as his having an extramarital affair. Shouldn't Bishop Schneinder be admonishing Pope Francis for his FLIRTING with heresy instead of instructing the "wife" on the finer points of what constitutes infidelity?
Marianna, you analogy is so perfectly beautiful and so so sadly true!
He looks thin and frail.
Dr Bobus
So did Pius XII. He lived to be 82.
He is not looking good at all.
Ridiculous nonsense.
“He presents the strange theory that Francis denies the truth ‘in practice’ but ‘not by words’.” !!!
Practically speaking, Francis is DENYING THE TRUTH!!!
As far as it goes, Francis used words, not spoken out loud, but in writing, when he wrote to the bishops in South America to say that their interpretation of Amoris Laetitia was the way it should be interpreted. Sadly, they were talking about …More
“He presents the strange theory that Francis denies the truth ‘in practice’ but ‘not by words’.” !!!
Practically speaking, Francis is DENYING THE TRUTH!!!
As far as it goes, Francis used words, not spoken out loud, but in writing, when he wrote to the bishops in South America to say that their interpretation of Amoris Laetitia was the way it should be interpreted. Sadly, they were talking about giving Holy Communion to the divorced and remarried who were still living in their sins. It looks like that’s denying the TRUTH by words.
If someone saw all of that play out, along with a lot of the other nonsense, and still didn’t see through him, then, it makes me think of that old adage that “no man is so blind as he who refuses to see.”
I have admired Bishop Schneider for his great reverence for Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. However, I do not understand his stance on all of this, especially in regards to Francis’, aka Bergoglio’s, poor treatment of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. I pray that Bishop Schneider and the other bishops and cardinals see through the great fog surrounding Francis/Bergoglio and his words and deeds. Please, pray that they will see the truth and proclaim it for the sake of the whole, true Catholic Church. Thank you.
Isn't a person who "contradicts Church doctrine" the textbook definition of a heretic?
(Just remember, the Vicar of Christ, in light of truth,..... is still responsible for bringing everyone towards their eternal destination,.. despite differing of opinions,... because He is responsible for the salvation of ALL mankind*)-
(Laudateur Dominum in aeternum.+)More
(Just remember, the Vicar of Christ, in light of truth,..... is still responsible for bringing everyone towards their eternal destination,.. despite differing of opinions,... because He is responsible for the salvation of ALL mankind*)-

(Laudateur Dominum in aeternum.+)