
Vatican Worried: Germany Could Stop Paying Their Heating Bills

The Vatican is terrified that the German bishops may reduce their financial contributions because Francis isn't "liberal enough," excellent Father Sean Finnegan of Arundel and Brighton Diocese, England …More
The Vatican is terrified that the German bishops may reduce their financial contributions because Francis isn't "liberal enough," excellent Father Sean Finnegan of Arundel and Brighton Diocese, England, writes on FaceBook.com (February 20).
He was told that "Germany pays the heating bills for all the Roman colleges.”
According to Finnegan’s source, Vatican finances have already been hit hard by the free-fall of donations from the U.S. due to the scandal surrounding Cardinal McCarrick and his friends and because of opposition against Francis’ modernist stances.
Picture: © Mazur, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsGwempusmpl
"Worried about the Vatican are you?"
Since you asked, no. Not even a little, Thors Catholic Hammer . Unlike you, I truly believe in the teachings of Christ, notably Matthew 16: 17-19
"You should have thought about that before you threw your lot..."
That's a lie, Crackers. I don't like Pope Francis, neither do a lot of Catholic Cardinals, I haven't "thrown in my lot"More
"Worried about the Vatican are you?"

Since you asked, no. Not even a little, Thors Catholic Hammer . Unlike you, I truly believe in the teachings of Christ, notably Matthew 16: 17-19


"You should have thought about that before you threw your lot..."

That's a lie, Crackers. I don't like Pope Francis, neither do a lot of Catholic Cardinals, I haven't "thrown in my lot" with him any more than they have. But we recognize he's still Pope. I've explained this to you before and here you go again, repeating your same lies. This is why I keep calling you a liar. You are.

"When are you going to wake up?"

I've woken up to the fact you have a head full of very faulty wiring. Maybe you can't help telling lies, maybe it's so pathologically ingrained in you by this point you can't help yourself. But that doesn't change the fact you lie to defame anyone you dislike, be it me or the Pope or anyone else.
Thors Catholic Hammer
All your protestations are null beside your entrenched support for an openly and publicly pro sodomite alleged Vicar of Christ .
These are the facts.
The more you twist and turn seeking to make it acceptable that Christ’s earthly Vicar urinates on His Church daily the more absurd you look.
Grow up ffs.
"All your protestations are null beside..."
Another one of your "passive-voice" lies. They always appear when you run out of whatever passes for your idea of "facts" or when you've been disproven even in your own eyes.
Then you resort to these vapid declarative statements. Absent any and all proof, as usual.
The only thing that "twists and turns" on GTV is the truth when you misrepresent it. …More
"All your protestations are null beside..."

Another one of your "passive-voice" lies. They always appear when you run out of whatever passes for your idea of "facts" or when you've been disproven even in your own eyes.

Then you resort to these vapid declarative statements. Absent any and all proof, as usual.

The only thing that "twists and turns" on GTV is the truth when you misrepresent it. When you're done, it's invariably the opposite.


Caps-lock always appears like that when you're wrong.
Thors Catholic Hammer
Worried about the Vatican are you?
You should have thought about that before you threw your lot in with the filth following Jorge Bergoglio SJ who poses as a “pope”.
When are you going to wake up?
The Vatican had better make certain Germany's left-wing Church can pay for everything befor alienating the rest of the Catholic world.
The Antichrist should know that from now on all radiators will be thrown away because artificial heating is not green! So we'll have to put connections on the Amazonian sun so that it can take its warmth free of charge to all the wealthy inhabitants of the planet! As for the unfortunate Catholics, they will soon be sent to the moon to clear the ground...
Dr Bobus
I doubt that the Germans pay the heating bills of North American College