
Sandro Magister: Francis Operates with Doublespeak

Francis wants to turn the Church into a “federation" of autonomous "national churches” which each have a different doctrine according to Sandro Magister. To achieve this, Francis uses doublespeak: “…More
Francis wants to turn the Church into a “federation" of autonomous "national churches” which each have a different doctrine according to Sandro Magister.
To achieve this, Francis uses doublespeak: “When he wants to introduce innovations, he never does so in clear and distinct words”, Magister writes on his blog (October 26) adding, “When he is asked for clarification, he refuses.”
Magister mentions Cardinal Sarah's attempt at clarifying the confusing motu proprio Magnum Principium which is obscure regarding the question who is in charge of approving liturgical translations, the Vatican or the local bishops. But Francis reacted “with harshness” against Sarah defending his controversial liberalizations.
Magister knows that Francis had Magnum Principium drafted behind Sarah's back.
Picture: © Martin Schulz, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsJkayqdseyy
Francis wants be a popular, so he is destroying all that is good
Ahh, doublespeak. Francis is a Jesuit and therefore a master of it. How can one make the Catholic Church protestant without it?
catholics will resist