
Liturgical Divisions: Francis Gives Bishops Control Over Liturgical Books

Pope Francis published on Saturday the Motu Proprio Magnum Principium granting bishops’ conferences greater influence over the publication of liturgical books. Until now Rome had the task of authorizing liturgical texts. From now on the bishops will authorize the texts and Rome will review them.

Deacon Nick Donnelly points out on Twitter that “the fragmentation of the communion of the Church gathers pace”. According to him the Church is divided by moral doctrine and now also by the liturgy.

Picture: © Mazur/catholicchurch.org.uk CC BY-SA, #newsVgguouoydx
Most bishops' no longer have the intellectual equipment especially competence in languages to be able to either translate or assess accurately. The present erroneous translations are an indicator of this.
I agree Dr. Reiss! Where is everyone?? Well, I do seem to remember that last year the Pope pretty much deconstructed the CDW, and axed all the conservative Cardinals. In their place, he of course appointed all liberals. That was fall of last year. The CDW is responsible, as far as I understand it, to 'approve' all the 'revisions' of the liturgy no? This according to his new Motu Proprio. The Bishops …More
I agree Dr. Reiss! Where is everyone?? Well, I do seem to remember that last year the Pope pretty much deconstructed the CDW, and axed all the conservative Cardinals. In their place, he of course appointed all liberals. That was fall of last year. The CDW is responsible, as far as I understand it, to 'approve' all the 'revisions' of the liturgy no? This according to his new Motu Proprio. The Bishops put in for the 'revisions' and sends them to the CDW to 'OK'. Before this new 'ruling' it was the other way around. The CDW was the body that held all the cards so to speak. But, just think: If a liberal Bishop wants to 'revise' the liturgy with some kind of modernist gobbilty gook the liberal CDW is going to 'disapprove'?? I don't think so. And poor Cardinal Sarah has been pretty much sidelined and made impotent in any decision making by all the liberals that are now there. It was pretty much a complete strategy by Bergoglio.
De Profundis
Motu Inappropio
Affront to Benedict XVI.
Damian Thompson on Twitter: "Under Pope Francis, power is flowing back to the jargon-spouting bishop-bureaucrats who've been emptying churches for decades."
Marietta 427
This is so dangerous.
I have posted Fr. Z's initial response here.
Its all so terrible! It took the church almost 2000 years to grow into a beautiful bride, and after Vatican 2 its taken only around 60 years to turn her into a prostitute.
Pope Francis is still trying to destroy the office of Pope. From the minute he was selected, he said he was just a "humble" bishop, and things have gone down from there.
You are perfectly right. But according to the new formulation, the Apostolic See has the task of “reviewing the approved adaptations under the law of the Episcopal Conference, as well as of ensuring that liturgical norms are observed everywhere faithfully”.
If Bishop's Conferences have no theological (or canonical?) status, are not of Divine institution, how can they be given and excercise this authority? If the Bisjop's Conference can have and exercise this authority why can't an individual bishop? And as Fr Z has wondered 'does this document give the Conferences control over the Sacramental formulas (e.g. the words of institution)?
Just one more thing for his successor to fix, God help him.