
Catholic Archbishop Chaput Replaced By Modernist Francis Partisan

Francis has chosen Cleveland Bishop Nelson Perez, 58, to replace Philadelphia Archbishop Charles Chaput, 75, on January 23.

CruxNow.com calls the appointment a "turning point." One of the country’s most vocal Catholic prelates was replaced by a radical.

Perez is the son of Cuban exiles. He will be the third Hispanic US archbishop.

In March 2019, he banned kneeling at Mass writing to all parishes that everyone has to stand through the end of the Great Amen until after Communion.

Last fall, Perez told Cruxnow.com that most American Catholics, including bishops, are supportive of Francis and have even “great love” for him.


Facts about Perez:
1. The New York Times touted Pope Francis selection of Nelson Perez to replace ‘conservative’ Archbishop Chaput
2. Fr. James Martin praises the appointment of Perez
3. Perez banned kneeling at Mass in diocese of ClevelandMore
Facts about Perez:

1. The New York Times touted Pope Francis selection of Nelson Perez to replace ‘conservative’ Archbishop Chaput
2. Fr. James Martin praises the appointment of Perez
3. Perez banned kneeling at Mass in diocese of Cleveland
Gesù è con noi
Nick Donnelly@ProtecttheFaith·Fri Jan 24th, 2020
If James Martin is thrilled by the appointment of Perez to Philadelphia you know he's a wrong'un
Gesù è con noi
Has Francis Appointed Philly Archbishop Perez lacked Transparency on Clerical Sex Abuse & Child Porn Cases? catholicmonitor.blogspot.com/…/has-francis-app…
Gesù è con noi
As long as empires go about urging their ideas on others, I always have a notion the ideas are no good. If they were really so splendid, they would make the country preaching them a wonder of the world. That's the true ideal; a great nation ought not to be a hammer, but a magnet.
De Profundis
He is a pandering leftist and an open borders Enthusiast.
Reports on Complicit Clergy are not good - pro-LGBT, pro-illegals, not much transparency on abuse, anti-tradition, mandated standing from the Agnus Dei until after Holy Communion, & apparently pro-socialist.
Thors Catholic Hammer
Every act or appoint by antipope Francis is illicit
Perez has no legal ecclesiastical authority.
...and the same can be said for the appointments of the last four "antipopes" as well. Since you're unwilling or unable to the extensive indictments made against these "antipopes" the charges stand unchallenged. Thus, your claim can (and by all rights should) apply to them as well.
Thors Catholic Hammer
Still on with this crypto sedevacantist nonsense I see.
You have failed monumentally to display a single formal doctrinal heresy made by any of these popes whilst in office that you list.
The alleged "pope" Bergoglio on the other hand has made several doctrinal heresies.
This means he can not be a pope even were he validly elected which is extremely doubtful in itself.
Still on with this crypto sedevacantist nonsense I see.
You have failed monumentally to display a single formal doctrinal heresy made by any of these popes whilst in office that you list.
The alleged "pope" Bergoglio on the other hand has made several doctrinal heresies.
This means he can not be a pope even were he validly elected which is extremely doubtful in itself.
"Still on with this crypto sedevacantist nonsense I see."
No, you don't "see". I'm not a crypto-sedevacantist. I've repeatedly said as much and you're simply choosing, at this point, to flat-out lie when you claim otherwise.
You're a liar, Thor.
"You have failed monumentally to display a single formal doctrinal heresy made by any of these popes whilst in office that you list."
Oh really? Explain …More
"Still on with this crypto sedevacantist nonsense I see."

No, you don't "see". I'm not a crypto-sedevacantist. I've repeatedly said as much and you're simply choosing, at this point, to flat-out lie when you claim otherwise.

You're a liar, Thor.

"You have failed monumentally to display a single formal doctrinal heresy made by any of these popes whilst in office that you list."

Oh really? Explain why, to this day you have never once disproven any of the charges of heresy others have presented. And there are a LOT of charges.

Remember, also, you must disprove ALL of them if you wanted to clear a Pope of the accusation. Instead, you've disproven NONE of them.

I've posted that long list of critical web-sites enough times by now that it's obvious you're unable or unwilling to refute them.

Instead, your strategy is just to make "canonical-sounding" accusations and then to go on repeating them as if you've somehow proven their validity. What you're doing is not even sound debating as much as third-rate rhetoric.

"The alleged "pope" Bergoglio on the other hand has made several doctrinal heresies. This means he can not be a pope even were he validly elected which is extremely doubtful in itself."

...and again, the same can be said for Benedict XVI and his predecessors.

They too have advanced doctrinal heresies. You've seen the list and you continue to ignore it. When is that "penny going to drop"?

In your case, probably never. You don't care about Canon Law or Church Magisterium except when it suits you. If the previous popes contradicted both, it obviously doesn't bother you in the slightest.
Thors Catholic Hammer
To Ultraviolet.
Name one, just one , doctrinal heresy on a serious matter of faith and morals promulgated by any sitting pope from Pius x to Benedict xvi.
You won’t be able because there are none.
You can quote all the lists you like but I’m asking you to name one that you believe to be the case.
Put it up and I will prove you WRONG.
One? I have linked entire web-pages FILLED with them.
And... again. This doesn't come down to one, just one "doctrinal heresy". You must disprove ALL of them for EACH Pope. You're in for a real tough time with the quiet, scholarly, and voluminous authorship of Benedict XVI. His critics had a field-day with his books.
Oh, I understand your reasoning here. You want to re-argue those heresies with …More
One? I have linked entire web-pages FILLED with them.

And... again. This doesn't come down to one, just one "doctrinal heresy". You must disprove ALL of them for EACH Pope. You're in for a real tough time with the quiet, scholarly, and voluminous authorship of Benedict XVI. His critics had a field-day with his books.

Oh, I understand your reasoning here. You want to re-argue those heresies with me, instead of refuting those you recognize are better versed on the subject than yourself!

I am not your opponent, Thor. Your opponent is the truth. Your opponent is the most accurate and effective presentation of the truth available. And you fail. I know you've looked over "all the lists I like" and you've been avoiding them ever since. You don't -like- what's on those pages. Too bad.

You want me to re-argue every case for over half a century of papacies. Why on earth would I do something silly like that? The work is already done and, as we both see, done very well.

If you wish to claim that the last four papacies were entirely free of "doctrinal heresy" then disproving each and every accusation made is YOUR job.

Perhaps you need a refresher in how debating works, Thor.

I made a claim and you challenged it.

I have supplied numerous sites detailing extensive evidence in support of that claim.

You have done nothing to refute that evidence.

It is YOUR job to refute and disprove the evidence presented. All of it, for each pope listed, if you are to refute my claim.

Loudly demanding that I re-state the evidence and bold claims you can disprove that re-statement is not a valid answer.

The evidence has already been presented.

It's been presented, repeatedly for quite some time now.

This is just another deflection on your part, another way for you to avoid doing what you should. i.e. refuting the evidence I presented in support of my claim.

If you can't or if you won't then your challenge fails, and my claim stands unrefuted.

Get crackin', Thor. :D You have a lot of work ahead of you. Over half a century's worth.
De Profundis
Maybe Cleveland can start to kneel again.....
“Rooted in Pope Francis’ Apostolic Exhortation, “The Joy of the Gospel”, Bishop Perez’s pastoral vision can be summarized as: “Church on Mission: Proactive, Involved, Supportive, Fruitful, and Joyful” (Evangelii gaudium, n.24)”
Read here: www.usccb.org/news/2020/20-18.cfm
Good news for Cleveland.