
Excommunicated Hermits: “Francis Lost Papacy”

A January 4 manifesto (ProtectThePope.com) of the excommunicated Westray hermits explains their position towards Francis whom they call a “terrible False Pope.” They don't doubt Francis' election, "…More
A January 4 manifesto (ProtectThePope.com) of the excommunicated Westray hermits explains their position towards Francis whom they call a “terrible False Pope.”
They don't doubt Francis' election, "However, with the appearance of Amoris Laetitia, and his other heresies, Pope Francis became a heretic, ceased being a Catholic, and was therefore no longer Pope." Likewise, the Magisterium and the See of Peter ceased to be "for the time being."
The manifesto explains that Francis is like a primary cancerous tumour while the Curia as turned into a secondary cancer, "The patient, the Church, bar Christ’s intervention, has almost no chance of recovery."
However, they know that the Church will arise again "but the time is not yet.”
Picture: Stephen de Kerdrel, #newsVlmqfvjkgc
Regretting the state of the Roman Catholic Church, no one takes into account that St. Peter's barge reached the shores of the God's Kingdom on the earth. This is not a church crisis, it is a breakthrough! Below are the words of Jesus Christ to the servant of God Luisa Piccarreta (d. 1947):
„The world Finds itself in the precise situation that existed when I (Jesus) was about to come upon the earth …More
Regretting the state of the Roman Catholic Church, no one takes into account that St. Peter's barge reached the shores of the God's Kingdom on the earth. This is not a church crisis, it is a breakthrough! Below are the words of Jesus Christ to the servant of God Luisa Piccarreta (d. 1947):
„The world Finds itself in the precise situation that existed when I (Jesus) was about to come upon the earth. All were in expectation of a Great Event, of a New Era; as in fact did come to pass. And so it is now. With the Great Event which must come to pass – the New Era in which the Will of God is done on earth as in Heaven – all are in expectation of this New Era, weary of the present, but without knowing what this New Thing will be – this change – as they did not know it when I came upon the earth.”
„The Theme which your Jesus asks of you is the Most Noble Theme that can exist: that is of the Eternal Will… When I speak to you of My Divine Will, which is My whole Self, there goes out from Me a Life, which is the Greatest Gift which exists. I AM eager to see if men are capable of receiving It….This Knowledge will be a Powerful Magnet which will draw creatures. It will bring them to Receive the Inheritance of My Divine Will; and it will at last bring to light the Second Generation of the Sons of Light, the Sons of the Divine Will. Be attentive, My Daughter (Luisa), because you will be the spokesman, the bell, which will call together this generation of My Predilection, so ardently desired by Me.” luisapiccarreta.me
Thors Catholic Hammer
The gloria tv cartoon sums up well the diabolic nature of this antipopes true agenda.