
Jesuits Abolish Sacred Heart Procession

The Jesuits of Malaga, Spain, have cancelled their Sacred Heart procession, which was due to take place on June 18. Father Pablo Ruiz Lozano, the local superior, explained that the decision to suspend …More
The Jesuits of Malaga, Spain, have cancelled their Sacred Heart procession, which was due to take place on June 18.
Father Pablo Ruiz Lozano, the local superior, explained that the decision to suspend the procession from this year onwards, was taken following the death of Father Manuel Cantero Pérez, 85, who oversaw it until his death in April 2020.
The organising committee stated that it “doesn't share” the motives that have led the Jesuits to take this decision” (DiarioSur.es, May 7).
The procession had a long history but was interrupted between 1901-1915 because of attacks by socialist Church haters.
Picture: Diario Sur, #newsYcbjmzwvqi
Most likely, the Sacred Heart offends these Jesuits.
Just do it without them 🤔
Arthur McGowan
I remember reading at least a decade ago that the youngest Jesuit in Spain had just turned 70. Does anyone have up-to-date statistics?
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Don't know about numbers in Spain, but I do remember that before the disaster of Vatican II, there were over 10,000 Jesuit priests in the USA alone, and an unbelievable close to 5,000 seminarians,novices,postulants and aspirants in the USA alone. Today, as of 2023, I do know that there are about 1,800 or alittle less Jesuit priests in the USA, about 80 Brothers, and about 140 total seminarians,…More
Don't know about numbers in Spain, but I do remember that before the disaster of Vatican II, there were over 10,000 Jesuit priests in the USA alone, and an unbelievable close to 5,000 seminarians,novices,postulants and aspirants in the USA alone. Today, as of 2023, I do know that there are about 1,800 or alittle less Jesuit priests in the USA, about 80 Brothers, and about 140 total seminarians,novices,postulants and aspirants for the USA (that's too many 🤪). Worldwide, the Jesuits have collapsed, down from 36,100 before the filth of Vatican II, to about just 13,700 today. India was once touted as a country where the Jesuits were still growing, while collapsing elsewhere. NOT ANY LONGER. Jesuits are collapsing there too.
The class of Jesuit BROTHERS world wide is nearly extinct. And the median age of Jesuits lumped as a whole is about 72.
The reason who the Sacred Heart devotions of the Jesuits have been canceled are probably any or all of the below:
a) The Jesuits don't believe in it anymore.
b) There are not any Jesuits left knowledgeable of the Feast and the theology and devotion behind it.
c). They're all too old to get involved anymore
d) They don't have any younger Jesuits to step forward
e) They're more interested in homosexuals, blessings for gays, gender ideology, TRANS, migrants, Muslims, ecumenism, etc. to get involved with something they consider outdated.
f). Francis is a Jesuit who has never spoken about the Sacred Heart of Jesus or promoted devotion to it....so the Jesuits are following his lead...apostacy,
Arthur McGowan
Not with a bang but a whimper. It looks as though the Church will be rid of them soon.