Francis On Practiced Homosexuality: "I Bless Two People Who LOVE Each other"

In his blasphemous interview with (8 February), Francis also said: "I don't bless a 'homosexual marriage', I bless two people who love (sic) each other, and I also ask them to pray for me." …More
In his blasphemous interview with (8 February), Francis also said:
"I don't bless a 'homosexual marriage', I bless two people who love (sic) each other, and I also ask them to pray for me."
"Always in confession, when these situations come up, homosexual people, remarried people, I always pray and bless. The blessing is not to be withheld from anyone. Everyone, everyone. Mind you, I am talking about people: those who are capable of receiving baptism."
Francis who is often dismissive and harsh and displays a sour face, has an undeniable weakness for people involved in homosexual sins.
Opera 369
He'll do anything to get publicity and everything to destroy the Gospel, the Magisterium... the Catholic Church!
Such vile affections are beastly and unnatural, and have no basis whatsoever in genuine romantic LOVE, which springs forth from the divine and from the holiness of God, and can only be authentically held by a male and female for each other. Sodomite pairs and their deviant female counterparts can only mimic true love within the construct of their illicit and depraved partnership. What they share …More
Such vile affections are beastly and unnatural, and have no basis whatsoever in genuine romantic LOVE, which springs forth from the divine and from the holiness of God, and can only be authentically held by a male and female for each other. Sodomite pairs and their deviant female counterparts can only mimic true love within the construct of their illicit and depraved partnership. What they share is a mummer's parody birthed out of their unclean connection, a merging that is bathed in filth and built upon an animalistic attraction rooted in sexual and/or psychological lust. Those who experience and participate in such things suffer from a diabolical delusion that — in their sick imitation of God’s gift of natural romantic love found only between a male and female — makes a perverted mockery of true espousal and holy matrimony. It is a counterfeit “love," a fake, farcical, dirty, polluted thing, a chain of wickedness forged in the deepest abyss of hell and crafted by the foul hands of Satan himself, that binds and entraps the two transgressors together in their iniquity. This then, is what the Holy Father says he “blesses” and sanctions, and would have all other Priests to do likewise. May God, in His unfathomable mercies, help His Church and deliver us all from the smothering darkness that cloaks this age.
De Profundis
What is Francis' definition of love?
Sandy Barrett shares this
Francis Says Homo Couples Are ‘Two People Who Love Each Other’
John A Cassani
No Catholic would ever say such a thing.
They may love one another, but don't have the courage or integrity to renounce the sinful relationship so that both may have an opportunity to return to the faith and eventually to go to heaven.
Naomi Arai
Two people who LUST for each other.
Not Catholic!!
Sandy Barrett
Francis literally says “I’m blessing two people who are in love.” There just isn’t any way to interpret that in an orthodox manner.
He's given his imprimatur to the homo slogan "Love is Love" 😱 😤
Louis IX
Someone please hand this man the definition of the word love.
Boanerges Boanerges
The devil himself couldn't put it better
Everyday for Life Canada
How sad that in a world that faces so many serious moral issues the pope is obsessed about “blessing” people of the same sex who love each other. Is this what Christ would do?