An Act of God cancels NYC Pride …as city warns of severe thunderstorms.
Opera 369
Where has all the BEAUTY gone ?!
Alex A
How can anyone with a modicum of decency take a child to such vulgarity is beyond my comprehension. Thank GOD for the THUNDERSTORM WARNING!
Someone has good prayers! DG
Liam Ronan
As did the chaplain who, having been ordered by General Patton to compose a prayer causing the snowstorm to cease before commencing battle. Ever since known as "General Patton's Prayer".
Dublin was a wash out too
It got canceled in Poland also but it was b/c the pridies were rained upon by tomatoes and trash by Catholics who were protecting their children. It also was shut down in Russia but that needs no explanation.
Liam Ronan
Good for God's LGBT rainout; however not so for Gloria.tv who publishes and republishes those blasphemous photos of the statue of Naked Virgin Mary Giving Birth from Linz Cathedral. Is there no Editor or review process? Clearly an insult to the Virgin Mary and to Gloria.tv readers.
Billy F