
Conservative Diocese Cancels Mass, Communion Rail

The weekly Saturday morning Roman Rite Mass in Lincoln Cathedral, Nebraska, has been cancelled, the Cathedral rector Thomas Fucinaro writes in a February 11 letter.

Lincoln Bishop James Conley ordered to abolish the Mass legalistically following Francis’ rigid Traditionis Custodes. In the same letter, Fucinaro announced the removal of the Communion rail. According to him, the current rail is “out of harmony” with the [horrendous] architecture of the Cathedral.

Lincoln Diocese used to be a refuge for Catholicism for decades. In 2018, it had the highest number of seminarians per Catholics in the USA. However, there were rumours of a homosex subculture in the seminary.

Before becoming a diocesan priest, Bishop Conley, a convert from Presbyterianism, considered a monastic vocation at the Roman Rite French Abbey of Fontgombault. From December 2019 to November 2020, he took a medical leave of absence for depression.

Picture: NewLiturgicalMovement.org, #newsRqefioicvw

De Profundis shares this
Bishop Conley why? Perplexed that he has removed a communion-rail and canceled the Traditional Latin Mass at his cathedral!
Jan Joseph
Weer een Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie kerk die binnenkort moet sluiten, per dag gaan er wereldwijd meer dag 100 Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie kerken dicht en worden er per dag meer dan 25 Tridentijnse of Romeinse Rooms Katholieke kerken geopend.
Brian Williams on Lincoln Diocese
Why Aren’t Other Dioceses Looking to Lincoln?
Sounds like the archbishop won't stand for a real Catholic mass. Any protestant service will be tolerated, though