
Irish Diocese: No Priest for a Decade, No Seminarians

Achonry Bishop Paul Dempsey, 51, told his diocese “to let go of some of the familiar ways we have experienced parish life in the past.” “The crisis has become very real,” he wrote in his Lenten letter …More
Achonry Bishop Paul Dempsey, 51, told his diocese “to let go of some of the familiar ways we have experienced parish life in the past.”
“The crisis has become very real,” he wrote in his Lenten letter. The last priestly ordination in the diocese was 2013. "We currently have no student studying for the priesthood.”
According to Dempsey, in ten years, at best, there will be 12 priests serving in the 23 parishes of the diocese. He writes that “we have never been here before.”
Only recently, Francis described Vatican II as a "visit of God to his Church" to make the Church "more and more alive" (sic).
Picture: © Mazur/cbcew.org.uk, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsOreltqadfe
alfred dunn
Call the FSSP in. They are vocations.
But, by all means, ban the ancient Mass🤦‍♀️They know exactly what they're doing...
Patient: Doctor, doctor, I have no energy. I get sick really often. My legs have stopped working. I actually feel like I am dying. My life force is ebbing away.
Doctor: You have to embrace this new way of being. This is simply a new stage in you development. Forget about how you physically felt before. We have to move forward.
Patient: Do you think it might be diet related?, My decline seems to …More
Patient: Doctor, doctor, I have no energy. I get sick really often. My legs have stopped working. I actually feel like I am dying. My life force is ebbing away.
Doctor: You have to embrace this new way of being. This is simply a new stage in you development. Forget about how you physically felt before. We have to move forward.
Patient: Do you think it might be diet related?, My decline seems to coincide with the diet you prescribed for me.
Doctor: Oh no. That new diet is specifically designed to renew you. You know bring a new spring to your step. Make you glow.
Patient: But it appears to be killing me doctor.
Doctor: You just haven't given it enough time.🤒
Jason l
francis is smoking crack to talk like that.