
Francis, "We Have To Create Civil Unions For Homosexuals"

“What we have to create is a civil union law," Francis says in a documentary entitled “Francesco” which premiered in Rome on October 21, CatholicNewsAgency.com writes.

“I stood up for that,” he added claiming that practicing homosexuals are “children of God” and have a "right” to a "family."

Francis' statements oppose Catholic teaching and common sense.

In March 2003, Cardinal Ratzinger published Considerations Regarding Proposals to Give Legal Recognition to Unions Between Homosexual Persons. The document does “not contain new doctrinal elements” but provide “arguments drawn from reason”.

It stresses that there are “absolutely no grounds” for considering homosexual unions to be in any way analogous to God's plan for marriage and family, “Marriage is holy, while homosexual acts go against the natural moral law.”

Where homosexuals have been given rights belonging to marriage, “clear and emphatic opposition is a duty,” the document concludes.

Picture: “Francesco”, #newsMvusnrohsl

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Gesù è con noi
In the Modern Schism Treaty written by Saint Vincent Ferrer in a time that for almost forty years the majority of Christians did not know who the legitimate pope was, the heretical idea of Ultraviolet is refuted, who obsessively cites and compulsively repeats: Canon Law 751 defines schism as "the refusal of submission to the Supreme Pontiff..." to promote the heretical, apostate and schism idea …More
In the Modern Schism Treaty written by Saint Vincent Ferrer in a time that for almost forty years the majority of Christians did not know who the legitimate pope was, the heretical idea of Ultraviolet is refuted, who obsessively cites and compulsively repeats: Canon Law 751 defines schism as "the refusal of submission to the Supreme Pontiff..." to promote the heretical, apostate and schism idea that you have to obey a heretic as if he were a valid pope. This document also explained that giving papal honor to a false pope violates the First Commandment and Saint Vincent Ferrer pointed this out as a grave sin of idolatry. In this treaty he wrote: "If there is schism, there must be schismatics, who are not precisely those who obey the true pope, but those who obey the false as if it were legitimate..."
Gesù è con noi
En el Tratado del Cisma Moderno redactado por San Vicente Ferrer en una época en la que durante casi cuarenta años la mayoría de los cristianos no sabía quién era el Papa legítimo, se refuta la idea herética del Ultravioleta, quien obsesivamente cita y repite compulsivamente: el Derecho Canónico 751 define cisma como "la negativa de someterse al Sumo Pontífice ..." para promover la idea herética …More
En el Tratado del Cisma Moderno redactado por San Vicente Ferrer en una época en la que durante casi cuarenta años la mayoría de los cristianos no sabía quién era el Papa legítimo, se refuta la idea herética del Ultravioleta, quien obsesivamente cita y repite compulsivamente: el Derecho Canónico 751 define cisma como "la negativa de someterse al Sumo Pontífice ..." para promover la idea herética, apóstata y cismática de que hay que obedecer a un hereje como si fuera un Papa válido. Este documento también se explica que dar honor papal a un falso Papa viola el Primer Mandamiento y que San Vicente Ferrer señaló esto como un grave pecado de idolatría. En este tratado él claramente escribió que: "Si existe el cisma, es necesario que haya cismáticos, que no son precisamente los que obedecen al papa verdadero, sino los que obedecen al falso cual si fuera legítimo...."
Gesù è con noi
Abraham Skorka also revealed that Bergoglio supports the practice of sodomy.
One more comment from Gesù è con noi
Gesù è con noi
"According to @Ultraviolet, Bergoglio is like Lucifer to which everyone must blindly obey..." I said just the opposite literally today. Direct UV Quote::"One may submit to the Supreme Pontiff, nowhere does Canon Law state one must agree with the Supreme Pontiff or follow the Supreme Pontiff when he errs, especially when his errors might well lead him to Hell."
Do you not read or do you just …More
"According to @Ultraviolet, Bergoglio is like Lucifer to which everyone must blindly obey..." I said just the opposite literally today. Direct UV Quote::"One may submit to the Supreme Pontiff, nowhere does Canon Law state one must agree with the Supreme Pontiff or follow the Supreme Pontiff when he errs, especially when his errors might well lead him to Hell."

Do you not read or do you just lie and hope I won't catch the lile? Either way, you owe me an apology.

"According to @Ultraviolet, Bergoglio is a superior being on the planet, a pseudo god who can commit heresy, apostasy and schism with impunity without being automatically excommunicated."

Wrong again because charges of heresy, apostasy and schism are
1.) different from each other
2.) contradictory (an apostate renounces his fatih, a heretic does not)
3.) not YOUR pervue to judge. Simply put, stupido, your say-so isn't the say-so of The Church. When did YOU get appointed by the Catholic Church as Inquisitor General?

Judging by your lies about me, you are unable to properly discern (much less judge) such matters. You're just blowing the same smoke you do at your Santa Muerte offrenda. :P
I don't need YOU teling GTV what I believe, unless you're quoting me directly, you clown @Gesù è con noiYou can't be a heretic AND a schismatic AND an apostate at the same time, you stupid mouth-breathing dung-shovelling peasant. People like you are the reason California is a lost-cause. Three cheers for the wonderful "diverstiy" you've brought to the state. Are you an illegal immigrant, as well?
Gesù è con noi
According to @Ultraviolet, Bergoglio is like Lucifer to which everyone must blindly obey as if he were a God.
According to @Ultraviolet, Bergoglio is a superior being on the planet, a pseudo god who can commit heresy, apostasy and schism with impunity without being automatically excommunicated.
Gesù è con noi
Bergoglio has never been pope for a single day of his life because he had already deviated from the Catholic faith in Argentina where he was already a schism, a heretic and an apostate. The Magisterium of the Church has decreed in perpetuity that the elevation of a heretic to the papacy is invalid and null.
Gesù è con noi
Ultraviolet believes that Bergoglio in Argentina was above the Magisterium of the Church and above God.
Explain how "schismatic" "Bergoglio" refuses to submit to himself, Gesù è con noi. :P Your words "Jorge Bergoglio is an apostate, a schismatic and a heretic" Canon Law 751 defines schism as "the refusal of submission to the Supreme Pontiff..."
Right now, "Jorge Bergoglio" IS the Supreme Pontiff, you fool. How does Jorge Bergoglio refuse to submit to Jorge Bergoglio? :D This is just as mindless …More
Explain how "schismatic" "Bergoglio" refuses to submit to himself, Gesù è con noi. :P Your words "Jorge Bergoglio is an apostate, a schismatic and a heretic" Canon Law 751 defines schism as "the refusal of submission to the Supreme Pontiff..."

Right now, "Jorge Bergoglio" IS the Supreme Pontiff, you fool. How does Jorge Bergoglio refuse to submit to Jorge Bergoglio? :D This is just as mindless as your last big stupidity about the Vatican coin. How does Mother Earth ("Madre Terra" courtesy of V.R.S. .) carry the earth in herself or, eventually, give birth to the earth, namely herself?

Is there a special school where you learned to contradict yourself like this? :D

Likewise, heresy, as the Church defines it in Canon Law 751, is "an obstinate denial or obstinate doubt after the reception of baptism of some truth which is to be believed by divine and Catholic faith; "

Copy-pasta time... Obstinacy shows a deliberate course of action, i.e. "stubbornly adhering to an opinion, purpose, or course in spite of reason, arguments, or persuasion."

In this context, the term shows that
a.) the accused heretic has expressed a view
b.) The Church has disgreed with that view as contrary to its teachings.
c.) The Church has attempted to correct the accused heretic
d.) the accused heretic has opposed that correction by the Church.

Regarding Pope Francis,
a.) has happened.
b.)-d.) have not.

Canon Law 751 states "apostasy is the total repudiation of the Christian faith;"

...which Pope Francis clearly is not doing. His views on the Christian faith might be riddled with errors, but he has not repudiated his Christian faith (however he defines it) totally.

Borrowing the phrase, "Once again it is shown that..." Gesu is a vindictive idiot who throws accusations at the Pope that are not supported by the laws and definitions of the Catholic Church.

Gesu neither knows nor cares about these distinctions. That's a given.

Likewise, he does not realize he isn't qualified to pronounce such judgements on behalf ot the Catholic Church.

A personal opinion that the Pope doubts or denies a truth taught by the Church to be divine is not an objective fact. Likewise, that suspicion of his supposed doubt or denial is maintained in an obstinate manner is also an unproven. Most importantly, no one has ever shown The Church has attempted to correct it and failed. So the claim has no support.

A more relevant question in light of a charge of heresy is this:
Who has the temporal authority to represent the Church when attempting to correct the supposed errors of the Church's highest temporal authority?

I truly hoped I'd seen the last of "Catholic-sounding accusations" when Crazy Jimmy from Ohio finally got himself banned for death threats..

The Pope's own views might well be contrary to the teachings of the Catholic Church. However, they remain his own and not those of the Church. Popes are not infallible every time they open their mouths. Neither are Catholic saints, as a recent GTV cartoon helpfully reminded everyone.
By next week, this will be forgotten, buried under an avalanche of other news.
la verdad prevalece
Let him be anathema!!!!
Do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived! Fornicators, idolaters, adulterers, male prostitutes, sodomites, 10 thieves, the greedy, drunkards, revilers, robbers—none of these will inherit the kingdom of God. 1 Corinthians 6
Gesù è con noi
Once again it is shown that the Gay activist Jorge Bergoglio is an apostate, a schismatic and a heretic who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit by openly rebelling against the Natural Law given by God and against the IMMUTABLE teachings of our Holy Catholic Church.
Gesù è con noi
It is worth remembering that Bergoglio started this rebellion in Argentina so his obstinacy in the sodomizing heresy is another proof of his blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. Romans 1:32 Although they know God's righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.
P. O'B
Thank you for posting this link. I am listening now, and I recall hearing it many years ago. But now we are seeing in front of us what Fr. Martin foresaw.
They have a right to be given the children dammit. It's not like leaving young boys with priests ever caused any issues!
comfort ye
Unpardonable proposition.
Holy Cannoli
Hugh N. Cry