
Six Transvestites! Cardinal Zen Should Have Dressed Up As A Woman

After his June 22 Audience, the Argentinean pro-gay activist Jorge Mario Bergoglio, who happens to be Pope Francis, met six transvestites – one Italien and five foreigners. According to FanPage.it (…More
After his June 22 Audience, the Argentinean pro-gay activist Jorge Mario Bergoglio, who happens to be Pope Francis, met six transvestites – one Italien and five foreigners.
According to FanPage.it (June 23), A. Nobile, the only Italian of the group, a prostitute, said after the meeting that “it was emotional, we felt welcomed without prejudice.” Francis reserves his prejudices for Catholics. Most of the transvestites in Rome are prostitutes.
For Nobile, the meeting was of a “strong symbolic value” since it took place during “the month of Pride.” It was organised by French Sister Genevier who lives in an amusement park near Rome. She warned Bergoglio that she would show up with more than one man. “Bring them all,” Francis replied who let Cardinal Zen, 90, wait in vain in the rain.
Nobile, 43, introduced himself to Bergoglio , “I am an transgender girl”.
“Francis replied that he did not care who I was, that we have only one Father,” Nobile recounted, confirming that Francis confirmed him …More
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Bergoglio hates homosexuals, instead of preaching the Gospel to them, he maliciously lies to them so that they do not repent, but persist in sin so that they are not saved but damned. He is the one who discriminates against them because he is the one who excludes them from the Kingdom of Heaven and opens a wide door to Hell.
This is a Frankie staged event, they were paid and transported to the audience/photo opportunity. These are time paid workers; do you think they took time off of their prostitution jobs to do this for free?
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Between Jorge Bergoglio and them there is a great similarity because Jorge is a heretic who pretends to be Pope and they are men who pretend to be women.
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The sin of impenitence of these homosexual transvestites is diabolical madness since they have identified themselves with the sin of sodomy, acquiring a pseudo-identity contrary to their own God-given nature. The devil has sealed their minds so that they reject the sex that God gave them. Bergoglio's Malice is diabolical because instead of leading them to repentance so that they are saved, he is …More
The sin of impenitence of these homosexual transvestites is diabolical madness since they have identified themselves with the sin of sodomy, acquiring a pseudo-identity contrary to their own God-given nature. The devil has sealed their minds so that they reject the sex that God gave them. Bergoglio's Malice is diabolical because instead of leading them to repentance so that they are saved, he is asking the Church to betray the faith and accept the impenitent who practice the sin of sodomy and its perverse variants. He is not asking sinners to repent but the Church for Inclusion. The acceptance of the Sin of homosexuality. He wants people to fall into apostasy and join him in rebellion against the Laws of God. That apostates join him in his defiance against the teachings of the Catholic Church. Bergoglio deceives them and it is he himself who excludes them from the Kingdom of God. The Bible clearly teaches us that we should not be fooled because neither homosexuals nor effeminate (transvestite homosexuals) nor homosexual prostitutes will inherit the Kingdom of God.
Bergoglio did not die for them, yet they accept Bergoglio and despise God.

They are now accepted and applauded by Bergoglio's apostate sect.

But what good is it to them? because if they do not repent they will be eternally rejected by God.

It is useless for them to be accepted stubborn in their perversion because to be living members of the Church they need to repent and abandon sin. It is they themselves who exclude themselves from the Kingdom of God by persisting in their rebellion. An unrepentant sinner despises accepting Christ as his redeemer and tramples on his holy Blood. By refusing to repent, they, supported by Bergoglio, are committing the serious sin of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit....
A homosexual is committing spiritual suicide if a priest does not help him to abandon mortal sin, that bad priest is not a doctor of the soul but a murderer who is committing assisted suicide.
Bergoglio is at the service of the devil and takes souls to Hell in a golden chariot.
LOve the sinner hate the sin >"Jesus said to the woman "i will not condemn you ,Go and sin no more .
One more comment from Knights4Christ
Furthermore, promoting the acceptance of a MORTAL sin is not loving the sinner, it is hating him.
If the pouting trannies really think they are women, and Francis is really the Pope, where are their mantillas? Of course, it's really just a publicity stunt for both parties.
Wearing a mantilla would be the catalyst for the Pontiff to judge them as being too rigid. However, he lacks the ability to discern whether or not there's anything wrong with being an intrinsically disordered sexual deviant.
We have been waiting (thirsting) for Catholic bishops for decades. Will the real Athanasius please stand up?
Ave Crux
This heartbreaking....souls who truly love and treasure the Catholic Faith, often at great cost to themselves, are condemned and criticized; while those who reject Our Lord's teachings and the Ten Commandments are honored and privileged.
It's one thing to accompany sinners with love to counsel and lead them to conversion of life; it's another thing altogether to affirm them in such outrageous …More
This heartbreaking....souls who truly love and treasure the Catholic Faith, often at great cost to themselves, are condemned and criticized; while those who reject Our Lord's teachings and the Ten Commandments are honored and privileged.

It's one thing to accompany sinners with love to counsel and lead them to conversion of life; it's another thing altogether to affirm them in such outrageous aberrations and honor them with special privileges denied to devout and concerned Catholics, as though they exemplify the ideals to be lived and accepted by all.
It seems he prefers (to Propers of the Mass) Proper Pronouns.
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Bergoglio does not seek the salvation of souls but the Perdition of souls
In their rebellion against God they join Bergoglio as they trample on God's Law. Instead of repenting so that they can be saved, Bergoglio maliciously supports them in their obstinacy in the abominable vice of sodomy so that they commit the unforgivable sin of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.
1 Corinthians 6:9-10
9 Know …More
Bergoglio does not seek the salvation of souls but the Perdition of souls
In their rebellion against God they join Bergoglio as they trample on God's Law. Instead of repenting so that they can be saved, Bergoglio maliciously supports them in their obstinacy in the abominable vice of sodomy so that they commit the unforgivable sin of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.

1 Corinthians 6:9-10

9 Know you not that the unjust shall not possess the kingdom of God? Do not err: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers,

10 Nor the effeminate, nor liers with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor railers, nor extortioners, shall possess the kingdom of God.
Linda Iris Kachur
Bergoglio isn't even human. Caught a photo on line with his right hand looking green and three claws.
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Bergoglio´s Apostasy in Action.
Rand Miller
Francis wanted to get close to the smell of the sheep (dead sheep).
Foxx269 shares this
Wow….just unbelievable.
Francis is leading this terribly confused souls to hell. If he does not repent, he will join them there
When ever known Transgenders- (men who have gender dysphoria) gets an audience with the pope, this isn't a private meeting for spiritual counsel and the good of their soul, but a loud public statement to those opposed to the spirit of the council. As pope he is saying, publically, I afirm them in their lifestyle and a way should be made for them in Church as they are and as they self-identify.
Defeat Modernism
Francis, the 'pope' for the perishing.