Ratzinger Turned Grey Overnight at the Age of 29 Ratzinger Turned Grey Overnight at the Age of 29 The famous Munich theologian Father Michael Schmaus rejected the habilitation work of young Father …More
Ratzinger Turned Grey Overnight at the Age of 29
Ratzinger Turned Grey Overnight at the Age of 29
The famous Munich theologian Father Michael Schmaus rejected the habilitation work of young Father Joseph Ratzinger in 1956. This was for Ratzinger - according to Peter Seewald’s new biography “Benedict XVI Ein Leben” - "like a stab right into his heart". After this, contemporary witnesses saw Ratzinger disheartened, depressed and tremendously shaken. The 29-year-old "turned grey almost overnight". He was - in his own words - "as if hit by lightning."
Flowery Words and Lots of Feelings
Ratzinger considered Professor Schmaus as "stuck in the pre-war period." Conversely, Ratzinger was for Schmaus a modernist and "almost dangerous." Schmaus explained: "Ratzinger knows how to put things into flowery formulations, but where is the core of the matter?" For Ratzinger's friend and mentor Father Alfred Läpple, Ratzinger stands "for a theology of feelings." And, "He shuns clear definitions.” For Läpple …More
A practiced and skilled equivocator. He could not even give a straight answer to that last either/or question. Great video. Thank you.
Holy Cannoli
The 29-year-old "turned grey almost overnight".
Not always a bad thing. Sometimes grey can look pretty good. 🥳More
The 29-year-old "turned grey almost overnight".

Not always a bad thing. Sometimes grey can look pretty good. 🥳
Don Reto Nay
You must have grey hair, if you like them so much 🤭
Holy Cannoli
😎 .