
Pope Francis Insulting Priests for Being “Boring”

Pope Francis visited the parish Santissimo Sacramento in a southern suburb of Rome on May 6. During a question meeting, a 15-year-old girl told Francis that many of her schoolmates believe that the …More
Pope Francis visited the parish Santissimo Sacramento in a southern suburb of Rome on May 6.
During a question meeting, a 15-year-old girl told Francis that many of her schoolmates believe that the Church is "boring" and asked him how she could bring them closer to the Church.
Francis answered that “sometimes, your friends are right; some pastors, sisters and laymen are really boring.”
He did not mention the reason why this is so: The New Liturgy expects every priest to be an entertainer which most of the priests are not.
Francis went on complaining about a lack of "joy of the Gospel" claiming [again] that the Church has no mission to go out to the people in order to convert them to the Faith.
According to him the people in Jerusalem turned to the young Church only because they saw that the Christians were "happy" - a bold theory which is not corroborated neither by the facts nor by the "Acts of the Apostles".
If you will not have rules, you will have rulers.
Lisi Sterndorfer
What we need to understand is that the end point is not Communion for German Lutherans, or married priests or women bishops or any of the rest of it. It's the destruction of the visible unity of the (so far) one Catholic Church.
The 'New Mass' in horrible concrete churches on Protestant communion tables is boring. His assault on the Faith gets boring, every day another insult. Jorge should do something else with his life.
Joy probably doesn't look like most people think it should.
When I was young I also thought that the church was boring ans sort of sad. After I watched the movie sister Act with Whoopi Goldberg, I thought "That's how it should be". However, after seeing all the disrespect and knowing more about my Catholic Faith, and how perfect tradition is and how refined it is in bringing us closer to God and helping us grow spiritually to become Saints if we live the …More
When I was young I also thought that the church was boring ans sort of sad. After I watched the movie sister Act with Whoopi Goldberg, I thought "That's how it should be". However, after seeing all the disrespect and knowing more about my Catholic Faith, and how perfect tradition is and how refined it is in bringing us closer to God and helping us grow spiritually to become Saints if we live the Godpel. I realized how stupid I was in thinking that when I was young. I remember the Latin mass, the reverence, the respect a priest had for all the sacraments and how it was a priest's ministry only. Now the mass is a Mess, not a Mass but a Mess and it is horrible to go anywhere, and it's hard to find real priests devoted to their ministry and to serving God and their neighbor. I'm not saying it's the case of the entire church in the world but unfortunately most churches and the liturgy has been sacked, and vandalized, desacrlized, and stumped all over.

The presence of Jesus in the Eucharist is almost null, people go inside the church to have social meetings, encounters, chats, answer cellphones, do texting, eat, let their children run all over, make noises, etc. Not even saying the incident or inappropriate way of dressing for church., and what do priests do about it? - NOTHING. Otherwise money does not come in. Priest who do have really nice preaching have become entertainers because they throw in a joke or two or many to make the audience laugh.

I feel sick about all that. There' simply no sanctity, not that I feel a saint but i mean, who is truly living the Gospel and trying to follow our Lord? I try my best, and close my eyes and kneel to pray, and offer sacrifices,and try to do reparation for all these outrages, sacrileges, and indifference whereby He is offended.

I do not think people realize that impiety is punishable with eternal damnation, the Saint Cure of Ars speaks about all that in some of his sermons and says that priests that allow these acts of irreverence go to hell along with their community.

May the Lord have Mercy on us all.
My son at 10 yrs. old was embarrassed to say he was bored at Mass. But one day after a Mass at his Catholic school he said he wanted to go to Seminary. He said it was "because of that priest." The celebrant was Fr. Tom Weinandy.
The problem is of course the, New Mass. It's all about entertainment and that gets boring quickly. The true mass, the traditional one, was about the representation of the sacrifice of Christ to His Father. We are privileged just to attend and give God His due. It has nothing to do with entertainment and ,"me".The modernist church has destroyed the sense of the faith in the young. Tragic.