
Brazil Bishop Denies Communion

Minas Gerais Auxiliary Bishop Joaquim Mol, 63, Brazil, refused Communion to a kneeling young woman in Santa Maria Estrela da Manhã parish in Belo Horizonte on August 5. After a public backlash, Mol …More
Minas Gerais Auxiliary Bishop Joaquim Mol, 63, Brazil, refused Communion to a kneeling young woman in Santa Maria Estrela da Manhã parish in Belo Horizonte on August 5.
After a public backlash, Mol refused to apologise and defended himself in an August 6 statement saying that before handing out Communion he had told the audience that since Covid, he had avoided giving Communion [on the tongue] “out of respect and care for the person”, as if hysteria had anything to do with "respect" and "care."
Mol even denied having refused Communion because the girl later received Communion from the parish priest who knew her well. According to the duplicitous Francis, it's always "wrong" to deny Communion.
The NO bishops do not recognize the preV2 church as being Catholic any longer. Their new religion over rides Roman Catholicism which serves communion on the tongue while kneeling.
The bishops will tolerate many things, I'm sure but a woman showing respect to God is not one of them
Sandy Barrett shares this
He made a spectacle of this poor little girl who showed proper reverence towards our Lord out of pride.
Hound of Heaven
Got it - politicians who vehemently support abortion and are Catholic in name only must be given the eucharist because "it is not a prize" and out of compassion but a young, orthodox believer who dares to kneel in the presence of our Lord must be shunned. Our Church is in desperate need of help from the Holy Spirit!
Protestants don’t kneel for bread.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
The Episcopalians do, in every one I have had to visit (with a friend who is one, or at a baprism).
Wilma Lopez shares this
This viral video shows a young girl being told that she cannot receive Communion while kneeling or on the tongue.