
Francis Summons Roman Mass Communities To Rome

The leadership of the Fraternity of Saint Peter, the Christ the King Institute, Institute of the Good Shepherd, and others are summoned to Rome in September, TaylorMarshall.com reports (August 24). …More
The leadership of the Fraternity of Saint Peter, the Christ the King Institute, Institute of the Good Shepherd, and others are summoned to Rome in September, TaylorMarshall.com reports (August 24).
Rumours claim that the topics to be discussed include a full acceptance of Vatican II, the legitimacy of the Novus Ordo, concelebrating at the Novus Ordo Chrism Mass and more.
Voices on social media are afraid that the Roman Rite communities may be all too eager to pass any of Francis’ loyalty tests.
The Fraternity of Saint Peter has called on its members to pray an August 22-30 novena for Francis and the Fraternity.
Must be for dialogue!
Hugh N. Cry
Golden opportunity for the courageous leaders of ICRS/FSSP/etc. or if they buckle... platinum opportunity for SSPX.
Angelo Santelli
I have commented on my incredulity of Roman Catholics leaving this monster from Argentina in power. A fascinating study just begins one in learning who this individual is.
It is called DICTATOR POPE.
I have commented on my incredulity of Roman Catholics leaving this monster from Argentina in power. A fascinating study just begins one in learning who this individual is.


It is called DICTATOR POPE.

Meanwhile in Germany….
De Profundis
We are commanded in Scripture to shun "profane novelties" (1 Tim. 6:20) and hold fast to Tradition (cf. 2 Thess. 2:14). Let us pray that God will once again raise up a holy pope who will teach and govern the Church accordingly.
Not gonna happen right away. Next pope is probably Tagle and he's such a flake, he might start mandating gummi-bears as a Eucharistic substitute.
Angelo Santelli
I caanot fathom why with all the evil this Argentinian monster has caused in the Roman Catholic Church not one individual has done anything to remove him, whatever that takes. The Macabeans rid themselves of the Syrian (Seleucids) when Seleucid king Antiochus IV Epiphanes tried to stop the rite of circumcision for the Jews. In fact Macabaeus (the hammer) had his people slaughter the Syrians. Yet …More
I caanot fathom why with all the evil this Argentinian monster has caused in the Roman Catholic Church not one individual has done anything to remove him, whatever that takes. The Macabeans rid themselves of the Syrian (Seleucids) when Seleucid king Antiochus IV Epiphanes tried to stop the rite of circumcision for the Jews. In fact Macabaeus (the hammer) had his people slaughter the Syrians. Yet today nothing has been done with respect to the monster who squats on Peter's throne.

Why is that?
You'll fathom whywhen you answer why you weren't the "one individual" "to remove him, watever it takes".
Like you said, "Why is that?" If you recognize he's a monster and you have no reluctance to suggest such a an extreme measure, then what's stopping you?
At least to my Murrican eyes, what you're suggesting from those examples reads like you're suggesting murder. Not cool, not Catholic, not …More
You'll fathom whywhen you answer why you weren't the "one individual" "to remove him, watever it takes".

Like you said, "Why is that?" If you recognize he's a monster and you have no reluctance to suggest such a an extreme measure, then what's stopping you?

At least to my Murrican eyes, what you're suggesting from those examples reads like you're suggesting murder. Not cool, not Catholic, not even Christian.
Angelo Santelli
He's your monster. If you belive a pepetrator of evil should be left doing what he is doing I am sure you would have no problem leaving Hitler in power.
Hugh N. Cry
How about a synod (he likes those)? Perhaps a “Cadaver Synod?” But alas, Pope John IX outlawed these.
The difficulty with 'wetworks,' stuff in 'Minecraft' is there are a thousand heretics who could replace Bergoglio, and far are more subtle. Benedict wrongly altered the Good Friday pray for pander to Zionists, and a more clever successor of the Argentine might see this as precedent for more rewriting of the true Mass.
"I am sure you would have no problem leaving Hitler in power." -that's funny coming from an Italian, since Mussolini was left in power. Godwin's Law, much? Makes a nice counter-point to the double-standard.
As for "he's your monster", if you are a Catholic, he's your monster too. If you're not a Catholic why are you whining on a Catholic media-portal about a Catholic probem that doesn't concern you? …More
"I am sure you would have no problem leaving Hitler in power." -that's funny coming from an Italian, since Mussolini was left in power. Godwin's Law, much? Makes a nice counter-point to the double-standard.

As for "he's your monster", if you are a Catholic, he's your monster too. If you're not a Catholic why are you whining on a Catholic media-portal about a Catholic probem that doesn't concern you?

Lastly, I believe it is not my place to murder the Pope nor to advocate doing so the way you have, Angelito.
And so it begins...