
Pachamama Killer Organises Prayer Against Homosex Vienna Cardinal

Vienna Cardinal Christoph Schönborn will on this Saturday night again preside over a homosex benefit concert in his Cathedral.

Dietmar Fischer of the Austrian branch of Human Life International (HLI), a global pro-life organisation, wrote in the HLI bulletin that “actions and prayers" are needed because of the homosex ideologues Gery Keszler and Conchita Wurst performing in the Cathedral.

He added that this is “blasphemy” and an “abuse of the Cathedral.” Christ would have thrown them out of God’s house with scourges.

Pachamama killer Alexander Tschugguel will lead the rosary outside of the Cathedral (Saturday, 22:15).

Tschugguel explained that he is less concerned about Conchita Wurst’s performances than about Schönborn allowing gay activism in the Cathedral.


Keep fighting the good fight ,and God bless you ( true catholics are with you)
Our Lady of Sorrows
Thank you Alexander for standing up Christ again!