Vatican Archbishop: Francis' Pontificate Is “True Springtime of the Church” Vatican Archbishop: Francis' Pontificate Is “True Springtime of the Church” Archbishop José Tolentino Mendonça has called …More
Vatican Archbishop: Francis' Pontificate Is “True Springtime of the Church”

Vatican Archbishop: Francis' Pontificate Is “True Springtime of the Church”

Archbishop José Tolentino Mendonça has called the pontificate of Pope Francis a – quote – “true springtime for the Church.” Francis named Mendonça last September a Librarian of the Holy Roman Church making him an archbishop. Mendonça told the Portuguese Bishops news agency Ecclesia that he is - quote - "completely at the service" of Francis, while in reality, he should be at the service of Vatican’s library.

We Serve the Times and Demands of the Masses”

Father Michael Fiedrowicz, a professor for Patristics in Trier, Germany, and expert on Saint Gregory of Nazianzus, has compared the days of Gregory with our times. Talking to the German Kirchliche Umschau, Fiedrowicz offered the following quote of Gregory, "We serve the times and demands of the masses. We leave our boat to the wind which happens to blow at the moment, and like chameleons, we know how to give our word many colours."

Evangelical Boom in Iran

Operation World, an Evangelical reference book, lists Iran as having the fastest-growing evangelical church in the world. It writes that more Iranians have become Christians in the last twenty years than in the previous 1,300 years since Islam came to Iran. As of 1979, there were about five hundred known Christians from a Muslim background in Iran. In 2005, it was estimated that there were 40,000 ethnic Iranian Christians, not including ethnic minority Christians who live in Iran. Today, the average estimates of Christians within Iran range from 300,000 to upwards of one million, according to some experts. It seems that the Catholic Church in Iran is not part of this boom.

Saint Nicholas of Myra

Among Catholics, Saint Nicholas of Myra is mostly a forgotten saint who to a certain extent lives on as “Santa Claus”. This is very different in the Orthodox Church where Saint Nicholas is very popular. When Nicholas relics were brought from Bari, Italy, to Russia, the pilgrims who wanted to venerate the saint formed kilometre-long queues. A few days ago, hundreds of Russian pilgrims and four metropolitan bishops came to Bari. They participated on May 21 in the local Russian Church at matins. The choir of the clergy of Moscow diocese sang.
St. Nicholas ; Ora Pro Nobis
At least Bergoglio will be happy no Moslems are becoming Catholic in Iran.
Holy Cannoli
Vatican Archbishop: Francis' Pontificate Is “True Springtime of the Church”
Why does someone say something like this? Is such a comment likely to fool Joe 6-pack pewsitter? I think even Joe 6-pack pewsitter has more common sense than to believe Archbishop José. The archbishop makes this kind of comment “True Springtime of the Church” for one reason. That reason is in order to please the man at …More
Vatican Archbishop: Francis' Pontificate Is “True Springtime of the Church”

Why does someone say something like this? Is such a comment likely to fool Joe 6-pack pewsitter? I think even Joe 6-pack pewsitter has more common sense than to believe Archbishop José. The archbishop makes this kind of comment “True Springtime of the Church” for one reason. That reason is in order to please the man at the top and the various az lickers among the hierarchy. 👌

I have a few questions. Dear Archbishop, “What exactly do you mean by saying “True Springtime of the Church?” Is it a metaphor for the seasonal changes in the calendar? If so, are you suggesting that before Pope Francis the Church was experienced a “True Winter of the Church?” As you know, Spring follows winter so this must have been the case. Was this winter occurring during the pontificates of Benedict or St. John Paul or both men? And, is the current “True Springtime” that you speak of reflected at all in Church attendance that has diminished around the world? Is the “True Springtime” reflected in the staggering decline in vocations in the priesthood and among all religious orders? According to you, Dear Archbishop, what exactly is the “ True Springtime of the Church’ and how is it manifested today within the Church and by Pope Francis? 😲

Incidentally, Archbishop José , you fool nobody. We all know you’re the pope’s pet homo this month and a freaky heretic to boot. That’s the reason you got the appointment to the do-nothing job at the library in addition to being made an archbishop.

Pope Francis Appoints Practicing Homosexual José Tolentino Mendonça As Titular Archbishop And Archivist And Librarian Of The Holy Roman Church

Did Francis Promote A Known Homosexual To Become Archbishop?
It’s good to have our News Presenter back and in excellent form as well. I hope she enjoyed her mini vacation in the South of Italy. 👏
Francesco I
The Producers - Springtime for Hitler and Germany:
Not aggiornamento della chiesa we need, but acchiesamento del giorno
"True springtime?" What happened to the regular old springtime of Vatican II? That obviously flopped miserably so now we're looking at "true" springtime! Not that bogus springtime these old queens have been trying to sell for the last half century. It's the new and improved version! For a new time and a new generation! No it will really really work this time, we promise! OK I know we promised last …More
"True springtime?" What happened to the regular old springtime of Vatican II? That obviously flopped miserably so now we're looking at "true" springtime! Not that bogus springtime these old queens have been trying to sell for the last half century. It's the new and improved version! For a new time and a new generation! No it will really really work this time, we promise! OK I know we promised last time too but this time we mean it! Aggiornamento!

It's like the dumb, rock headed socialists who keep promising utopia, louse it up every time they try, but still keep coming back with, "no this time we're really going to make it work for sure!"

And somehow idiots keep swallowing the same lie.
Springtime of homoheretics. St Anthony hammer of heretics pray for us.