Spain: Socialist Regime Bans the Rosary Again

In a new revealing act, the Spanish regime has forbidden the Rosary to be prayed in the streets of Madrid on the 8th and 9th of June "because of the European elections". The regime is looking for any …More
In a new revealing act, the Spanish regime has forbidden the Rosary to be prayed in the streets of Madrid on the 8th and 9th of June "because of the European elections".
The regime is looking for any excuse to stop the Rosary. Any group caught praying in public on those days will face fines or imprisonment.
As usual, José Andrés Calderón, the organiser of the Rosary, asked for permission to pray in public. The regime granted this permission (until the "law" is changed) for all the days requested, except for 8 and 9 June.
Calderón has appealed to the Supreme Court of Justice 'for violation of fundamental rights' after being sentenced three times for praying the rosary.
Let us intensify our prayer of the Rosary on these days for our brothers and sisters in Spain. Also, note the banner in the photo. It appears to be an image of Our Lady of Garabandal, where Our Lady warned of these times we are living through - a reiteration of the true contents of the 3rd Secret of Fatima. See the link posted by Scapular in this thread for a great discussion of Fatima's relationship …More
Let us intensify our prayer of the Rosary on these days for our brothers and sisters in Spain. Also, note the banner in the photo. It appears to be an image of Our Lady of Garabandal, where Our Lady warned of these times we are living through - a reiteration of the true contents of the 3rd Secret of Fatima. See the link posted by Scapular in this thread for a great discussion of Fatima's relationship to Garabandal.
Credo .
The whole of Spain should rise up and say the Rosary!
All is not lost. There is the Partido Popular and Vox, which are two Christian conservative parties. There are still many Spaniards who are still Catholic, appreciate what Franco did and are loyal to the monarchy.
Billy F
Marxism is evil!!!
Father Karl A Claver
The liberals hated Franco. Since his death, Spain has fallen, and is now communist.