
Invalid Ordinations: Normal Woman Receives Loud Applause at Ex-Synod

A mother and member of the ex-synod argued against the [invalid] ordination of women in her three-minute intervention on October 16, which was followed by “loud applause”, reports NcRegister.com. The …More
A mother and member of the ex-synod argued against the [invalid] ordination of women in her three-minute intervention on October 16, which was followed by “loud applause”, reports NcRegister.com. The laywoman exposed the demands of feminist ideologues for this as an attempt to clericalise the laity. She also argued that the issue of women’s ordination was a distraction from what women want and need in the Church, which is a focus on motherhood, both biological and spiritual.
Mijn complimenten, het moederschap is veel belangrijker voor een vrouw dan gewijd te worden tot een neppriester.
Bonnie Louise
Is she still alive?
Denis Efimov
Of course, the idea of ordaining women is in no way compatible with the Catholic Faith. And this can cause nothing but righteous anger.
However, if we take into account that these ideas are cultivated in the "Synodal Church", which, according to Francis’ definition, differs from the Catholic Church, then the problem does not arise.
There is reason to think that in the near future they will introduce …More
Of course, the idea of ordaining women is in no way compatible with the Catholic Faith. And this can cause nothing but righteous anger.

However, if we take into account that these ideas are cultivated in the "Synodal Church", which, according to Francis’ definition, differs from the Catholic Church, then the problem does not arise.

There is reason to think that in the near future they will introduce women “deacons”, after a while - women “priests”, then women “bishops”. Someday they will even be able to choose the "Mome of Rome".

But despite the pretentious abomination of the “Synodal Church,” the Holy Catholic Church will remain unchanged forever.
If they ever try to ordain women thats the day I will overturn the alter during the mock mass with the she devils. Just like Jesus did with the money changers. THERE WILL BE FIRE AND FURY!!!
Jeffrey Ade
@Jungerheld Perhaps because it is not he Church? Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
I feel like the church's response to the issue of responsibility for the environment is similar. There could be a beautiful response, a faith-filled response, a response that honors the truth, reveals! the truth! and somehow it has gone in the most extreme opposite direction from beauty, actually betraying women, betraying the earth. How did this happen?
Overcome this evil with the tools given us by heaven….. prayer and penance!
Krystian N.
According to fr Paul Kramer it is the most important event in church history, that ends the church that we know.
Message to native English speakers: What do you think about replacing the expression ''Ex-Synod'' by Non-Synod or Anti-Synod?
Cassandra Laments
How about not beating about the bush and just calling it the Hell-Synod?
Krystian N.
Marie Marietta
Anything but "ex." As a non-English speaker, "ex" to me means "former," "outside," or "from." It does not describe the so-called "synod" at all.
John A Cassani
I agree it should change. @Marie Marietta I believe the “ex” is used as shorthand for “Ex-Synod of Bishops,” since the rules were changed to allow non-bishops, including lay folks to be voting members. I still agree that there should be a change. Perhaps “pseudo-synod.”
@John A Cassani Good explanation.
Therefore, the label Ex-Synod is too intricate and not self-explanatory. It's not good for a headline; it is jargon for insiders. Furthermore, I don't consider myself to be an outsider (like a new reader) on Gloria.TV, and I was not sure of what it meant.More
@John A Cassani Good explanation.

Therefore, the label Ex-Synod is too intricate and not self-explanatory. It's not good for a headline; it is jargon for insiders. Furthermore, I don't consider myself to be an outsider (like a new reader) on Gloria.TV, and I was not sure of what it meant.
The purpose of this Synod is the authorization for local dioceses to carve out whatever “the spirit” moves them to do. That is why the title is “The Synod on Synodality.” Francis’ program mirrors the German initiative. The problem is that some (“rigid”) dioceses will cut off money to Rome if Francis’ program is implemented and others will cut off money to Rome if Francis’ program is delayed. …More
The purpose of this Synod is the authorization for local dioceses to carve out whatever “the spirit” moves them to do. That is why the title is “The Synod on Synodality.” Francis’ program mirrors the German initiative. The problem is that some (“rigid”) dioceses will cut off money to Rome if Francis’ program is implemented and others will cut off money to Rome if Francis’ program is delayed. The solution is to give each bishop the option to respond to his own sexual proclivities “concrete situation.” That is what the Papal Document following the Synod will say - “The Holy Spirit is heard through the local synod of clergy and laypeople.” The Germans, Dutch and Belgians will immediately hear the Holy Spirit’s call for approval of Sodomy and a female diaconate. The US Synod will move somewhat more slowly, with an ambiguous approach to sodomy and a sub-holy orders preaching role for women. Rome will continue the blather on about “accompaniment” and how the Apostolic Tradition has evolved to contradict everything it held before “The Council.” Economically, the plan is brilliant. Morally, the plan is bankrupt.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Nope, I think many bishops and diocese big and small will reject all of what comes from this Synod, and continue as faithful Catholics.
I wish Bergoglio would pass on and his legacy repudiated/rejected within weeks of the election of a CATHOLIC pope.
We should refer to it as the Synod of Sodomality...
the dark side's hope is for a Synod of Sodomnormality
Krystian N.
Synod of Sodomanomaly.... perhaps
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Somehow, I think alot of what these liberal radical fanatic apostate heretic homosexuals want will blow up in their face. Confronted by a now growing opposition and even rebellion in many sections of the faithful Church, heretic homo Pope Francis would be very foolish to initiate any of the demands of his cohorts.
Don't be surprised if 75% of the College of Cardinals, and nearly all bishops around …More
Somehow, I think alot of what these liberal radical fanatic apostate heretic homosexuals want will blow up in their face. Confronted by a now growing opposition and even rebellion in many sections of the faithful Church, heretic homo Pope Francis would be very foolish to initiate any of the demands of his cohorts.
Don't be surprised if 75% of the College of Cardinals, and nearly all bishops around the world, not to mention priests,religious, and hundreds of millions of laity rise up against hm if he does.
The next Pope will definitly not be a Francis II......or even close to a Francis I. The surprise might be he is more like a Benedict XVII, or a Pius XIII, or a Leo XIV. Not another JP III either.
They let these voices be heard, but they continue with their agenda. They will get something, if not everything, then something. That much is clear from this agenda.
Ivan Tomas
Any video recording of this?!