
Source Found! Bergoglio Copied Bugnini

Archbishop Annibale Bugnini (+1982), the inventor of the Novus Ordo – who wrote the Second Eucharistic prayer in a restaurant – formulated in 1976 four conditions for allowing Archbishop Lefebvre …More
Archbishop Annibale Bugnini (+1982), the inventor of the Novus Ordo – who wrote the Second Eucharistic prayer in a restaurant – formulated in 1976 four conditions for allowing Archbishop Lefebvre and other Catholics to continue celebrating the Roman Mass.
These conditions are listed on page 180 in a Bugnini biography published 2018 by French historian Yves Chirion:
1. A declaration that the Novus Ordo is not heretical or Protestant, and that those who composed and approved it are not heretics and Protestants.
2. The order of Mass may be that of the 1962 Missal but the readings are to be pronounced according to the new, in the vernacular, and from an ambo facing the people.
3. The Roman Mass shall be celebrated in specifically determined churches and on a fixed schedule for those groups who have difficulty in adapting to the Novus Ordo.
4. The implementation of these dispositions is to be entrusted to the local Ordinary.
Bugnini’s conditions were enforced by Cardinal Bergoglio in Buenos …More
Pray for a happy and speedy death for the current incumbent of the Chair of Peter, Mr J M Bergoglio.
la verdad prevalece
Jorge Mario Bergoglio Profaning the Cathedral of Buenos Aires Mocking the Sacrifice of Christ that we celebrate at Holy Mass.
As "elder brothers" [in modern faith] like to say: "thank you, Pope Francis"
Archbishop Annibale Bugnini "conditions" were a non-issue, even before Summorum Pontificum and certainly after.
1.) The Church decides what is heretical/ Protestant not the laity or even an individual priest/ parish pastor. If The Church says the Novus Ordo form of the Mass isn't heretical or Protestant, then The Church has ruled it so.
2.) This is the way it's been done for ages, and for the …More
Archbishop Annibale Bugnini "conditions" were a non-issue, even before Summorum Pontificum and certainly after.

1.) The Church decides what is heretical/ Protestant not the laity or even an individual priest/ parish pastor. If The Church says the Novus Ordo form of the Mass isn't heretical or Protestant, then The Church has ruled it so.

2.) This is the way it's been done for ages, and for the benefit of the attendees. The readings are done in Latin facing the altar and then the celebrant goes to the ambo and repeats them in the vernacular, followed by his sermon/ homily also in the vernacular. This is a good thing. Even an illiterate parishioner with just a rote memorization of the Latin Mass, still receives the benefit of the prescribed readings/

3.) Yeah... the parish is the "specially prescribed church" and the "fixed schedule" are called Holy Days of Obligation. :D Sundays predominate. ;-)

4.) Well, gee... does the bishop really need to enforce that Mass must be said on Sundays? If he wants to make it official, cool beans. :D
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Of course, not plagiarism but rather continuity in the spirit...
Archbishop Bugnini 1976
Pope Francis 2021
Point 1 = Art. 3 § 1
Point 2 = Art. 3 § 3
Point 3 = Art. 3 § 2 & 3
Point 4 = Art. 2
Defeat Modernism
This video exposes Bungnini, the new mass and Paul VI using historical documentation: youtu.be/3X464pUhhxs
CORRECTION: Not Annibale Bugnini but Fr. Louis Bouyer and Dom Bernard Botte composed in a hurry the 2nd Eucharistic Prayer of the New Roman Rite during a night in a restaurant of the Trastevere, Rome.
Hieruit blijkt dat de Tridentijnse Rooms Katholieken al sinds de jaren zestig van de vorige eeuw worden vervolgd door de Rooms Katholieke kerk. Nu op 16 juli 2021 paus Franciscus besloten heeft de Tridentijnse Heilige Mis te verbieden wil er geen Tridentijnse Rooms Katholiek nog verder met de Rooms Katholieke kerk, het schisma, de breuk is definitief.