
Cardinal Cupich Uses Homily to Promote Joe Biden

“There should never be a time or a moment in which we judge others and their faith journey and say that a person is not Christian enough or Catholic enough.” Chicago Cardinal Blase Cupich said this …More
“There should never be a time or a moment in which we judge others and their faith journey and say that a person is not Christian enough or Catholic enough.”
Chicago Cardinal Blase Cupich said this during his Sunday homily in obvious reference to the U.S. Presidential hopeful Joe Biden who claims that he is a "Catholic." The quote was published by liberal journalist Christopher White on Twitter.
Biden supports killing children in their mothers' wombs so that Providence Bishop Thomas Tobin wrote that Biden is “not a bit” a Catholic.
What is it about abortion that the cardinal finds so attractive?
Evil cupish.
De Profundis
This same logic would apply to those questioning Donald Trump's Christian faith though ...
De Profundis
Augustine said Pelagius wasn't Catholic enough.