la verdad prevalece
Bergoglio conspired with Fernández to destroy and replace the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith Bergoglio destroyed the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith and created an anti-Catholic organization to persecute and "excommunicate" Faithful Catholic Christians who do not join him in his rebellion against God and against the Church.
Tucho: When I told him no, at first, he told me "I want …More
Bergoglio conspired with Fernández to destroy and replace the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith Bergoglio destroyed the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith and created an anti-Catholic organization to persecute and "excommunicate" Faithful Catholic Christians who do not join him in his rebellion against God and against the Church.
Tucho: When I told him no, at first, he told me "I want to reconfigure it, think about it carefully."
Víctor "Tucho" Fernández: "They even told me that I did not support the Church's vision of homosexuals"

La Nacion: “What I expect from you is undoubtedly something very different”
“not control or condemn”, as the Holy Office did in the past. Furthermore, he asked him not to deal with the issue of abuse – as another section of that “ministry” does – but rather to concentrate on the theological area that needs development and on the promotion of thought.

Archbishop Fernández previously argued in favor of condom use, contradicting Catholic doctrine

"Tucho" Fernández : "More than a friend, I am Bergoglio's son. His words have marked me for the rest of my life"

Those who had already been excommunicated Latae Sentencia are Bergoglio and his accomplice Tucho who from Argentina had already rebelled against God and against the Church.

Proverbs 17:15 He that justifieth the wicked, and he that condemneth the just, both are abominable before God.
la verdad prevalece
Este vídeo muestra que el apóstata y cismático Bergoglio y su cómplice Tucho demuestran su ignorancia de la doctrina católica al declarar inválidamente la excomunión "Latae Sententiae" contra el arzobispo Viganò.
Para el apóstata Bergoglio ni Cristo ni la Iglesia son necesarios para la salvación, sólo él mismo. Recordemos que estamos hablando de aquel que engaña a los pecadores impenitentes,…More
Este vídeo muestra que el apóstata y cismático Bergoglio y su cómplice Tucho demuestran su ignorancia de la doctrina católica al declarar inválidamente la excomunión "Latae Sententiae" contra el arzobispo Viganò.
Para el apóstata Bergoglio ni Cristo ni la Iglesia son necesarios para la salvación, sólo él mismo. Recordemos que estamos hablando de aquel que engaña a los pecadores impenitentes, a los ateos, a los cismáticos, a los apóstatas y a las religiones falsas diciéndoles que todos se salvan, pero vemos que Bergoglio hace una excepción al amenazar con la excomunión "Latae Sentencia" sólo a aquellos que no se unen a él en su rebelión contra Dios y la Iglesia. Este vídeo muestra que el apóstata y cismático Bergoglio y su cómplice Tucho demuestran su ignorancia de la doctrina católica al declarar inválidamente la excomunión "Latae Sententiae" contra el arzobispo Viganò.
la verdad prevalece
Los que ya habían quedado excomulgados Latae Sentencia son Bergoglio y su cómplice Tucho quienes desde Argentina ya se habían rebelado contra Dios y contra la Iglesia.
Bergoglio conspiró con Fernández para destruir y reemplazar la Congregación para la Doctrina de la Fe
la verdad prevalece
Questo video mostra che l'apostata e scismatico Bergoglio e il suo complice Tucho dimostrano la loro ignoranza della dottrina cattolica dichiarando invalidamente la scomunica "Latae Sententiae" contro l'arcivescovo Viganò.
la verdad prevalece
For the apostate Bergoglio neither Christ nor the Church are necessary for salvation, only himself. Let us remember that we are talking about the one who deceives unrepentant sinners, atheists, schismatics, apostates and false religions by telling them that everyone is saved, but we see that Bergoglio makes an exception to threaten with excommunication "Latae Sentencia" only to those who do not join …More
For the apostate Bergoglio neither Christ nor the Church are necessary for salvation, only himself. Let us remember that we are talking about the one who deceives unrepentant sinners, atheists, schismatics, apostates and false religions by telling them that everyone is saved, but we see that Bergoglio makes an exception to threaten with excommunication "Latae Sentencia" only to those who do not join him in his rebellion against God and the Church.
This video shows that the apostate and schismatic Bergoglio and his accomplice Tucho demonstrate their ignorance of Catholic doctrine by invalidly declaring excommunication "Latae Sententiae" against Archbishop Viganò.
The Apostate Jorge Bergoglio consummates his own schism against God and against the Church

Scandalous connection between 'Pope' Francis and Theodore McCarrick

Bergoglio was disqualified from became a pope due to his heretical, apostate and schismatic past in Argentina.
la verdad prevalece
Per l'apostata Bergoglio né Cristo né la Chiesa sono necessari per la salvezza, solo lui stesso. Ricordiamo che stiamo parlando di colui che inganna i peccatori impenitenti, gli atei, gli scismatici, gli apostati e le false religioni dicendo loro che tutti sono salvi, ma vediamo che Bergoglio fa un'eccezione per minacciare di scomunica "Latae Sentencia" solo coloro che non si uniscono a lui nella …More
Per l'apostata Bergoglio né Cristo né la Chiesa sono necessari per la salvezza, solo lui stesso. Ricordiamo che stiamo parlando di colui che inganna i peccatori impenitenti, gli atei, gli scismatici, gli apostati e le false religioni dicendo loro che tutti sono salvi, ma vediamo che Bergoglio fa un'eccezione per minacciare di scomunica "Latae Sentencia" solo coloro che non si uniscono a lui nella sua ribellione contro Dio e la Chiesa.
Bazsó-Dombi Attila shares this
Interesting pairing. Mazza is a sede , correct?
Live Mike
@samtheman Dr. Edmund Mazza would be considered an "Interregnumist".
Louis IX
Mazza believes that the See has been vacant since the passing of Pope Benedict XVI.
Carol H
The definition for Sede-vacantists keeps growing!
Maria delos Angeles
Glad you posted this for all to see!
Live Mike