
Transvestites: For the Vatican Decadence Is “Revolution and Hope”

Francis has met the fourth bunch of transvestites on August 10. The Vatican’s party newspaper OsservatoreRomano.va (propagandist: Giampaolo Mattei) enthusiastically labelled this most recent proof of …More
Francis has met the fourth bunch of transvestites on August 10.
The Vatican’s party newspaper OsservatoreRomano.va (propagandist: Giampaolo Mattei) enthusiastically labelled this most recent proof of the Vatican’s decadence as “revolution and hope.”
Francis' accomplices were Sister Geneviève Jeanningros, Torvaianica Father Andrea Conocchia, and Cardinal Konrad Krajewski.
The transvestites are homosexual prostitutes who spread Aids, monkey pocks, other sicknesses, and eternal condemnation.
This was the fourth time after April 27, June 22, and August 3 that Bergoglio promoted homosex prostitution.
Tearfully, OsservatoreRomano.va portrays the prostitutes with expressions like “great suffering” and “fragility” and fantasies that Bergoglio’s Gospel “tells us to welcome everyone,” “everyone has dignity” etc. – while Francis is surrounding himself with a small group of decadent friends and oligarch journalists and marginalises the ordinary Catholics.
Picture: © Mazur/catholicnews.org.uk, CC …More
Wilma Lopez shares this
Pope Francis has met with a fourth group of transgender people who found shelter at a Rome church.
Defeat Modernism
This man is not even a Catholic, and certainly not head of the Catholic Church. He heads the counterfeit church that we have been warned of in prophecy. That should be obvious to clear thinking people who know the Faith. Francis isn't even a validly ordained priest or validly consecrated bishop. He is a modernist apostate who is pro-homo, pro-abortion, pro-witchcraft and anti-catholic.
Paul Mclenson
"Rome has lost the Faith and become the seat of the Anti-Christ." Our Lady was right and it's happening right before our very eyes!
la verdad prevalece
The unfaithful priests and laity who remain in full communion with Bergoglio, who has openly declared war on God and the Church, have betrayed Christ and the Church to be faithful to Bergoglio and thus have separated from the True Church to join the anti-church of the Antichrist led by this false pope. Just as the apostate angels did by joining their leader who rebelled against God, they too have …More
The unfaithful priests and laity who remain in full communion with Bergoglio, who has openly declared war on God and the Church, have betrayed Christ and the Church to be faithful to Bergoglio and thus have separated from the True Church to join the anti-church of the Antichrist led by this false pope. Just as the apostate angels did by joining their leader who rebelled against God, they too have joined the forces of evil.
la verdad prevalece
Bergoglio's Sin is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. By maliciously calling male homosexual transvestites women, Bergoglio defies the moral doctrine of the Church and the Law of God. He maliciously confirms transvestites in a false pseudo-identity contrary to their God-given biological nature. This apostate hates these people by affirming them in their rebellion against God and against their own …More
Bergoglio's Sin is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. By maliciously calling male homosexual transvestites women, Bergoglio defies the moral doctrine of the Church and the Law of God. He maliciously confirms transvestites in a false pseudo-identity contrary to their God-given biological nature. This apostate hates these people by affirming them in their rebellion against God and against their own nature and is leading them to eternal damnation.
la verdad prevalece
Bergoglio's Apostasy in action
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
This is the 4th time this "Cardinal" Krajewshi brought this filth in to meet Francis. When they're back at their place, I'm sure the good "cardinal" and all these transsexual/transvestite homosexual prostitutes really go at it. They prbably even make the rounds visiting some of Francis biggest Cardinal supporters to have some fun times.
Jeffrey Ade
Sad but an obvious conclusion!
Sedevakantistický kanál
Francis is apostate antipope who leads sect in buildings that were Church's. See more at vaticancatholic.com
We are in need of good rigid sheppards that take the Word of God seriously
John Fritz Logan
Will you help give Tagle's role im the Gracias controversy more attentiob?
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
One good thing about this serious scandal, is that it makes Tagle look super bad, which is great. Hopefully, there go his chances to be pope down the toilet.
Wilma Lopez