
Savannah: Will The Roman Rite Be "Abolished" Church Wide in 2023?

Savannah Bishop Stephen Parkes, Georgia, has issued July 15 guidelines for the Roman Rite.

In April, he had asked the rigid Liturgy Congregation for permissions to celebrate the Roman Rite in several parish churches. A May response "allowed" a weekly Mass in one parish and a monthly Mass in three other parishes but only "until May 20, 2023."

The Mass in Savannah Cathedral will be cancelled in August. While it is possible that the Liturgy Congregation wanted to give permission only for one year, Francis made it clear that he wants to force all Roman Rite Catholics into the chaotic Novus Ordo.


Maria Hayden Byrd shares this
This is the guy
De Profundis shares this
User comment on this news: "The Cathedral of Saint John the Baptist in Savannah was the first Cathedral in the US to have a TLM starting in December of 2007. After almost 15 years we are being moved out of Cathedral and all of the Masses in the diocese (three monthly Masses in addition to the weekly Savannah Mass) will be shuttered as of May 2023, as per the orders of the Dicastery for Divine Worship …More
User comment on this news: "The Cathedral of Saint John the Baptist in Savannah was the first Cathedral in the US to have a TLM starting in December of 2007. After almost 15 years we are being moved out of Cathedral and all of the Masses in the diocese (three monthly Masses in addition to the weekly Savannah Mass) will be shuttered as of May 2023, as per the orders of the Dicastery for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments."
Jeffrey Ade
Can the Roman Rite actually be abolished? Not in the Catholic Church, I think!
It's not the traditional mass they hate, it's God
Ave Crux
Since SSPX owns their churches, chapels and seminaries, I think we can all figure out what will happen if this suppression of Tradition in the "mainstream" Church continues and broadens.
This is why the Catholic Church, countless souls -- and the world -- will continue to be immeasurably indebted to the heroism, courage and prophetic vision of Archbishop Lefebvre in preserving Tradition and the …More
Since SSPX owns their churches, chapels and seminaries, I think we can all figure out what will happen if this suppression of Tradition in the "mainstream" Church continues and broadens.

This is why the Catholic Church, countless souls -- and the world -- will continue to be immeasurably indebted to the heroism, courage and prophetic vision of Archbishop Lefebvre in preserving Tradition and the Mass of the Ages by providing for Traditional Priests.
Ave Crux
@Pavel Chadwick Dragos Actually that is a mistaken understanding. SSPX has their own properties and cannot be stopped. Period. My family and I have been on this journey for over 45 years and have known SSPX from the beginning.
Any further attempts to suppress Tradition will make even more clear and manifest the state of emergency which exists in the Church, and will without question set into motion …More
@Pavel Chadwick Dragos Actually that is a mistaken understanding. SSPX has their own properties and cannot be stopped. Period. My family and I have been on this journey for over 45 years and have known SSPX from the beginning.

Any further attempts to suppress Tradition will make even more clear and manifest the state of emergency which exists in the Church, and will without question set into motion the necessity of supplied jurisdiction and reliance on epikeia in the context of Canon Law.

SSPX will continue to form, ordain and deploy Priests to set up chapels, seminaries, schools and convents anywhere in the world they are needed.

SSPX will neither obey nor surrender to any directives from this Pope or any Bishop who attempts to suppress Tradition.

In fact, as recently as the pandemic SSPX gave still another proof of this when they disregarded their local Ordinaries and kept their chapels open, even going to court against civil authorities to do so.

This has been SSPX's modus operandi since the beginning: nothing stops the work of God -- NOTHING.

And it's only because SSPX has their own properties - chapels, seminaries, schools, convents, priories -- not owned by Church authorities that it is not possible to stop them from doing the work of God in serving souls and providing Priests, the Mass and the Sacraments.

If this "pogrom" continues, the ranks of SSPX will continue to swell with refugees from the "mainstream" Church and any Traditional orders being suppressed. They are UNSTOPPABLE....
Ave Crux
P.S. Not to mention, of course, the most decisive factor of all. SSPX has their own Bishops to assure their ability to ordain their Priests, administer Confirmation, etc..
This was the master stroke of God's Providence in giving us Archbishop Lefebvre as a true Shepherd, who foresaw what lay ahead and knew the treachery of Rome. Without Bishops, even SSPX would ultimately face the hard reality of …More
P.S. Not to mention, of course, the most decisive factor of all. SSPX has their own Bishops to assure their ability to ordain their Priests, administer Confirmation, etc..

This was the master stroke of God's Providence in giving us Archbishop Lefebvre as a true Shepherd, who foresaw what lay ahead and knew the treachery of Rome. Without Bishops, even SSPX would ultimately face the hard reality of no longer being able to ordain candidates for the Priesthood.
Gelukkig kunnen we nog naar de Sint Pius X broederschap om ons Universele Katholieke Tridentijnse Romeinse geloof van voor het Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie te belijden.
Jeffrey Ade
While we can brother! Thanks be to God, and Our Lady of Fatima!
we need good sheppards to leed the sheep .in the name of Jesus our Lord
The NWO can't have the people who go to the TLM in 'their church' Those people adhere to the Deposit of Faith. Now don't get your underwear in a knot, we all know that some who go to Novus Ordo do ,too.