Vatican Presepio (Nativity Scene), hand carved wooden figures from northern Italian village of Sutrio, was inaugurated tonight
Wilma Lopez shares this
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas at the Vatican. A large hand-carved wooden nativity scene was unveiled in St. Peter Square on Saturday night at the Vatican’s Christmas tree lighting ceremony.
Jeffrey Ade
The manger is now a swirling birds nest! It would be so easy for everyone to vie each year to make the most beautiful creche, and then there would be more to place in every capitol of every county, city, and country! Yet they make these monstrosities and we're suposed to find them pius? Yuckkk!
Louis IX
That manger would make a very wasteful food trough. Doubt a frugal innkeeper would be so foolish as to have something like that in his stable.
A bit better than recent monstrosities but nothing special.
better than previous years
Teofil Michalski shares this
PIĘKNA szopka watykańska 2022 r.
Don Cesare Toscano shares this
Il video del bellissimo presepe vaticano
Culla natalizia in legno in Piazza San Pietro dall'Italia. Culla natalizia nella sala delle udienze, proveniente dal Guatemala.