
Traditionis Custodes: THIS Is Allowed (Video)

Father José (Pepe) Planas of Malaga’s Miraflores de los Ángeles Church, Spain, is an acclaimed “flamenco priest” in the Novus Ordo group.

Once again, he turned his former House of God into a dancing platform while the former church choir sang “flamenco carols.” People who don’t care about the Church are excited, the local bishop approves.

In his legalistic and rigid Motu Proprio Traditionis Custodes, Francis calls shows of that kind “the unique expression of the lex orandi of the Roman Rite.” In other words: NO priests need to take dance courses to be up to their task.


Davide Romano shares this
Il flamenco ha più diritti del latino?
Jan Joseph
Paus Franciscus praat als een kip zonder kop.
What’s this...” the Devil and the three witches from Eastwick “ and why is this priest dancing the female role??
Why is the Breviary for priests important? Why are the preconconciliar prayers and diciplines so import for the religious life? What happens when they are removed?
Answer...This video
Les Crispi
Vatican 2 was created by those in the Church, and communists/modernists outside the Church who do not believe in God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, and, more worrisome, by those who HATE god. If they didn't, they wouldn't turn churches into gay bath houses, pedophilic grooming stations, irreverent dance clubs, and satanic temples.
The Novus Ordo could only exist because the Mass of the Ages was still …More
Vatican 2 was created by those in the Church, and communists/modernists outside the Church who do not believe in God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, and, more worrisome, by those who HATE god. If they didn't, they wouldn't turn churches into gay bath houses, pedophilic grooming stations, irreverent dance clubs, and satanic temples.

The Novus Ordo could only exist because the Mass of the Ages was still seen as licit. If Bergolio and Cupich, et al keep trying to eliminate the Roman rite, the Church will be mostly destroyed and there will only be a few thousand left.
The people love this vomit and can't seem to get enough of it. All they want is to be entertained. Satan loves this stuff
Brother Timothy Marie shares this
Ave Crux
Criminal, faithless Shepherds outrage Almighty God Himself and desecrate His sanctuaries by giving free latitude to such abominations, passing over them in complete silence; while pretending they can -- and must-- suppress the Immemorial Mass of the Ages. Well, they can't.
The time has come to stand in one body against their crimes against Holy Mother Church out of love for the Honor and Glory of …More
Criminal, faithless Shepherds outrage Almighty God Himself and desecrate His sanctuaries by giving free latitude to such abominations, passing over them in complete silence; while pretending they can -- and must-- suppress the Immemorial Mass of the Ages. Well, they can't.

The time has come to stand in one body against their crimes against Holy Mother Church out of love for the Honor and Glory of God....To their unlawful, criminal decrees and assaults on this sacred Patrimony we say: "NO! Non possum!"

Just 2 or 3 examples of these crimes are listed below. Such desecration of God's sanctuary and His Sacraments demand reparation and repudiation. But none is ever forthcoming. Instead, they take a sledge hammer to the very Holy Sacrifice of the Mass that repairs for these crimes and sacrileges.

* Francis as Cardinal presiding at a Tango Mass -- a suggestive dance he professes to love, although it was condemned by Pope Saint Pius X

* Francis as Cardinal presiding at a Puppet Mass

* One of the Cardinals appointed by Francis presiding at a Mass for "LGBT Phobia Victims" featuring a Drag Queen singing the Communion Hymn
Look, @Ave Crux I know you're trying to drum up support for the SSPX, but this isn't the way to do it.
"The time has come to stand in one body against their crimes against Holy Mother Church..."
...and who decides when "the time has come"? You? The SSPX? Neither you nor they have the ecclesiatical authority to indict, try or convict clergy for "crimes". I'd probably snort RedBull laughing at …More
Look, @Ave Crux I know you're trying to drum up support for the SSPX, but this isn't the way to do it.

"The time has come to stand in one body against their crimes against Holy Mother Church..."

...and who decides when "the time has come"? You? The SSPX? Neither you nor they have the ecclesiatical authority to indict, try or convict clergy for "crimes". I'd probably snort RedBull laughing at your draft of the "charges" if you tried using Canon Law. Seriously, bring it. I'll be more than happy to represent the Catholic Church, pro bono, especially if you're the prosecutor.

After I've won, I'll probably get a nifty thank-you letter from El Francesco on that suitable-for-framing Vatican stationery and a cool Vatican VIP lapel pin. :D

Likewise, we the laity don't have the right "to stand in one body" against The Church,or it's leaders, even when disobedient schismatics do so already.

"Just 2 or 3 examples of these crimes are listed below."

They aren't "crimes". they're criticisms. You're already blowing the case even before you started, counselor.

Before I forget, This "trial" won't be at the St. Lefebvre Kangaroo Courthouse and the Honorable Judge Davide Pagliarani won't be presiding, either. :P
Ave Crux
@Ultraviolet "I know you're trying to drum up support for the SSPX"
Really....?? That's how little you understand me... SSPX is not the Church. It is the Church of the Ages and the Immemorial Mass which I love with all my heart....the Church and our sacred inheritance.
SSPX is only one among several other TLM Institutes and faithful (many "cancelled") Priests, which defend our Patrimony. I …More
@Ultraviolet "I know you're trying to drum up support for the SSPX"

Really....?? That's how little you understand me... SSPX is not the Church. It is the Church of the Ages and the Immemorial Mass which I love with all my heart....the Church and our sacred inheritance.

SSPX is only one among several other TLM Institutes and faithful (many "cancelled") Priests, which defend our Patrimony. I will defend ANYONE who defends our Patrimony, including -- and not limited to -- SSPX and Archbishop Lefebvre.

In fact, I was very heartened and impressed with FSSP's immediate response to the recent Traditionis Custodis crackdown. Without skipping a beat, they simply said "It doesn't apply to us." My heart swelled with gratitude and pride over their response. And I hope it sticks.
Angelo Santelli
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Bergoglio, now 85, Lost It So Badly
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