
Francis Is About to Produce Another Skeleton in His Closet

The homosex activist Francis Bergoglio will indeed punish Archbishop Giacomo Morandi, the secretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith for opposing homosex "blessings," and cautiously …More
The homosex activist Francis Bergoglio will indeed punish Archbishop Giacomo Morandi, the secretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith for opposing homosex "blessings," and cautiously questioned the opportunity of Traditionis Custodes.
According to MessaInLatino.it (January 7), Morandi who is an archbishop, will be shipped to Regio Emilia which is only a simple diocese. His successor will be Homosex Archbishop Charles Scicluna of Malta.
Picture: Giacomo Morandi, © Youtube Screenshot, #newsGimdddzrdb
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I think much better of the idea that the good Lord very very soon we hope just takes Francis to himself and to his just reward and/or punishment..and that his successor is 100% the opposite to him and undoes all that Francis and his trolls (in Japanese we say mazoku=evil spirits) have done to wreck the Church. But to post hoping someone shoots him? NO! Sounds like all the lunatics who go around …More
I think much better of the idea that the good Lord very very soon we hope just takes Francis to himself and to his just reward and/or punishment..and that his successor is 100% the opposite to him and undoes all that Francis and his trolls (in Japanese we say mazoku=evil spirits) have done to wreck the Church. But to post hoping someone shoots him? NO! Sounds like all the lunatics who go around shooting people in USA in cities all the time- same type people think that.
"I wonder why no one just takes fat Frank out and just end it for him." -because we're Catholics not murdering morons like you @Angelo Sanelli So why haven't you booked a flight to Rome? Not man enough to back up your own big mouth? You're just wind-bag.
Angelo Santelli
You know I read this, that the corpulent one is going to "punish" an archbishop for opposing homosexual marriage and I wonder why no one just takes fat Frank out and just end it for him.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I feel sorry for all the idiots who still gather devotedly beneath his window every Sunday for the traditional Papal Angelus blessing, or attending his General Audiences every Wednesday, ignorant of the kind of man he really is, and that he is in actual fact a heretic and as someone labeled him in another website, "the great deceiver". Isn't that in fact a name for the Devil? If it is, it is …More
I feel sorry for all the idiots who still gather devotedly beneath his window every Sunday for the traditional Papal Angelus blessing, or attending his General Audiences every Wednesday, ignorant of the kind of man he really is, and that he is in actual fact a heretic and as someone labeled him in another website, "the great deceiver". Isn't that in fact a name for the Devil? If it is, it is appropriate because Francis agenda and his associates is more satanic than anything else.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
If you mean assasinate him, I don't wish that on anyone, but I would not be surprised if because of his actions sooner or later he was. I would not be surprised if some of his associates were either.....but I don't wish it. But not surprised if it did.
The Curia should not be seen as having any authority except as deputies of the Pope. Now granted, that's not a happy thing when the 'pope' is Bergolio. sigh............
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Maybe so, but I wish they would stand up against Francis anyway. Can you imaging his shock if a good percentage of the Curia were to say " You are wrong, your agenda is wrong and we will not obey". Francis probably would work himself up into a huge temper tantrum, followed by a stroke. He's the type to have a melt-down.
my point is, the Curia IS Bergolio.......... they wouldn't be there is they weren't...... now with you, I wish they weren't there, I wish Bergolio didn't have the reins of power but.......if wishes were horses etc etc etc
Jan Joseph
Homosexuele priesters staan een zuiver Rooms Katholiek geloof in de weg. Zolang niet alle homosexuele priesters in de Rooms Katholieke kerk ontslagen zijn, zal de Rooms Katholieke kerk het universele Zuivere Rooms Katholieke geloof niet verkondigen en zal de kerkverlating voortduren. De schisma Rooms Katholieke kerk, de Pius X broederschap, zal zolang snel blijven groeien.
DefendTruth shares this
Francis seems to be treating the Roman Curia like it's his own personal Soviet Politburo, where he can just reshuffle people at will.
Look at him trying to stack the deck with the College of Cardinals for instance. We need to go back to the traditional number of 70 cardinals (for almost 400 years that number was respected). There's been nothing but trouble since Pope John XXIII started expanding the college, and now it's become so bloated with bureaucracy.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
The weird thing is, that although many of the CArdinals he has named are radical progressives like himself, some of Francis cardinals are not liberals at all. Some are like Benedict XVI.