
Another Letter: Francis' Homosex Church Versus Benedict's Catholic Church

Francis, an accomplished homosex activist, sent on December 10 another handwritten letter in Spanish applauding homosexualism.

The addressee was Sister Jeannine Gramick, the co-founder of the homosexualist New Ways Ministry. The letter’s pretext is Gramick’ anniversary of 50 years (!) of homosex propaganda which Francis called, using his usual buzzwords, "closeness," "compassion," "tenderness,” and "the style of God."

“In getting close you did ‘feeling the pain’ and without condemning anyone, but with the ‘tenderness’ of a sister and a mother,” Francis bubbled according to AmericaMagazine.org (January 7).

Gramick's homosex propaganda is condemned by the Catholic Church. Cardinal Ratzinger declared in 1999 that her presentation of homosexuality didn't accurately express “the intrinsic evil of homosexual acts and the objective disorder of the homosexual inclination.” He banned her from pastoral work related to homosexuals.


DefendTruth shares this
One pope praising her and one pope condemning her (through the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith), all in the span of just over 20 years.
Roberto 55
Under JPII she was condemned by then cdl.Ratzinger and under Francis the Destroyer of RCC sister "Act" is venerable. Nice message for all NO "members" of New Church....
la verdad prevalece
According to the CDF Bergoglio is not "in full communion with the Catholic Church"
la verdad prevalece
And there is evidence to think that Bergoglio was never in full communion with the Church, it is already known that he entered the seminary for leftist political reasons, and not religious ones. He entered the Seminary, self-excommunicated, being affin and accomplice of communists.
Jan Joseph
Het feit dat paus Franciscus een praktiseren homosexuele man is, betekent voor veel traditionele gelovigen dat de Rooms Katholieke kerk niet meer het Rooms Katholieke geloof verkondigd en vinden daarom een schisma een uitstekende oplossing voor dit probleem.
De Profundis shares this
John Paul II permanently prohibited her from any pastoral work involving homosexual persons. Today Sr. Gramick’s position doesn’t appear to have changed and she continues to believe it’s the Church that must change her position on sexual ethics
Ludo Adriaensens
"The LORD shall smite thee with madness, and blindness, and astonishment of heart"
- Deuteronomy 28:28
la verdad prevalece
Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits. Matthew 7:15-16
la verdad prevalece
Josephsciambra: Gramick was officially silenced by the Vatican in 1999 ( The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith ordered her to stop ministering to homosexuals because she was promoting views contrary to Church teaching); an order which she ignored; and in 2010 the USCCB declared that New Ways Ministry “has no approval or recognition from the Catholic Church” to speak on (homosexuality) …More
Josephsciambra: Gramick was officially silenced by the Vatican in 1999 ( The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith ordered her to stop ministering to homosexuals because she was promoting views contrary to Church teaching); an order which she ignored; and in 2010 the USCCB declared that New Ways Ministry “has no approval or recognition from the Catholic Church” to speak on (homosexuality) issue.

USCCB President Clarifies Status of New Ways Ministry | USCCB
New Ways Ministry has recently criticized efforts by the Church to defend the traditional definition of marriage as between one man and one woman and has urged Catholics to support electoral initiatives to establish same-sex "marriage." No one should be misled by the claim that New Ways Ministry provides an authentic interpretation of Catholic teaching and an authentic Catholic pastoral practice. Their claim to be Catholic only confuses the faithful regarding the authentic teaching and ministry of the Church with respect to persons with a homosexual inclination. Accordingly, I wish to make it clear that, like other groups that claim to be Catholic but deny central aspects of Church teaching, New Ways Ministry has no approval or recognition from the Catholic Church and that they cannot speak on behalf of the Catholic faithful in the United States.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
How much longer O God, do we have to be stuck with him? (Bergoglio/aka Francis)
la verdad prevalece
Proverbs 17:15
One who justifies the wicked and one who condemns the righteous
are both alike an abomination to the Lord.
la verdad prevalece
The flatterer, <a minister of the devil>
53 The flatterer is a minister of the devil, a doctor of pride, a destroyer of repentance, an annihilator of virtues, a teacher of error (SAN JUAN CLIMACO, Escala del paraiso, 22).More
The flatterer, <a minister of the devil>

53 The flatterer is a minister of the devil, a doctor of pride, a destroyer of repentance, an annihilator of virtues, a teacher of error (SAN JUAN CLIMACO, Escala del paraiso, 22).
la verdad prevalece
Gregory the Great: "The dead also bury the dead, when sinners protect sinners. They who exalt sinners with their praises, hide the dead under a pile of words."
"But to God the wicked and his wickedness are hateful alike" (Wisd. 14:9).More
Gregory the Great: "The dead also bury the dead, when sinners protect sinners. They who exalt sinners with their praises, hide the dead under a pile of words."

"But to God the wicked and his wickedness are hateful alike" (Wisd. 14:9).
That's the fiendishly clever thing about such letters. Francis praises the individual not their agenda. Nowhere does he praise or support homosexuality, he just happens to praise and support people who promote it and even then his praise is couched in superficially Catholic verbiage.
la verdad prevalece
Bergoglio flatters the perverse work of an apostate nun who promotes homosexuality and abortion
Full Text of the Letter
December 10, 2021
Sister Jeannine Gramick, SL
Dear sister,
Many thanks for your letter. It made me happy to receive the news about your 50th anniversary.
Your letter reminded me of “the style” of God... God has his own style to communicate with us. And we could summarize that …More
Bergoglio flatters the perverse work of an apostate nun who promotes homosexuality and abortion
Full Text of the Letter
December 10, 2021
Sister Jeannine Gramick, SL
Dear sister,
Many thanks for your letter. It made me happy to receive the news about your 50th anniversary.
Your letter reminded me of “the style” of God... God has his own style to communicate with us. And we could summarize that style in three words: closeness, compassion, tenderness.
And I am thinking of your 50 years of ministry, which were 50 years with this “style of God,” 50 years of closeness, of compassion and of tenderness.
You have not been afraid of “closeness,” and in getting close you did it “suffering with” [compassion] and without condemning anyone, but with the “tenderness” of a sister and a mother.
Thank you, Sister Jeannine, for all your closeness, compassion and tenderness.
I pray for you. Please do not forget to pray for me. Greetings to Yayo (Obdulio).
May Jesus bless you and the Holy Virgin protect you.
That isn't apostasy, that's error. You routinely make this mistake.
chris griffin
Ultraviolet Advocating for abortion is not “error”. It is heresy to deny the infallible condemnation of abortion by the Catholic Church. This is the second time you have made that mistake.
la verdad prevalece
Catholic Doctrine is all truth taught by the Church as necessary to believe. Satisfies one of the following:
1-It was formally revealed (Ex: the Real Eucharistic Presence)
2-It is a theological conclusion (Ex: the canonization of a saint)
3-It is part of the natural law (Homosexuality is qualified among the sins that cry to God for vengeance). Ex the sinfulness of contraceptives and abortion.More
Catholic Doctrine is all truth taught by the Church as necessary to believe. Satisfies one of the following:

1-It was formally revealed (Ex: the Real Eucharistic Presence)
2-It is a theological conclusion (Ex: the canonization of a saint)
3-It is part of the natural law (Homosexuality is qualified among the sins that cry to God for vengeance). Ex the sinfulness of contraceptives and abortion.
la verdad prevalece
Can. 750 §1. A person must believe with divine and Catholic faith all those things contained in the word of God, written or handed on, that is, in the one deposit of faith entrusted to the Church, and at the same time proposed as divinely revealed either by the solemn magisterium of the Church or by its ordinary and universal magisterium which is manifested by the common adherence of the Christian …More
Can. 750 §1. A person must believe with divine and Catholic faith all those things contained in the word of God, written or handed on, that is, in the one deposit of faith entrusted to the Church, and at the same time proposed as divinely revealed either by the solemn magisterium of the Church or by its ordinary and universal magisterium which is manifested by the common adherence of the Christian faithful under the leadership of the sacred magisterium; therefore all are bound to avoid any doctrines whatsoever contrary to them.

§2. Each and every thing which is proposed definitively by the magisterium of the Church concerning the doctrine of faith and morals, that is, each and every thing which is required to safeguard reverently and to expound faithfully the same deposit of faith, is also to be firmly embraced and retained; therefore, one who rejects those propositions which are to be held definitively is opposed to the doctrine of the Catholic Church.

Canon 1436
1. Whoever denies a truth which must be believed with divine and catholic faith, or who calls into doubt, or who totally repudiates the Christian faith, and does not retract after having been legitimately warned, is to be punished as a heretic or an apostate with a major excommunication; a cleric moreover can be punished with other penalties, not excluding deposition.
@chris griffin You need to review Canon Law 751 which contains The Church's definition of heresy, not the common (mis)understanding of it..
Canon Law 751 states "Heresy is the obstinate denial or obstinate doubt."
Why is this distinction between an obstinate act (denial or doubt) and an act per se so important?
"Obstinate" shows a deliberate course of action in the face of correction, i.e. "…More
@chris griffin You need to review Canon Law 751 which contains The Church's definition of heresy, not the common (mis)understanding of it..

Canon Law 751 states "Heresy is the obstinate denial or obstinate doubt."

Why is this distinction between an obstinate act (denial or doubt) and an act per se so important?

"Obstinate" shows a deliberate course of action in the face of correction, i.e. "stubbornly adhering to an opinion, purpose, or course in spite of reason, arguments, or persuasion."

Citation (Merriam-Webster dictionary entry: "Obstinate")

An obstinate denial or an obstinate doubt shows that:

a.) the accused heretic has expressed a view
b.) The Church has disgreed with that view as contrary to its teachings.
c.) The Church has attempted to correct the accused heretic
d.) the accused heretic has opposed that correction by the Church.

Regarding this nun...
a.) She has certainly expressed her views.
But points b.)-d.) have not happened. The Church has not corrected her. Worse, Pope Francis is praising her personally just so he doesn't have to address her views. He understands they're contrary to Church teaching just like you and I do.

That goes double for you @la verdad prevalace

Even your own cite from Canon 1436 contradicts you.

1. Whoever denies a truth which must be believed with divine and catholic faith, or who calls into doubt, or who totally repudiates the Christian faith, and does not retract after having been legitimately warned, is to be punished as a heretic.

...and that bolded section has not happened. Thanks for the "Red Frownie" and the "block". Go make me some fritos renellos, babosa.
"You are confusing the canonical process for declaring someone a formal heretic with what makes someone a heretic by fact."
No I'm not. We've had this discussion before. Just because YOU claim something is a "fact" does not make it so. All facts can be proven to be such. This, inevitably leads to deciding what standards of proof are to be mutually accepted and what criteria will be used to judge,…More
"You are confusing the canonical process for declaring someone a formal heretic with what makes someone a heretic by fact."

No I'm not. We've had this discussion before. Just because YOU claim something is a "fact" does not make it so. All facts can be proven to be such. This, inevitably leads to deciding what standards of proof are to be mutually accepted and what criteria will be used to judge, and so on.

Likewise, just because you claim someone is a heretic because of what you claim is fact, does not make them so.

"It goes back to the argument we had before."

...and you lost that one so badly you were compelled to drag it up on a post where it didn't belong. Very telling behavior, that. :D

"Someone is a murderer if they commit murder, regardless of if they are punished for it."

The moment YOU (or anyone else) accuses anyone of "murder" then immediately the question becomes "according to whom, using what as proof, and by whose standards OF proof"? According to the eternally butthurt Left and THEIR standards, George Zimmerman is a murderer. They're doing what you're doing....

They say so, They claim it's a fact. They advance all sorts of silly standards to support their claim.

But what counts as a "fact"? Who decides? What standards for determining "facts" and admissable evidence are to be used? Those from the radical Left? Those of the racist Right? Ask some Klansmen and they'll argue killin' some dang "colored" ain't no crime 'cuz they're all animals anway.

This is why civilizations are founded on law and why such accusations are arbitrated in courts of law. It keeps every idiot (or group of idiots) from using whatever standards they choose to determine what counts as "evidence" or as "fact".

"Likewise a person is a heretic by fact regardless of if the canonical process..."

Same problem, same mistake. You are not the sole arbiter of what is "fact." Your standards are not absolute. Based on this, you are not the sole arbiter of who is a heretic "by fact", meaning your standards of "fact" or your interpretations of Church teaching.

For that matter, neither am I. This is why I defer the judgement to those in The Church whose authority it is to decide such things.

You don't speak for The Church. I don't speak for The Church, either. Even if you claim to be using "Church" standards to determine heresy-in-fact, that is no different than someone ELSE claiming the individual is NOT a heretic for the same reason.

"Once the court finishes the canonical process they move from material heretic to formal heretic."

...but both determinations are for The Church to decide, not you. The Church decides who is a material heretic, before attempting to correct them. Someone must be a material heretic before they are declared a formal heretic, but someone is NOT a material heretic because YOU call them one.

As I've said elsewhere, throwing such accusations around is Lutheran-style "Sola Scriptura" for Catholics with everyone usurping an authority they do not have based on their own interpretation of Church teachings.
Facts Not Lies
Frances... getting acceptance for homosexual deviant behavior still won't protect from those who seemingly go even further and defile boys... the damage is done... stop the misbehavior and recover the dignity of your position before you go.
la verdad prevalece
Bergoglio flatters an apostate nun who advocates homosexuality and abortion
Sr. Jeannine Gramick asked Pres. Obama to expand abortion throughout the world – gloria.tv
Les Crispi
Benedict is not a great pope, he is a modernist. He was one of the big men behind Vatican 2. No surprise, he's German. However, he is the pope and believes in the core dogma. Bergolio is pure evil.
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De Profundis
Full Text of the Letter
December 10, 2021
Sister Jeannine Gramick, SL
Dear sister,
Many thanks for your letter. It made me happy to receive the news about your 50th anniversary.
Your letter reminded me of “the style” of God... God has his own style to communicate with us. And we could summarize that style in three words: closeness, compassion, tenderness.
And I am thinking of your 50 years of …More
Full Text of the Letter
December 10, 2021
Sister Jeannine Gramick, SL
Dear sister,
Many thanks for your letter. It made me happy to receive the news about your 50th anniversary.
Your letter reminded me of “the style” of God... God has his own style to communicate with us. And we could summarize that style in three words: closeness, compassion, tenderness.
And I am thinking of your 50 years of ministry, which were 50 years with this “style of God,” 50 years of closeness, of compassion and of tenderness.
You have not been afraid of “closeness,” and in getting close you did it “suffering with” [compassion] and without condemning anyone, but with the “tenderness” of a sister and a mother.
Thank you, Sister Jeannine, for all your closeness, compassion and tenderness.
I pray for you. Please do not forget to pray for me. Greetings to Yayo (Obdulio).
May Jesus bless you and the Holy Virgin protect you.
la verdad prevalece
Bergoglio: "Greetings to Yayo (Obdulio)"
Bergoglio's former student is a gay activist.
Homosexual Yayo Grassi, and his partner of 19 years, Iwan Bagus.
Bergoglio is embraced by Grassi, with his homosexual partner
No more doubt. Francis wishes a gay Church.
la verdad prevalece
There is no doubt that Bergoglio is a schismatic heretic and apostate.