True Mass
True Mass

Mel Gibson to Archbishop Viganò: 'You are a modern day Athanasius!' - LifeSite

We all know that the elephant in the room is sedevacantism. Whether it's since Benedict ran or since 1958. The Michael Matts of the world straddle the fence. R&R. Fact is if you are a faithful Catholic how is it possible to R&R? The Sedes have a clear strong argument.
True Mass

Ecco cosa è successo ieri a Trieste durante la celebrazione dove era presente Francesco

It will be a remnant church. And that remnant church will repudiate all the novelties and filth that flooded in with V2.
Good faithful Catholics know this.
True Mass

July 8, 2024: The Mass is Evil, Francis is a Prophet, Tyranny is Democracy, and Cd. Pell Wasn’t Bumped Off

Yes Matt has been a huge disappointment. AB Vigano tells the TRUTH. Matt disappoints.
True Mass

Ecco cosa è successo ieri a Trieste durante la celebrazione dove era presente Francesco

It's called V2. Just apply a tiny bit of common sense. V2 created a new church. Not Catholic.
True Mass

Linz: Obscenity Diocese Hoists Homosex Flag on Cathedral - for a Short Time

AB Vigano is excommunicated. Laughable.
True Mass

Viganò to Bishops: ‘If You are Silent, the Stones Will Cry Out’

Unfortunately they will be silent. That's what they do. Nothing. They are gutless and useless. They let all churches around the world shut down during the scamdemic. They go along to get along. They are spineless phonies.
True Mass

What Does It Mean to be Excommunicated Anyway?

Mr. It's an act of love, excommunicates AB Vigano? Pathetic.
True Mass

Candace Owens Describes Science as 'Pagan Faith'

She's talking about the vax, climate change and all
the other propaganda.
True Mass

FSSPX: No Consecration of New Bishops

True Mass

FSSPX: No Consecration of New Bishops

It's called go along to get along. Where is our modern day St John the Baptist?
True Mass


Let the light of truth shine for all to see.
True Mass

Steve Bannon receives a blessing in Latin before heading to jail

Political prisoners in America.
True Mass

Rector of Linz Cathedral Defends Obscene Statue - really?

How about the Bishop who allowed this in his church.
True Mass

Rector of Linz Cathedral Defends Obscene Statue - really?

The work of Satan. Bishop remove this sacrilege, repent and resign. TODAY.
True Mass

Is a Pope Beyond Criticism?

It's an act of love. NEVER FORGET
True Mass

Bishop Viganò’s J’Accuse. Bergoglio’s Errors and Heresies Make Null His Elevation to the Throne of …

It's an act of love. NEVER FORGET
God Bless and protect AB Vigano.
True Mass

New Vatican document reveals Francis’ plan for a grotesque parody of the papacy - LifeSite

It's an act of love. Never forget. NEVER FORGET.
True Mass

New Vatican document reveals Francis’ plan for a grotesque parody of the papacy - LifeSite

It's an act of love. Never forget it people. An act of love.
True Mass

SSPX Supports Vatican Charge that Archbishop Viganò is “Schismatic”

This does not jive with most SSPX priests. Could this cause a split within? Truth serum can be tough medicine.