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Si pudiera explicarlo brevemente diría que el problema es que varios documentos del Vaticano II contienen herejías introducidas maliciosamente por herejes internos y enemigos externos de la Iglesia …More
Si pudiera explicarlo brevemente diría que el problema es que varios documentos del Vaticano II contienen herejías introducidas maliciosamente por herejes internos y enemigos externos de la Iglesia que influyeron en el Vaticano II. El oscurecimiento general de la Iglesia fue causado por homosexuales, masones, comunistas que se infiltraron en el Seminario y Bergoglio es uno de ellos. Con y después del Vaticano II surgieron dos corrientes: una ultraprogresista y otra más conservadora (Juan Pablo II y Benedicto XVI). Por eso el Papa Benedicto XVI comenzó a hablar de la “hermenéutica de la continuidad” porque querían interpretar el Vaticano II de acuerdo con la Tradición de la Iglesia, pero el problema es que el movimiento ecuménico es incompatible con la doctrina católica. Este enfoque conservador provocó enfrentamiento y odio de la corriente ultraprogresista que veía en Benedicto un acercamiento a la tradición y un obstáculo debido a sus posiciones contra la homosexualidad y su defensa de …More
Padre Jesusmary Missigbètò: Carta abierta al Papa Francisco: “¡Por favor, arrepiéntete, porque eres un mentiroso, un hipócrita, un hereje, un orgulloso y un dictador!” ESTE VIDEO HAY QUE DIRIGILO …More
Padre Jesusmary Missigbètò: Carta abierta al Papa Francisco: “¡Por favor, arrepiéntete, porque eres un mentiroso, un hipócrita, un hereje, un orgulloso y un dictador!”
And those who call themselves Catholics call this sexually depraved corrupter of minors "Pope" Bergoglio was disqualified from became a pope due to his heretical, apostate and schismatic past in … – …More
And those who call themselves Catholics call this sexually depraved corrupter of minors "Pope"
Bergoglio was disqualified from became a pope due to his heretical, apostate and schismatic past in … –
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The Argentine apostate Jorge Mario Bergoglio has a superiority complex, to the point of believing himself to be the king of the universe and superior …More
The Argentine apostate Jorge Mario Bergoglio has a superiority complex, to the point of believing himself to be the king of the universe and superior to God. It is not without reason that he titled his heretical and apostate book, which contains all his personal heretical and anti-Catholic opinions, “On Heaven and Earth.” And his accomplices, like Rosica, believe that Bergoglio is above the Word of God and the infallible Magisterium of the Church. And that he can defy and trample on it whenever he pleases.
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Just like the cunning serpent, the depraved Bergoglio, defying God and the Church, perverts young people by supporting homosexual pseudo-identities, …More
Just like the cunning serpent, the depraved Bergoglio, defying God and the Church, perverts young people by supporting homosexual pseudo-identities, which means that Bergoglio not only usurps the papacy but also pretends to be God and deceives young people by confirming them in their rebellion against the Divine Natural Law. That is, make them believe that they are their own gods and that they can invent any pseudo-identity they want.
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⚠️Caution, this video contains disturbing information.⚠️ “We did it!” This is why the Predator McCarrick claimed victory in Bergoglio's fraudulent election because the Gay mafia knew they had chosen …More
⚠️Caution, this video contains disturbing information.⚠️
“We did it!” This is why the Predator McCarrick claimed victory in Bergoglio's fraudulent election because the Gay mafia knew they had chosen one of their own.
Francis Cannot Refute Abp. Vigano’s Charge that he is Involved with homosexual Predation
Exposing the SATANIC Infiltration of Our Church! With Dr. Janet Smith (
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⚠️ Caution, this video contains disturbing information. ⚠️ Information about the modus operandi of the network of homosexual predators like McCarrick …More
⚠️ Caution, this video contains disturbing information. ⚠️ Information about the modus operandi of the network of homosexual predators like McCarrick, who has been protected and rewarded by the apostate Jorge Mario Bergoglio Sívori even from Argentina. But if we, as adults, find this disconcerting and disgusting, how much more so to the young people and children who are victims of this organized network of homosexual predator priests who have infiltrated the Church and who enjoy impunity thanks to the cover-up they provide themselves.
For the love of God, we as Catholics are obliged to do everything possible to stop allowing this atrocity to continue happening to our children and young people in our seminaries or in our churches.
Ephesians 5:11-12
Douay-Rheims 1899 American Edition
And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.
12 For the things that are done by them in secret, it is a shame even to speak of.
“We did it!” This is why the Predator …More
la verdad prevalece
⚠️ Caution, this video contains disturbing information. ⚠️ Information about the modus operandi of the network of homosexual predators like McCarrick …More
⚠️ Caution, this video contains disturbing information. ⚠️ Information about the modus operandi of the network of homosexual predators like McCarrick, which has been protected and rewarded by the apostate Jorge Mario Bergoglio Sivori. But if we as adults find this disconcerting, how much more so for the young people and children who are victims of this organized network of homosexual predator priests who have infiltrated the Church and who enjoy impunity thanks to the cover-up they provide themselves.
Ephesians 5:11-12
Douay-Rheims 1899 American Edition
And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.
12 For the things that are done by them in secret, it is a shame even to speak of.
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Père Jesusmary Missigbètò : Lettre ouverte au pape François : « S'il vous plaît, repentez-vous, car vous êtes un menteur, un hypocrite, un hérétique, un orgueilleux et un dictateur ! »
Bénédicte LIOGIER
Merci Père Jesusmary Missigbètò pour ce rappel des faits dont les cris retentissent au milieu du silence des pasteurs. Vos litanies ne sont certes …More
Merci Père Jesusmary Missigbètò pour ce rappel des faits dont les cris retentissent au milieu du silence des pasteurs.
Vos litanies ne sont certes pas celles d’un saint mais encore moins celles d’un pape. On peut être pape sans être saint mais on ne peut être pape en étant "hérétique obstiné".
Il ne reste plus qu’à tirer les conclusions du C.1364 puisque Notre-Dame n’aime pas les demi-vérités.
Voici ma prière : que l’Auguste Reine des Cieux vienne à notre secours en envoyant ses légions célestes sous la bannière de St Michel Archange : Quis ut Deus et que chaque prélat fasse son devoir, seule pénitence demandée par Notre-Dame de Fatima.
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Padre Jesusmary Missigbètò: Lettera aperta a Papa Francesco: “Per favore pentiti, perché sei un bugiardo, un ipocrita, un eretico, un orgoglioso e un dittatore!”
Padre Jesusmary Missigbètò: Carta abierta al Papa Francisco: “¡Por favor, arrepiéntete, porque eres un mentiroso, un hipócrita, un hereje, un orgulloso y un dictador!”
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Tito 3 - Biblia Torres Amat 1825 9 Huye del hombre hereje, después de haberle corregido una y dos veces. 10 sabiendo que quien es de esta ralea, está …More
Tito 3 - Biblia Torres Amat 1825
9 Huye del hombre hereje, después de haberle corregido una y dos veces.
10 sabiendo que quien es de esta ralea, está pervertido y es delincuente, siendo condenado por su propia conciencia.
Father Jesusmary Missigbètò: Open Letter to Pope Francis: “Please repent, because you are a liar, a hypocrite, a heretic, proud and a dictator!”More
Father Jesusmary Missigbètò:
Open Letter to Pope Francis: “Please repent, because you are a liar, a hypocrite, a heretic, proud and a dictator!”
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Titus 3:10-11 Douay-Rheims 1899 American Edition 10 A man that is a heretic, after the first and second admonition, avoid: 11 Knowing that he, that is …More
Titus 3:10-11
Douay-Rheims 1899 American Edition
10 A man that is a heretic, after the first and second admonition, avoid:
11 Knowing that he, that is such an one, is subverted, and sinneth, being condemned by his own judgment.
Liam Ronan
👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 🙏
Sacerdote cancelado defiende a Viganó - Dialogo con el Padre Jesus Mary Solo soy un laico más que busca La Verdad. Hace tiempo y tras mi Conversión, me di cuenta que la sociedad vive en la gran …More
Sacerdote cancelado defiende a Viganó - Dialogo con el Padre Jesus Mary
Solo soy un laico más que busca La Verdad. Hace tiempo y tras mi Conversión, me di cuenta que la sociedad vive en la gran apostasía predicha por el Apóstol y que sería uno de los grandes signos previos al Retorno de Cristo.
en conciencia me veo abocado a dar la voz de alarma para que esa gran apostasía que está eclipsando La Luz de La Iglesia, no se lleve por delante almas confundidas.
Así, para que laicos y pastores despierten, doy testimonio de La Verdad que me concedió La Gracia de La Conversión. Me declaro Esclavo de Jesucristo y toda la Gloria para ÉL.
Que Viva Cristo Rey!
Que Viva Cristo Rey!
Que Viva Cristo Rey!
la verdad prevalece
“si éstos callan gritarán las piedras” (Lucas 19:40) Carta Abierta al Papa Francisco, a los Cardenales Kasper, Schönborn, Ladaria, Hollerich, Marx y …More
“si éstos callan gritarán las piedras” (Lucas 19:40)
Carta Abierta al Papa Francisco, a los Cardenales Kasper, Schönborn, Ladaria, Hollerich,
Marx y Fernández, al Arzobispo Morandi, a los Padres Matteo, Martin y Kennedy, y a los
Colegios de Cardenales y Obispos
En defensa del Arzobispo Carlo Maria Viganò Vigano 9 de julio de 2024 ESP.pdf - Google Drive
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The apostate Bergoglio renounced the Catholic faith and confirmed the pagan Buddhists in their idolatry. And the stubborn Bergoglians call this enemy of Christ and the Church 'Pope'.
la verdad prevalece
Bergoglio is in Schism against all the Catholic popes of the Church. The anathemas and automatic excommunications fall on this impostor.
la verdad prevalece
The Bergoglians justify and tolerate that the apostate Bergoglio violates the First Commandment. What they do not tolerate is that the apostasy of this …More
The Bergoglians justify and tolerate that the apostate Bergoglio violates the First Commandment. What they do not tolerate is that the apostasy of this impostor be denounced to them.
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Mysterium Fidei: explicación de la Misa Tradicional. El odio diabólico de Bergoglio hacia la Santa Misa en latín es ideológicamente marxista y tiene sus raíces en Argentina. El monje Réprobo y …More
Mysterium Fidei: explicación de la Misa Tradicional.
El odio diabólico de Bergoglio hacia la Santa Misa en latín es ideológicamente marxista y tiene sus raíces en Argentina.

El monje Réprobo y heresiarca Martín Lutero decía: “Destruyamos la misa y destruiremos a la Iglesia”
La lucha de Bergoglio contra la “Misa antigua” desde Argentina es una lucha contra la Santisima Trinidad y contra la Iglesia
Bergoglio enemigo de la Misa en Latín.
"El demonio siempre ha intentado, por medio de los herejes,
privar al mundo de la Misa, haciéndolos precursores del Anticristo, quien, antes que nada, intentará abolir y abolirá de hecho el Santísimo Sacramento del altar, como castigo por los pecados de los hombres, según la predicción de Daniel: 'Y le fue dada fuerza contra el sacrificio continuo' (Daniel 8:12)." San Alfonso María de Ligorio, Doctor de la Iglesia. (1696-1787)
Bergoglio's diabolical hatred for the Latin mass is ideologically Marxist and has its roots in Argentina
"The devil has always …More
Pero ya sabemos que LA VERDAD le molesta al "Pakiko"... porque él se cree "MÁS LISTO" que ¡JESUCRISTO! El hereje y blasfemo "papaíto" se cree "…More
Pero ya sabemos que LA VERDAD le molesta al "Pakiko"... porque él se cree "MÁS LISTO" que ¡JESUCRISTO!
El hereje y blasfemo "papaíto" se cree "diosecillo"... porque se lo han dicho LOS QUE LO PUSIERON: ELLOS.
la verdad prevalece
parangutirimicuaro Los bergoglianos se han unido a Bergoglio en su rebelión contra Dios y contra la Iglesia.
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Calls for accountability Let's call out Bergoglio and his accomplices Wilton Gregory and his other perverting puppets for the moral corruption of the Youth and the destruction of thousands of souls that …More
Calls for accountability
Let's call out Bergoglio and his accomplices Wilton Gregory and his other perverting puppets for the moral corruption of the Youth and the destruction of thousands of souls that they have caused.
Jaw-Dropping Vatican Financial and Sexual Corruption EXPOSED
Mons-Viganò explicó que Bergoglio abolió la aprobación de la Misa en latín del Papa Benedicto XVI en su plan diabólico para destruir la Santa Misa y por tanto la Iglesia católica con el Motu Proprio …More
Mons-Viganò explicó que Bergoglio abolió la aprobación de la Misa en latín del Papa Benedicto XVI en su plan diabólico para destruir la Santa Misa y por tanto la Iglesia católica con el Motu Proprio Traditiones custodes
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Show trial against Abp C. M. Viganò tears off the masks of the hidden enemies of Christ The show trial against Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò has revealed who is who. Who is on the side of the manifest …More
Show trial against Abp C. M. Viganò tears off the masks of the hidden enemies of Christ
The show trial against Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò has revealed who is who. Who is on the side of the manifest heretic Bergoglio and who is on the side of Christ and the truth, that is, on the side of Archbishop Viganò.
The Patriarchate responds to media reports.
Roberto de Mattei, historian, commented: “Bishop Strickland recognised the authority of Pope Francis, refusing to follow the advice of those American conservatives and/or traditionalists who were inciting him to defy the pontiff’s decision.”
The historian De Mattei is correct; Bishop Strickland did recognise and still recognises the authority of the false Pope Francis as the rightful Pope, even now, in the aftermath of Fiducia supplicans. In so doing, he has aligned himself with his apostasy and rebellion against God. Appealing to so-called obedience to the Holy Father is absurd. Bergoglio, who has excommunicated himself from the Church, …More
Jorge Bergoglio is a destroyer of the papacy and the Church and uses “excommunication” as a weapon of revenge at his whim, and not as the Church has instituted it; as a medicinal weapon to correct …More
Jorge Bergoglio is a destroyer of the papacy and the Church and uses “excommunication” as a weapon of revenge at his whim, and not as the Church has instituted it; as a medicinal weapon to correct Christians who have strayed from the faith and betray the Church with their heresies, but Bergoglio uses it to take personal revenge on those who refuse to join his rebellion against God and the Church. And on the contrary, Bergoglio himself promotes heretics, internal and external enemies of the Church.
From Argentina he has rewarded the predatory homosexual priests who have destroyed the lives of many Catholic seminarians, young people and children.
This wicked man should be in jail.
Archbishop Viganò: I accuse Bergoglio of heresy and schism
With conviction I reject the heterodox doctrines contained in the documents of Vatican II and which have been condemned by the popes up to Pius XII, or which contradict the Catholic Magisterium in any way. I find it disconcerting to say the least that …
Vigano’s “Excommunication” By Francis Is Invalid (Catholic Teaching) A group of sede vacantes demonstrates with Catholic arguments that the 'excommunication' of Monsignor Viganó by the anti-Catholic …More
Vigano’s “Excommunication” By Francis Is Invalid (Catholic Teaching)
A group of sede vacantes demonstrates with Catholic arguments that the 'excommunication' of Monsignor Viganó by the anti-Catholic apostate Jorge Bergoglio is invalid.
Jorge Bergoglio is a destroyer of the papacy and the Church and uses “excommunication” as a weapon of revenge at his whim, and not as the Church has instituted it; as a medicinal weapon to correct Christians who have strayed from the faith and betray the Church with their heresies, but Bergoglio uses it to take personal revenge on those who refuse to join his rebellion against God and the Church. And on the contrary, Bergoglio himself promotes heretics, internal and external enemies of the Church.
From Argentina he has rewarded the predatory homosexual priests who have destroyed the lives of many Catholic seminarians, young people and children.
This wicked man should be in jail
la verdad prevalece
Mel Gibson to Archbishop Viganò: 'You are a modern day Athanasius!' - LifeSite ( If Monsignor Viganò agrees to celebrate the Holy Mass …More
Mel Gibson to Archbishop Viganò: 'You are a modern day Athanasius!' - LifeSite ( If Monsignor Viganò agrees to celebrate the Holy Mass at Mel Gibson Church I would be one of the first Catholics along with other Catholic brothers and sisters who would attend. 🙏 🙏 🙏
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Recordings of priest grooming teenage boy for sex published, show homosexuality’s role in abuse crisis - LifeSite ( It's a shame that Michael Voris fell into the sodomy trap, but I …More
Recordings of priest grooming teenage boy for sex published, show homosexuality’s role in abuse crisis - LifeSite (
It's a shame that Michael Voris fell into the sodomy trap, but I think that many parents who have susceptible children should watch it to prevent them from falling into the traps of predatory homosexual priests.
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The Church still has Tertullian's quotes in the Catena Aurea of Saint Thomas, although he later fell into heresy.
All Saints
No Voris.
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Mons. Lenga Polonia reprende a Jorge Mario Bergoglio sobre la falacia anticatólica que Jesús es comunista, dicho por el apostata mason comunista anticatólico J.M.Bergolio. Cuando todos sabemos que el …More
Mons. Lenga Polonia reprende a Jorge Mario Bergoglio sobre la falacia anticatólica que Jesús es comunista, dicho por el apostata mason comunista anticatólico J.M.Bergolio.
Cuando todos sabemos que el Magisterio de la Iglesia ha excomulgado Ipso Facto a los comunistas y a sus colaboradores.
Dios Nuestro Señor será el que condenará o salvará , pero revela a San Juan Apokaleta : LOS EXCLUIDOS AP 21-8 Mas a los miedosos ( Padre Santiago …More
Dios Nuestro Señor será el que condenará o salvará , pero revela a
San Juan Apokaleta :
AP 21-
Mas a los miedosos ( Padre Santiago Martín y etc al por mayor ) y a los incrédulos (Bergoglio y millones )
Y a los sodomitas ( Bergoglio , Fernández …), y homicidas (Bergoglio…) y fornicaríos , y a los brujos y a los idólatras (Pachamama.. ) , y a todos los embusteros y miedosos
Su suerte dellos, será en el estanque ardiente
De fuegoazufre Que es.. LA MUERTE SEGUNDA
May God free the Church from its greatest enemy Jorge Mario Bergoglio and his wicked minions. Que Dios libre a la Iglesia de su mayor enemigo Jorge Mario Bergoglio y sus malvados secuaces. Possa Dio …More
May God free the Church from its greatest enemy Jorge Mario Bergoglio and his wicked minions.
Que Dios libre a la Iglesia de su mayor enemigo Jorge Mario Bergoglio y sus malvados secuaces.
Possa Dio liberare la Chiesa dal suo più grande nemico Jorge Mario Bergoglio e dai suoi malvagi servitori.
Scandalous connection between Pope Francis and Theodore McCarrick? Is Pope Francis guilty? Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano has accused him Francis of the same crimes of Theodore McCarrick.(@genegomulka)…More
Scandalous connection between Pope Francis and Theodore McCarrick?
Is Pope Francis guilty? Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano has accused him Francis of the same crimes of Theodore McCarrick.(@genegomulka) Msgr. Gene Thomas Gomulka joins us to discuss the accusations, and the connections between Vigano, Francis, and the former Cardinal McCarrick.
#popefrancis #vatican #Vigano #catholic #McCarrick
ACT - A Catholic Take - The Station of the Cross
Msgr. Gene Thomas Gomulka - WHO WILL SAVE OUR SEMINARIANS? Abused Seminarians Betrayed by a Church They Trusted - WHO WILL SAVE OUR SEMINARIANS? Abused Seminarians Betrayed by a Church They Trusted
“Save Our Seminarians Fund”: Donate to Save Our Seminarians Fund, organized by Anthony Gorgia