Tomito Barnin Railin
Tomito Barnin Railin

Cardinal Müller: "There Is No Doubt That Francis Is a Legitimate Pope" - So?

Yes, it is logical that Müller defends Bergoglio's legitimacy as pope, since he was the one who created him a cardinal. If Francis were not pope, he would not be a member of the College of Cardinals either.
Tomito Barnin Railin

Cardinal: Not a Word about Francis (Video)

There is a typo in the article, Pope Wojtyla died in 2005.
Tomito Barnin Railin

Francis greets nun who has served homosexuals and trans people for 56 years

It is an article from the Aciprensa site, obviously a site like that or Vatican News will call him "Holy Father".
Tomito Barnin Railin

Francis Turns Dicastery for the Destruction of the Faith into a Pro-Gay Club

In addition to being activists in favor of the homosexual lobby, they themselves are all homosexuals. For example, Semeraro himself, when he was bishop of Albano, lived with a priest who was his "boyfriend" for years - and in Rome it was known and their "relationship" was a source of gossip for years.
The other day I commented in an article by @Wilma Lopez that Francis was a hypocrite for talking …More
In addition to being activists in favor of the homosexual lobby, they themselves are all homosexuals. For example, Semeraro himself, when he was bishop of Albano, lived with a priest who was his "boyfriend" for years - and in Rome it was known and their "relationship" was a source of gossip for years.

The other day I commented in an article by @Wilma Lopez that Francis was a hypocrite for talking about homosexuality in seminaries. The reason is the following, and this is well known in his country because he already did it in Buenos Aires: Bergoglio is not homosexual - in the Vatican they knew it because the Jesuits in charge and the superiors knew him well and criticized him for many things, but not for that one-; but he uses homosexuals to achieve his objectives. An example was his former secretary, Fabián Pedacchio: a notorious homosexual, he used him as a spy in the Congregation for Bishops and then got rid of him.

Francis promotes homosexuals because he knows they will be loyal to him, because he knows their dirty laundry and if they rebel he would destroy them. Look if this is serious, how many he has placed in the College of Cardinals and they are going to elect the next pope.
Tomito Barnin Railin

Who was more impactful?

If you allow me to give my opinion, I believe that both pontificates cannot be compared. Many will say, using logic, that Francis is worse, and will affirm that Paul VI, despite the damage he caused in other aspects such as the liturgical aspect, with his encyclicals "Sacerdotalis caelibatus" and "Humanae vitae" had positive things that cannot be extract from the current pontificate. I, in my …More
If you allow me to give my opinion, I believe that both pontificates cannot be compared. Many will say, using logic, that Francis is worse, and will affirm that Paul VI, despite the damage he caused in other aspects such as the liturgical aspect, with his encyclicals "Sacerdotalis caelibatus" and "Humanae vitae" had positive things that cannot be extract from the current pontificate. I, in my ignorance, am not so sure. I ask the question: if Bergoglio had been elected pope in 1963, would he have gone as far as he has today? If Montini had been elected pope in 2013, what would his pontificate have been like? I believe that both pontificates have been disastrous and did a lot of damage to the Church in their own way and in their context. The difference is that Paul VI's successors tried to restore the damage, who knows what will happen to Francis' successors.
Tomito Barnin Railin

Pope Uses the “F word”: Tells Italian Bishops Not to Admit Gay Seminarians, because “there’s already …

That someone who promoted people like Zanchetta to the episcopate is more than hypocritical.
Tomito Barnin Railin

Hollerich Contradicts Ratzinger: Women Priest Can Come “With Time”

The reality is that Hollerich's atrocities scandalize us and rightly so. But it happens that we are in a minority in a Church and a society that is increasingly disoriented and without Faith. And it turns out that this man is a cardinal elector, and will continue to be so for many years, so he can choose and, most seriously, be elected pope, because the good cardinals are also in the minority, and …More
The reality is that Hollerich's atrocities scandalize us and rightly so. But it happens that we are in a minority in a Church and a society that is increasingly disoriented and without Faith. And it turns out that this man is a cardinal elector, and will continue to be so for many years, so he can choose and, most seriously, be elected pope, because the good cardinals are also in the minority, and as long as Francis remains pope this will only get worse. Therefore, and although we currently refuse to believe it, what prevents that in a few decades, or a century at most, and with another pope and another context, there will no longer be a "storm" and the Church, in the hands of these guys, start "ordaining" women priests? Let's face it, the majority of people, inside and outside the Church, in many countries if it were done today would not only not oppose it but would applaud it.

I'm sorry but I'm not optimistic.
Tomito Barnin Railin

EKSKLUZYWNIE: Franciszek w lipcu odejdzie na emeryturę dobrego arcybiskupa krakowskiego, prałata …

Przypuszczam, że znasz polski episkopat lepiej niż ja. Czy znasz jakiegoś aktywnego polskiego biskupa, który jest godny zajmowanego stanowiska i który nie zawstydza Chrystusa? Ponieważ w moim kraju, Hiszpanii, nie ma ich wielu. Wiem tylko, że Ryś to wstyd jako biskup i jako kardynał nie wiedziałem, że Jędraszewski jest tak szkodliwy.
Tomito Barnin Railin

EKSKLUZYWNIE: Franciszek w lipcu odejdzie na emeryturę dobrego arcybiskupa krakowskiego, prałata …

Episkopat w ogóle dopuszcza się nadużyć i wykroczeń w sferze liturgicznej i w każdej dziedzinie, żyjemy w czasach powszechnej apostazji, a biskupi w ogóle zawstydzają innych. Nie twierdzę, że abp Jędraszewski jest doskonały i wzorowy, jestem Hiszpanem i nie znam go zbyt dobrze. Mówię tylko tyle, że nie wierzę, że jakikolwiek polski biskup jest dużo lepszy i że jeśli Franciszek natychmiast przyjmie …More
Episkopat w ogóle dopuszcza się nadużyć i wykroczeń w sferze liturgicznej i w każdej dziedzinie, żyjemy w czasach powszechnej apostazji, a biskupi w ogóle zawstydzają innych. Nie twierdzę, że abp Jędraszewski jest doskonały i wzorowy, jestem Hiszpanem i nie znam go zbyt dobrze. Mówię tylko tyle, że nie wierzę, że jakikolwiek polski biskup jest dużo lepszy i że jeśli Franciszek natychmiast przyjmie jego rezygnację, nie mianując go kardynałem, to dlatego, że mu to przeszkadza, bo nie będzie złym Bergogliano jak on i jego przyjaciele. I dodam, że jeśli jego następcą zostanie kardynał Ryś, przyjaciel sodomitów, to Kraków będzie w dużo gorszej sytuacji.
Tomito Barnin Railin

Indoctrination, Catholic? to the catechists of the diocese of San Luis

In the link the video in Spanish of the priest's talk.
Tomito Barnin Railin

Bishop Meier: “No church has owned the truth for itself”

@Simon North I didn't remove any comments, in case you mean me. In fact, I appreciate the comments from all users.
Tomito Barnin Railin

Cardinals meet secretly in Prague to discuss gender ideology

@Wilma Lopez Fortunately, he will lose his right to vote at the end of the year.
Tomito Barnin Railin

Woman gives ‘lecture’ in place of homily at Mass in Ireland, contravening Canon Law

@Liam Ronan The article does not specify it, these are "personal photos" of Father Kenny and believe me, he has much worse ones. He is a priest who loves taking selfies.
Father Kenny is the one on top of the car.More
@Liam Ronan The article does not specify it, these are "personal photos" of Father Kenny and believe me, he has much worse ones. He is a priest who loves taking selfies.

Father Kenny is the one on top of the car.
Tomito Barnin Railin

Full Text: Five Cardinals Send New Dubia to Francis - July and August version

Francis' response to the dubia