
...'summer reflections'..... 😎

@Opera 369 Do you know the name of the pop song (so I can listen to the original)? Thanks.

...'summer reflections'..... 😎

If it were the right to speak for me/ it would be easier to stay where I am/ Not being the Pope would not be a nagging/ and you never know/ what still may happen/ before the jubilee comes.../
Suppose all of a sudden it touches me to cut and run/ rather to die a little bit.../ I'm making my coffin/closed but not too much.../ Suppose all of a sudden there's no more way out/ and to be …More
If it were the right to speak for me/ it would be easier to stay where I am/ Not being the Pope would not be a nagging/ and you never know/ what still may happen/ before the jubilee comes.../

Suppose all of a sudden it touches me to cut and run/ rather to die a little bit.../ I'm making my coffin/closed but not too much.../ Suppose all of a sudden there's no more way out/ and to be left holding the candle/ right inside the Vatican/ to me, it's weird!

They said it at the time of "St. Gallen"/ that I wouldn't have the attributes to do it/ and it's not my fault.../ it takes assistance from above.../ and Benedict is gone!/

Suppose all of a sudden I get to cut and run/ rather to die a little bit.../ inside a safe coffin/ sealed up but not too much.../ suppose all of a sudden there's no way out/ and to be left holding the candle/ right inside the Vatican/ heaven forbid.../

The monsignor crows get wind of it/ the spinster nuns want to take me out/ taking advantage of a tampered cobblestone to drop the baby carriage.... / I wake up in the morning with palpitations/ in a cold sweat when I open my eyes/ and see my caregiver twisting her mouth/ she comes close to see if I'm still breathing! / PUT TOGETHER I suddenly.../ put toGETHER I suddenly.../ put toGETHER I suddenly.../ put toGETHER I suddenly.../

Put all of a sudden that it touches me to cut and run/ rather to die a little bit.../ I'm making myself a coffin/closed but not too much.../ put all of a sudden that there's no more way out/ and to be left holding the candle/ right inside the Vatican/ to me, it's weird!

Might the ID of the AntiChrist have been revealed?

What about the startling statement of Francis? I didn't hear it in the video.

Urgent Request from Our Lady of Medjugorje - Rosary Novena for World Peace June 16 - 25, 2024

The prayer meeting on Podbrdo, including the apparition, can be followed through livestream on

Carlo Acutis and the Dangers of Saint-Propaganda

Dr. Kwasniewski traces all the apostasy and immorality of our present age to the changes in liturgy: from the (acoording to him spiritually healthy) Tridentine Mass to the (spiritually unhealthy) Novus Ordo. It seems to me a narrowing of vision. The present crisis in the world and in the Church has numerous causes and can be traced back to the work of the devil. The change in the liturgy, in my …More
Dr. Kwasniewski traces all the apostasy and immorality of our present age to the changes in liturgy: from the (acoording to him spiritually healthy) Tridentine Mass to the (spiritually unhealthy) Novus Ordo. It seems to me a narrowing of vision. The present crisis in the world and in the Church has numerous causes and can be traced back to the work of the devil. The change in the liturgy, in my opinion, plays only a marginal role in it. It was during the time when the Tridentine Mass was still celebrated in the churches that the faithful began their exodus. More under the influence of an increasingly secular society than because of the liturgy.

Archbishop Viganò: Poland is falling to the same ‘satanic lobby’ holding other nations ‘hostage’

Bishop Vigano gives, as always, a sharp analysis of what is taking place in the Church. Tragically, in his exposé of the work of the devil, he has gone ahead and condemns the entire Second Vatican Council, calling it a “coup d'état.” In my view, that is a big mistake. In this speech to the Catholic Resistance Conference in Poland, he refuses to mention one of the greatest Church leaders from Poland …More
Bishop Vigano gives, as always, a sharp analysis of what is taking place in the Church. Tragically, in his exposé of the work of the devil, he has gone ahead and condemns the entire Second Vatican Council, calling it a “coup d'état.” In my view, that is a big mistake. In this speech to the Catholic Resistance Conference in Poland, he refuses to mention one of the greatest Church leaders from Poland, Karol Wojtyla, Pope John Paul II. When Bishop Vigano names the two greatest enemies of the Church Liberalism and Communism, how is it possible that he does not see that John Paul II, on the contrary, defended the Church very strongly against Liberalism (Veritatis Splendor, Authorization of Dominum Jesus) and contributed greatly to the fall of Communism? And we owe more good fruits to him: the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the recognition of Sister Faustina and the Feast of Divine Mercy, many wonderful encyclicals, a wonderful witness to the value of suffering in word and example. How would this be possible when Vatican II was a complete fraud? Vatican II was hijacked by the modernists in the Church and Bergoglio is the culmination of this hijacking. But Vatican II also produced an army of small, praying and sacrificing people, led by Mary, through whom the Church will be saved and renewed.

Liturgical life of the Germans is stranger than many may think

@Denis Efimov Yes, in a sense. In Medjugorje it is Mary who appears. In Sievernich it is the Child Jesus of Prague. The messages are in essence similar: pray, cling to the faith, live the sacraments, have confidence in Jesus and Mary.

Liturgical life of the Germans is stranger than many may think

There is also Sievernich in Germany with the messages of the Child Jesus of Prague:

Germany: Presiding Bishop Attacks Francis Three Times, Wants 'Positive View' on Sexual Sins

This is all “arranged.” Bätzing is sometimes allowed by Francis to speak “critically” of him. This gives the impression that Francis is tolerant of people who think “differently,” even if they are his allies. Bätzing does absolutely nothing if he does not feel he is covered by Francis.


What is this? The choir of the elite? Where is God? Only God can give a better future. This earth has a problem, yes, that is the power of the Prince of this world. We cannot overcome that power, only God. We can only cooperate through much prayer and sacrifice. When this becomes the national anthem of “the world waking up,” it is a misleading lullaby.

Viganò Accuses Francis of Being a Homosexual

@SonoftheChurch the comment above is addressed at you. Sorry for the mistake.

Viganò Accuses Francis of Being a Homosexual

@softonthechurch you may be right in a strictly legal sense. But such an accusation as Bishop Vigano's is not easily dismissed with “slanderous rumors” or “unsubstantiated gossip.” First, Bishop Vigano is not stupid. When he makes such an accusation, he makes it only when he has sufficient convincing evidence to do so. But even if for some reason he cannot make that evidence public, his accusation …More
@softonthechurch you may be right in a strictly legal sense. But such an accusation as Bishop Vigano's is not easily dismissed with “slanderous rumors” or “unsubstantiated gossip.” First, Bishop Vigano is not stupid. When he makes such an accusation, he makes it only when he has sufficient convincing evidence to do so. But even if for some reason he cannot make that evidence public, his accusation is still credible. It would only make sense if Francis was guilty of such abuse given his relentless zeal to promote the LGTB agenda and present homosexuality as something “God-given.” His Fiducia supplicans shows in all clarity his distorted, perverted view of (gay) sexuality.
But the story undoubtedly will continue....

2024-05-21 Reconquest - Strength from a New Pentecost

Beautiful message. Thank you, Mary!

George Weigel: Francis Betrays the Legacy of John Paul II

@john333 By the way, I sometimes listen to Bishop Sanborn. He criticizes all "traditional" Catholics who do acknowledge the errors of Francis, but who nevertheless remain in the Church. "What solution do they offer?", asks bp. Sanborn. He sees the "solution" in secession from the RC Church in order to preserve the Catholic faith. That is exactly the mistake. The sedevacantists (SSPX among others) …More
@john333 By the way, I sometimes listen to Bishop Sanborn. He criticizes all "traditional" Catholics who do acknowledge the errors of Francis, but who nevertheless remain in the Church. "What solution do they offer?", asks bp. Sanborn. He sees the "solution" in secession from the RC Church in order to preserve the Catholic faith. That is exactly the mistake. The sedevacantists (SSPX among others) want to craft a solution that only God can give. Schism only injures the Mystical Body of Christ and is humanly speaking irreparable. The "solution" to the Church's current situation is only the Cross: sharing in the Passion of Christ, praying, sacrificing and trusting that God will save the Church. Trust in the Triumph of Mary (who appears only in the RC Church!).

George Weigel: Francis Betrays the Legacy of John Paul II

@john333 More nonsense from the sedevacantist bishop Sanborn. What would you expect...?

George Weigel: Francis Betrays the Legacy of John Paul II

@John33 What nonsense. You don't understand a .... thing about the greatness of JP II

Title: What is 'TRUTH'? #God #Christianlife

A divine anagram: Quit est veritas? (what is truth?). Est vir qui adest (it is the man present here).

Vatican preparing 'guidelines' for 'apparitions', 'other supernatural phenomena'

Saints and angels are no "divine beings", they are creatures. Christ is Divine.

#9 - For My Consecrated Children "I Am not present in vain theologies; I Am not present in useless …

Thank you father John Mary for conveying this beautiful message! The words of God the Father encourage and give hope!