Bishop Robert Barron condemns blasphemous Opening Ceremony for Paris Olympics: “Would they ever have dared mock Islam in a similar way? This deeply secularist, post-modern society knows who its enemy …More
Bishop Robert Barron condemns blasphemous Opening Ceremony for Paris Olympics: “Would they ever have dared mock Islam in a similar way? This deeply secularist, post-modern society knows who its enemy is—they’re naming it—and we should believe them.”
Anikó Anna Nyitrai
Laisser une parodie de femme pomponnée allumer la flamme olympique à Paris n'est pas tolérant, c'est …Not just the World mocks the Christian Faith …More
Laisser une parodie de femme pomponnée allumer la flamme olympique à Paris n'est pas tolérant, c'est …Not just the World mocks the Christian Faith but the nuns,priests,bishops, the Pope himself as well.:(
Nuns Venerate Hindu Deity's Penis in Interfaith Ceremony
Jézus azt parancsolja,hogy ne szeressük a Világot,se az abban lévő dolgokat....meert aki a világot szereti,az az Atya ellenségévé válik.
Nincs különbség a pogány isten imádati háttérrel rendelkező olimpiai játékok, a vatikáni kertben a pápa által is imádott Pacha Mama Istennő,és az Indiában a ferences nővérek által imádott Shíva imádása között.... a trans nők,az LMBTQ+ személyek,párok a katolikus templomokban,plébániákon is befogadottak Ferenc pápa és követői kezdeményezése következtében......"keresztény " politikusaink,egyházaink világszerte nem utasítják el a verseny sportot,az Olimpiát sem...,Magyarország is megszavazta az abortusz egyetem joggá nyilvánítását.........akkor miért épp ez lenne gond,hogy transz nemű nők szerepelnek …More
Maria delos Angeles
I would rather not look at what does not edify.
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Novena - Oremus
“Be not deceived, God is not mocked. For what things a man shall sow, those also shall he reap. For he that soweth in his flesh, of the flesh also shall reap corruption. But he that soweth in the spirit …More
“Be not deceived, God is not mocked. For what things a man shall sow, those also shall he reap. For he that soweth in his flesh, of the flesh also shall reap corruption. But he that soweth in the spirit, of the spirit shall reap life everlasting.” Galatians 6:7-8
They know have a little time left
Vision4theBlind @Vision4theBlind If you have any doubt what is going on at the Olympics opening ceremony A single rider on a pale horse is straight out of the book of Revelation "And I looked, and …More
If you have any doubt what is going on at the Olympics opening ceremony A single rider on a pale horse is straight out of the book of Revelation "And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth."
Revelation 6:8
Adrianna7 shares this
Polaku zobacz !!!
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How will AI improve our lives in the coming years? From its beginnings six decades ago to its recent exponential growth, inventor and futurist Ray Kurzweil highlights the transformative impact of AI in …More
How will AI improve our lives in the coming years? From its beginnings six decades ago to its recent exponential growth, inventor and futurist Ray Kurzweil highlights the transformative impact of AI in various fields and explains his prediction of the singularity: the point at which human intelligence merges with artificial intelligence, and will prolong life
rafaportal shares this
¿Cómo mejorará la IA nuestras vidas en los próximos años? Desde sus inicios hace seis décadas hasta su reciente crecimiento exponencial, el inventor …More
¿Cómo mejorará la IA nuestras vidas en los próximos años? Desde sus inicios hace seis décadas hasta su reciente crecimiento exponencial, el inventor y futurista Ray Kurzweil destaca el impacto transformador de la IA en varios campos y explica su predicción de la singularidad: el punto en el que la inteligencia humana se fusiona con la inteligencia artificial, y prolongará la vida
Frank Walker
July 26, 2024: Things are So Bad That Something Hopeful Must Be Brewing
Canon 212
July 26, 2024: Things are So Bad That Something Hopeful Must Be Brewing
E A O'Hora
have a blessed weekend Frank & family
Naomi Arai
Thanks Frank!
Sensus Fidelium
92 year -year-old big brother says goodbye to his younger brother
Everyday for Life Canada
Is this a case of death with dignity?
Naomi Arai
May God have mercy on them all.
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Pierre Henri
ussie Cossack @aussiecossack Trump just told Zelensky it's over! "Russia is a war machine which beat Hitler and Napoleon. That's what they do, they win wars. It's over."More
ussie Cossack
Trump just told Zelensky it's over! "Russia is a war machine which beat Hitler and Napoleon. That's what they do, they win wars. It's over."
neocons wanted this war what did you do in 2016 to stop them? You kissed their wailing wall you let your son in law developed warp speed etc etc etc …More
neocons wanted this war what did you do in 2016 to stop them? You kissed their wailing wall you let your son in law developed warp speed etc etc etc UKRAINE ON FIRE (
Why God Saved Trump - Stunning & Alarming Biblical Sign For AmericaMore
Why God Saved Trump - Stunning & Alarming Biblical Sign For America
Uni Versum
Just. For. Fun.
So fun!
VOS ESTIS LUX MUNDI - To the participants of the Eucharistic Congress - Indianapolis, July 19, 2024
Analysis of the Statement of Archbishop C. M. Viganò on the situation in the Church /Part 4: Viganò holds the banner of the Church of Christ, Bergoglio holds the rainbow banner of the Antichurch/ We …More
Analysis of the Statement of Archbishop C. M. Viganò on the situation in the Church
/Part 4: Viganò holds the banner of the Church of Christ,
Bergoglio holds the rainbow banner of the Antichurch/

We have witnessed the criminal show trial of Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò. The schismatic sect has accused him of a so-called schism, which is in fact impossible, because at present the Church has no Pope. This fact stems from the reality that Bergoglio is a manifest heretic. He was already a heretic before he occupied the papal chair and therefore his election is invalid. This is confirmed by the dogmatic bull of Paul IV. Those who have passed null and void judgment on Archbishop Viganò are themselves not only in schism, but by their apostasy have excommunicated themselves from the Church. The Archbishop says: “A schismatic sect accuses me of schism: this should be enough to demonstrate the subversion taking place. Imagine what impartiality of judgment a judge will be able to exercise when …More
Christ The King
Here's a video that I made on how Critical Theory is Jewish. Everyone needs to watch this and share this with everyone they know! May God reward you!
This is the way - no screens.
Jeffrey Ade
The Mother has no modesty and her children won't either due to her example.
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De Profundis
Is he a WEF man or a peacemaker?
I concur 👍🏻
Maria delos Angeles
He seems to be the only European leader suing for peace. Like some people infiltrate the Bohemia Grove to find out what goes on there., perhaps he was …More
He seems to be the only European leader suing for peace. Like some people infiltrate the Bohemia Grove to find out what goes on there., perhaps he was doing like with the WEF to KYE type of thing?
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Pierre Henri
'Monster' fires may have destroyed half of historic Canadian town
Roberto 55
Jasper looks like Lahaina2.... same scenario?
Jordan Peterson just described “gender-affirming care” in a way no one else would dare. “I've never seen anything worse than what's happening right now. And that includes the sorts of things that were …More
Jordan Peterson just described “gender-affirming care” in a way no one else would dare. “I've never seen anything worse than what's happening right now. And that includes the sorts of things that were done in the camps in Germany. At least the goddamn Naz*s admitted what they did was wrong. They tried to hide it. We trumpet it as a moral virtue.” “These surgical procedures are so brutal and so experimental that they're—I'm going to say it again—they're worse than what the Mengele types did in the concentration camps in the thirties and forties. And that's a pretty goddamn low bar.”
Jordon is more concerned with co-signing with the Jews and their story than anything else.
Fides Et Ratio
I get his point, I cringe when he uses our Lord’s name in vain.
De Profundis
James Carville on whether Democrat voters feel disenfranchised by the sudden Presidential candidacy of Kamala Harris: "Who cares?"
"I've not seen one Democrat who said they feel disrespected or disenfranchised." That's really no surprise. Leftards are so mesmerized and brainwashed …More
"I've not seen one Democrat who said they feel disrespected or disenfranchised."
That's really no surprise. Leftards are so mesmerized and brainwashed they don't even understand those concepts. Leftard logic: "Imprison and kill to preserve democracy. Go Biden Harris!!"
Simon North
Why would Arroyo treat this man as a Catholic? For decades, Carville's worked to get elected politicians who support the murder of infants.
Obama endorses Kamala Harris.
The story is that when Obama & Pelosi got old Joe to step down, they wanted an open Dem convention to pick the "best" successor. But the Clintons & AOC …More
The story is that when Obama & Pelosi got old Joe to step down, they wanted an open Dem convention to pick the "best" successor. But the Clintons & AOC swooped in and forwarded Harris. The key was the 2 different social media posts - one the letter supposedly from Biden resigning the nomination, followed up by a separate post endorsing Kamala. Why not do both things together? So now after the media blitz, Obama has come around...
All Saints
So the chocolate pharoah endorses the caramel cackler. What do you call that? A SNICKERS bar?
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