Pierre Henri
Tennessee Authorizes Death Penalty for Child Sexual Assault in Direct Challenge to Supreme Court Precedent

Tennessee Authorizes Death Penalty for Child Sexual Assault in Direct Challenge to Supreme Court …

On May 9, Governor Bill Lee of Tennessee signed a bill authorizing the death penalty for aggravated …
Tom Morelli
Where Is One of the World’s Largest Censers? In Virginia, at Christendom College

Where Is One of the World’s Largest Censers? In Virginia, at Christendom College

Where Is One of the World’s Largest Censers? In Virginia, at Christendom College The Catholic college’s ‘botafumeiro’ …
Wilma Lopez
Archbishop Jorge Ignacio García Cuerva has chastised Catholics who chanted political slogans during Mass, reminding them: “The Mass is something sacred.”

Argentina archbishop responds to political chants at Mass

ACI Prensa Staff, Jun 17, 2024 / 15:00 pm In response to the controversy sparked by people chanting a political slogan during a Mass in the …

Why Does the Nuncio in France Hate the Holy Mass So Much?

Monsignor Celestino Migliore, the nuncio in Paris, is doing all he can to ensure that Traditionis custodes is applied to the last drop of blood and that Holy Mass will be completely eradicated, writes …More
Monsignor Celestino Migliore, the nuncio in Paris, is doing all he can to ensure that Traditionis custodes is applied to the last drop of blood and that Holy Mass will be completely eradicated, writes La Lettre de Paix liturgique (18 June).
Migliore is trying to convince the French bishops that Holy Mass should be tolerated as little as possible and that the other sacraments, especially baptism, marriage and confirmation, should only be administered according to the Novus Ordo.
La Lettre de Paix liturgique points out that the Apostolic Nuncio is by mission an arm of the Secretariat of State, headed by Cardinal Pietro Parolin.
Parolin is a spiritual son of Cardinal Achille Silvestrini (+2019), who was the leader of anti-Catholic Rome for decades.
According to La Lettre de Paix liturgique, Migliore could hope for a promotion under the condition that Parolin is elected the next Pope.
Migliore was sent to France in 2020 to bergoglionise the French episcopate.
It is rumoured that Migliore …More
Tom Morelli
Catholic Alternatives to Pride Month

Catholic Alternatives to Pride Month

Just about every aspect of society has jumped onto the “Pride Month” bandwagon. It’s not just celebrities, entertainment, and sports, but now schools, the military …

Can Catholics celebrate Pride Month? Yes, and here's why.

Can Catholics celebrate Pride Month, when the LGBTQ community marks its place in society? Can Catholics celebrate the series of events that take …

Press Release - Analysis of the content of "dirty rain" with Saharan sand by the Institute of Chemical …

Press Release – Analysis of the content of “dirty rain” with Saharan sand by the Institute of Chemical …
Naomi Arai
It sounds like all the upside down things a demon would say…

Interview with Andrea Grillo on the Traditional Liturgy: The Church isn’t a “high-society club” or …

QUIX) per la traduzione dell'importante intervista di MiL (QUI) al noto liturgista prof. Andrea Grillo. …
72 pages

More than 16 million Americans could soon be drafted into the military: Australia will be next

By Paul Craig Roberts Dennis Kucinich, a Democrat US Representative who was redistricted out of office …

Who are the REAL conspiracy theorists?

“Covid jab may have led to rise in excess deaths” As a follower of truthful media this headline probably won’t surprise you. But its source might… Because this headline is not from an independent …More
“Covid jab may have led to rise in excess deaths”
As a follower of truthful media this headline probably won’t surprise you.
But its source might…
Because this headline is not from an independent news source like LifeSiteNews.
This headline is from the front page of The Telegraph, the mouthpiece of the British establishment.
The story continues:
“Researchers from the Netherlands analysed data from 47 Western countries and discovered there had been more than 3 million excess deaths since 2020. Experts writing in the BMJ said the unprecedented figures ‘raised serious concerns’ and called on governments to fully investigate the underlying causes, including possible vaccine harms.”
This BMJ study is an important step forward in the fight for the truth about the abortion-tainted jab. The BMJ is one of the world’s most prestigious medical journals, and it cannot be ignored. That’s why former British cabinet minister David Davis MP wrote: “This is a serious report, published by serious …More
toya tang

Inspiring Cancer Therapy: Alfa Cytology Unveils Breast Cancer Model Construction Services

Alfa Cytology has unveiled its breast cancer model construction services in cancer therapy. Alfa Cytology, known as an outstanding biotech company with rich experiences in tumor research, has recently …More
Alfa Cytology has unveiled its breast cancer model construction services in cancer therapy.
Alfa Cytology, known as an outstanding biotech company with rich experiences in tumor research, has recently announced breast cancer model construction services, aiming to support researchers in reasoning mechanisms and characteristics of breast tumors.
Breast cancer is a heterogeneous disease with considerable genetic and clinical heterogeneity. So far, scientists have made efforts in various domains, for instance, immunotherapy, stem cell transplant, and chemotherapy. Currently, the origin of cancer stem cells, heterogeneity of cancer cells, and cancer metastasis mechanisms are the most pressing issues that need to be addressed. Because of this, model construction of breast cancer plays a notable role in helping to understand the characteristics of biological organisms.
Responding to the growing need for reliable models for breast cancer research, Alfa Cytology provides cost-effective modeling …More

Media Wants to Ban Videos of Biden’s Senility: Now Biden’s gaffes are “misinformation” too

Get ready for ‘Misinformation’ round 3. When Democrats, their activists and their media declared that disagreement …
Abbé Jean-Marie du Divin Coeur de Jésus
Any human being with 1% of any common sense who knew that he could not serve his country, would offer his resignation. When a desire for fame overcomes …More
Any human being with 1% of any common sense who knew that he could not serve his country, would offer his resignation. When a desire for fame overcomes any amount of common sense, this tells you how much the person cares about his country.
Sean Johnson
Rome, the SSPX, and the Resistance by Arsenius (Benedictine monk of Santa Cruz Monastery in New Freiburg, Brazil).

Rome, the Society and the Resistance

top of page *Articles published by third parties do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Monastery of Santa Cruz and their publication is for informative …
Alex A
What a weak and pathetic rebuff to the "Resistance" critics. AI would have done a far better job. If indeed, that is the best you can come up with, then …More
What a weak and pathetic rebuff to the "Resistance" critics. AI would have done a far better job. If indeed, that is the best you can come up with, then your tenure as 'Avant tout la resistance' will eventually fade into history.
Frank Walker
June 18, 2024: Good Time for a Global Exorcism

Canon212 Update: Good Time for a Global Exorcism

18Jun 2024 Canon212 Update: Good Time for a Global Exorcism by fgwalkers@att.net ⋅ Leave a Comment ***I said ‘S-5’ when I meant S-500. I said ‘last week …
Francis wants to ban the Latin Mass outright

Francis wants to ban the Latin Mass outright

Lifesite News is reporting: "Several 'credible' sources informed a traditional Catholic media outlet that the Vatican is planning to issue a document 'banning …
True Mass
There will always be good faithful non homo priests who will offer the TLM. It's on the laity to find and support them. Enough with V2 and all the filth.More
There will always be good faithful non homo priests who will offer the TLM. It's on the laity to find and support them.
Enough with V2 and all the filth.
Maria delos Angeles
In order to do the First Saturday I only attend my local Mass strictly for receiving Holy Communion and then to depart so not being present for any of …More
In order to do the First Saturday I only attend my local Mass strictly for receiving Holy Communion and then to depart so not being present for any of the ritual of the Novus Ordo. This is allowed under the providential disposition of the CCanon Law 1983. This is as much as I can bear, as to be present for any of the Novus Ordo rite is literal torture. There is confession after the Mass.
3 more comments
I believe curses or witchcraft have been said over the land and peoples of the land by the satanic elites. I dont think it would hurt everybody to say some prayers from say this site, viz. Prayer for …More
I believe curses or witchcraft have been said over the land and peoples of the land by the satanic elites. I dont think it would hurt everybody to say some prayers from say this site, viz. Prayer for Breaking Curses of the Occult, over this land and the peoples of this land; to help break some of this influence. I feel metaphysically certain that that is what has happened, as this came to me in prayer and while researching what might have been happening/have happened with Kate M and Princess Di. For one thing, our government seems to be captured, and the wrong people do not seem to come to justice and want our death and destruction.


Act of Denouncing Evil I reject the evil that has infiltrated my life because I have distanced myself from Jesus; I have abandoned the mysteries, …
Maria delos Angeles
I think King Charles wants us depopulated, from things he has said and done. Also, he is descended from Count Dracula , and proud it seems. These things …More
I think King Charles wants us depopulated, from things he has said and done. Also, he is descended from Count Dracula , and proud it seems. These things can pass on in families for generations until purified by the Precious Blood of Jesus. There is no indication he believes in Christ or Christianity as the One True Faith.
Guntherus de Thuringia
Von Paul Craig Roberts The Ever Widening War |More
Von Paul Craig Roberts
The Ever Widening War |

Der sich ausweitende Krieg

NATO-Generalsekretär Stoltenberg berichtet, dass die NATO darüber diskutiert, Atomwaffen aus den Depots zu holen und einsatzbereit zu machen. Polens Präsident will die Russische …

Spain: New Bill Targets ‘Pseudomedia’ in Press Freedom Crackdown

Zensur Aktuelles Konzept: Zeitung, 3D-Darstellung Auf Weißem Hintergrund Lizenzfreie Fotos, Bilder und Stock Fotografie. Image 70112315…
LifeSiteNews has received an information that a likely date for a “final solution” for the Roman Mass is July 16, the anniversary of the implementation of Traditionis Custodes.

Reports: Vatican planning to enforce a ‘final’ ban of Traditional Latin Mass, likely on July 16 - …

(LifeSiteNews) — Several “credible” sources informed a traditional Catholic media outlet that the …
Naomi Arai
They’ve been planning since the 1960s AT LEAST. Nothing new to see here. I still have the SSPX.
Maria delos Angeles
Then Our Lady of Mount Carmel is the antidote.
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