163. Let’s receive his peace

Jesus reminds us to forgive: “Go first and be reconciled with your brother, and then come and offer your gift.” Matthew, chapter 5, verse 24 Reconciliation is realized in different ways. The most …More
Jesus reminds us to forgive:
“Go first and be reconciled with your brother, and then come and offer your gift.” Matthew, chapter 5, verse 24
Reconciliation is realized in different ways. The most effective is to give everything to Jesus, absolutely everything at every opportunity. What we experience as negative, what stifles, what destroys us and keeps us enslaved to evil, we do not need. When we give them to Jesus, he gives us peace. He helps us improve.
Let’s allow the Lord to cleanse what seems to be drying in our hearts, for lack of forgiveness. Forgiveness is an act of healing within us and for others. It may seem hard to forgive sometimes, especially when we have been deeply hurt, but it’s actually and effective act of healing.
Let’s entrust everything in God’s hands. Let’s receive his peace. Our heart will expand, it will drink the Living Water in Christ’s Heart. It’s a holy sharing between us and God.
The new American Bible, 2011-2014
Book: Watch with faith, Normand Thomas

‘The Butchers And Liars Were Murderously Wrong’: New Study Finds 12-Fold Higher Suicide Risk For …

A study published last month shows that those who underwent gender surgery had a suicide risk 12 times …
Everyday for Life Canada
When there is a societal push to build human identity on a big lie what can we expect? Gender identity is a lie and that you can change your sex is …More
When there is a societal push to build human identity on a big lie what can we expect? Gender identity is a lie and that you can change your sex is another lie. Lies enslave and construct hell. We must stop teaching these lies to innocent children in public schools.
Father Karl A Claver
When man plays God, he builds a Frankenstein.

Meditation for the Tuesday after Pentecost: I am the door; whoever enters through me will be saved

MEDITATION FOR THE TUESDAY AFTER PENTECOST I am the door; whoever enters through me will be saved; he will go in and out, and find pastures . (S. John, ch. 10) 1. Consider that Jesus Christ assures us …More
I am the door; whoever enters through me will be saved; he will go in and out, and find pastures . (S. John, ch. 10)

1. Consider that Jesus Christ assures us with these words, that if we are faithful to follow his ways and his conduct, we will find favorable outcomes in everything we undertake; the beginning, the goal and the end of our actions will be accompanied by blessings, and finally we will happily arrive at the desired end of our salvation; but the main difficulty is to know well the ways and the conduct of this divine Savior towards us, and for this we need the gift of counsel , which is the third among the gifts of the Holy Spirit. It is very necessary for us to properly discern the ways of God from those which are not of God, and the sure paths of salvation from the circuitous paths.
Oh ! how necessary this gift of advice is in the circumstances in which we find ourselves! and that there are nevertheless few people who conduct …More

Goethe's Embrace of Islam

Recently I wrote about Leo Tolstoy’s views regarding Islam, and I was happy to receive a very positive response from my readers. Now, I would like to continue my look at the …
Father Karl A Claver
Protestantism leads to apostacy.

The love of the Trinity and my saint best friend - RADIANT

My first year as a missionary with the Fellowship of Catholic University Students, I was gifted a book called “Divine Intimacy.” This devotional …

"We Are All Fundamentally Good": Francis Again Contradicts Christ

In another excerpt of his 19 May interview with Norah O’Donnell (“60 Minutes”), Francis who doesn't trust anybody claimed that “people are fundamentally good”. Contradicting Christ (Mk 10:18 "No one …More
In another excerpt of his 19 May interview with Norah O’Donnell (“60 Minutes”), Francis who doesn't trust anybody claimed that “people are fundamentally good”.
Contradicting Christ (Mk 10:18 "No one is good except God alone") and reality, Francis blabbered: "We are all fundamentally good. Yes, there are some villains and sinners, but the heart itself is good.”
With the same incompetence, Francis then spoke about surrogate motherhood, saying that it is not authorised “in the strict sense of term” [= allowed].
Trying to dodge the problem, he then said: "Sometimes surrogacy has become a business, and that is very bad. It is very bad.” But O’Donnell insisted that surrogacy is sometimes “the only hope”. Francis replied that this “could be” adding that "the other hope is adoption. I would say that in each case the situation should be considered carefully and clearly, consulting medically and then morally as well.”
And, “I think there is a general rule in these cases, but you have to go into …More
Tony M
Jorge is trying to convince himself in the face of all he is doing to destroy the Church.....that he himself is good!!!
Bad hang over from 70s polyester theology
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The Summa of Theology of Saint Thomas Aquinas volume 1

QUESTION 37 — THE NAME OF THE HOLY SPIRIT WHICH IS “LOVE” Let us now move on to this name of the Holy Spirit: “Love”: 1. Is this a proper name of the Holy Spirit? 2. Do the Father and the Son love …More
Let us now move on to this name of the Holy Spirit: “Love”:
1. Is this a proper name of the Holy Spirit?
2. Do the Father and the Son love each other through the Holy Spirit?
Article 1 — Is “Love” a proper name of the Holy Spirit?
S. Augustine writes: “The name Wisdom is given to the Father, to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit: and all together are one wisdom, and not three wisdoms. I do not see why we would not also give the name of charity to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, all together being, moreover, only one charity. ” But a name which suits each person and all together in the singular, is not the proper name of a person. “Love” is therefore not a proper name of the Holy Spirit.
2 . The Holy Spirit is a subsisting person. Now the word “love” does not evoke a subsisting person, but an action which passes from the lover to the beloved. Therefore, “Love” is not a proper name of the Holy Spirit. 3 . Love …More

Petition: Require food using precision bred organisms be labelled as genetically modified

Petition Require food using precision bred organisms be labelled as genetically modified We want the Government …
Anthony Esolen: Harrison Butker did not say that all or even most women must be homemakers. He did encourage some young women at Benedictine College in a way of life they may choose against the sneers …More
Anthony Esolen: Harrison Butker did not say that all or even most women must be homemakers. He did encourage some young women at Benedictine College in a way of life they may choose against the sneers of the worldly within the Church.

A Much-Needed Kick in Kansas - The Catholic Thing

When I think of the generation of Catholic churchmen, religious sisters, theologians, and songsters who were coming into their revolution when I was a …
Father Karl A Claver
Harrison should be congratulated and not condemned for speaking the truth.

Benedictine College Student Defends Harrison Butker’s Speech: Family is Vitally Important - LifeNews.com

Benedictine College is unapologetically Catholic. This shouldn’t be a shock to anyone who has spent …

After pushback, Benedictine students are still happy with Butker

Before controversy erupted on social media, the Kansas City Chiefs’ placekicker received a standing ovation for his commencement speech…

“Francis Is Clumsy Tactician” – “Spends His Time Lighting And Putting Out Fires”

Damian Thompson presented an interesting view of Francis in a long article on UnHerd.com (27 April). He refers to a "Vatican source" who he describes as having watched Francis closely for a decade, …More
Damian Thompson presented an interesting view of Francis in a long article on UnHerd.com (27 April).
He refers to a "Vatican source" who he describes as having watched Francis closely for a decade, who doesn't belong to any faction, and tends to have a conspicuously gentle view of people. Nevertheless, this source describes Francis as "a nasty man".
"He is one of the most complicated men I have ever met," says the source. "He can be terrific fun and also incredibly vengeful. If somebody crosses him, he'll kick them when they are at their lowest ebb."
"But don't get the idea that he's a master strategist. He's a clumsy tactician who spends his time lighting fires and putting them out. His number one priority, above all else, is to be inscrutable. He doesn't want anyone to know what he's up to - and if people find out, he'll do the opposite, even if it disrupts his plans".
Picture: © Mazur, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsZrxhjndxch
Ivan Tomas
"inscrutable" means here "anti-Catholic".
True Mass
It's an act of love. Nuff said.
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Amidst Growing Resistance, the WHO Turns Up Heat on Members to Sign Pandemic Treaty

As the deadline approaches for the 194 member nations of the World Health Organization (WHO) to sign agreements granting …
Father Karl A Claver
This is anti-Christian. Each nation should have its own laws and customs and not be bothered with globalism.

Dokument sprzed 15 lat- Będziesz w szoku jak wiele z tego już zostało wdrożone

Video Player is loading. Current Time 0:00 / Duration 2:18:04 Loaded: 1.91% 0:00:00 Stream Type LIVE Remaining Time -2:18:04 …
Cenzor Gloria shares this
Biden attacks request by ICC prosecutor for Netanyahu arrest warrant

Biden attacks request by ICC prosecutor for Netanyahu arrest warrant

Joe Biden has attacked as “outrageous” an application by the international criminal court for warrants seeking the arrest of the …
Looking for a TLM priest or community…

Timely Plea for Help: Looking for a TLM Priest

I am currently traveling with the family by car. We are driving from Pensacola to St. Augustine, FL on Tuesday May 21st. Would love to assist at a TLM. My …
Bergoglio and his apostate minions are working with Freemasonry to eclipse the Church

Archbishop Viganò: False shepherds are working with Freemasonry to eclipse the Church - LifeSite

We implore Thee! O forgiving SPIRIT, now descend again, Aid Thy own in holy living, Aid, also, unknowing …
Ann Smith
This has been going on for decades... they've finally reached they're long-awaited destination... but their fate is in God's hands.

Debata antywojenna - Zełenski, mogilizacja i przesiedleńcy

Video Player is loading. Current Time 0:00 / Duration 1:43:45 Loaded: 3.02% 0:00:00 Stream Type LIVE Remaining Time -1:43:45 1x 2x1.5x1x, …
Hell’s Fury for Harrison Butker

Hell’s Fury for Harrison Butker

In her October 1936 diary entry, Saint Faustina described the chilling behaviors she witnessed in her glimpse of the Netherworld. She was aghast, as were the shepherd …
Ann Smith
Need more men like him
Yes, the laity must make their voices heard. What a brave, upstanding young man. Thank you Harrison Butker for taking a very courageous stand! Biship …More
Yes, the laity must make their voices heard. What a brave, upstanding young man. Thank you Harrison Butker for taking a very courageous stand! Biship Schneider says we are now on Calvary, suffering.

The “Catholic” Charismatic Movement Exposed - EndTimes.Video

vaticancatholic.com - English Channel 0:00 - Intro1:50 - The “Catholic Charismatic Renewal”2:38 - John Paul II Gives Award To Patti Mansfield …
Father Karl A Claver
As I believe Pope Paul VI said to them, WHAT ARE YOU DOING FOR YOUR FELLOW MAN?