
Life is the only choice

Life is the only choice. God teaches us so, "I call heaven and earth to witness this day against you that I have set before you life and death, the blessings and the curses; …
Marek Wójcik
🇬🇧 Hostage on the loose

697. Hostage on the loose - World Scam

Długopole Zdrój/Poland 06/26/2024 The ordeal of the world’s best investigative journalist Julian Assange lasted over twelve years. Accused of publishing Pentagon …

Details of the New Document Prohibiting Masses in the Roman Rite

There is indeed a Vatican document more restrictive than Traditionis Custodes (2021), it is supported by Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin and has been presented to Francis, writes …More
There is indeed a Vatican document more restrictive than Traditionis Custodes (2021), it is supported by Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin and has been presented to Francis, writes Diane Montagna on RemnantNewspaper.com (25 June).
The document prohibits all priests who do not belong to recognised institutes from celebrating Mass in the Roman Rite.
It prohibits bishops from celebrating or authorising the celebration of Mass in their dioceses. All existing permissions granted by the Vatican will be suspended.
Personal parishes run by institutes such as the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter or the Institute of Christ the King would be allowed to continue.
The document is being drafted as an "apostolic constitution". Drafting began in February 2023, just weeks after the death of Benedict XVI.
The first version was mainly written by Vittorio Francesco Viola, Secretary of the Dicastery for the Liturgy. Viola wears the episcopal ring of the inventor of the Novus Ordo, Archbishop …More
This is an end-times event according to the Book of Daniel chapter 12 When Daniel asks when will be the time of the End, he hears...... "11 and from …More
This is an end-times event according to the Book of Daniel chapter 12
When Daniel asks when will be the time of the End, he hears......
"11 and from the time of the turning aside of the perpetual Sacrifice, and to the giving out of the desolating abomination, are days a thousand, two hundred, and ninety."
Daniel 12 YLT
The Latin Mass can NEVER be abolished... It is ordered as being "for perpetuity" and no further New Rites allowed by Pope St Pius V in "Quo Primum"
Quo Primum - Papal Encyclicals
Everyday for Life Canada
I bet you didn’t know that a great threat to the church today is the celebration of the Latin Mass. Right? We really need another document on this …More
I bet you didn’t know that a great threat to the church today is the celebration of the Latin Mass. Right? We really need another document on this issue. That’s a lot more paper to be shredded in the future.
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From The Remnant: Vatican Document Further Restricting TLM said to Exist, Backed by Cardinal Parolin

Vatican Document Further Restricting TLM said to Exist, Backed by Cardinal Parolin

Latest from RTV — Vatican Document Further Restricting TLM said to Exist, Backed by Cardinal Parolin By: Diane Montagna …
PM Viktor Orbán: 🇭🇺 🇩🇪 "Now, Germany is no longer Germany. It’s a colorful, changed multicultural world, where migrants coming in are no longer guests in this country... They are not here as guests of …More
PM Viktor Orbán: 🇭🇺 🇩🇪 "Now, Germany is no longer Germany. It’s a colorful, changed multicultural world, where migrants coming in are no longer guests in this country... They are not here as guests of the native Germans, but in their own right. It is now their country, too."

THE PERPETUAL SACRIFICE OF HOLY MASS foretold in Daniel 12 to be brought to an end in the End Times

Daniel 12 Young's Literal Translation The End Times (Revelation 1:1–3) 1‘And at that time stand up doth Michael, the great head, who is standing up for the sons of thy people, and there hath been …More
Daniel 12
Young's Literal Translation
The End Times
(Revelation 1:1–3)
1‘And at that time stand up doth Michael, the great head, who is standing up for the sons of thy people, and there hath been a time of distress, such as hath not been since there hath been a nation till that time, and at that time do thy people escape, every one who is found written in the Book.
2‘And the multitude of those sleeping in the dust of the ground do awake, some to life age-during, and some to reproaches — to abhorrence age-during. 3 And those teaching do shine as the brightness of the expanse, and those justifying the multitude as stars to the age and for ever. 4 And thou, O Daniel, hide the things, and seal the book till the time of the end, many do go to and fro, and knowledge is multiplied.’
5 And I have looked — I, Daniel — and lo, two others are standing, one here at the edge of the flood, and one there at the edge of the flood, 6 and he saith to the one clothed in linen, who is upon the …More
Normand Thomas

199. Let’s unite

The Lord our God is rallying. During the Old Testament period, God never stopped wanting to bring the people back into his covenant. He still has the same desire. Even when we suffer and we live …More
The Lord our God is rallying. During the Old Testament period, God never stopped wanting to bring the people back into his covenant. He still has the same desire.
Even when we suffer and we live difficult passages of life, God is present with us and he supports us with Love. When we receive it daily in our lives, the much needed faith increases and helps us in the midst of the trials we experience.
Then there’s the community. God keeps inviting the living communities of faith to enter into his Intelligence and Wisdom, so that we may also feed people outside the Church. The common good is that all people have the chance to walk toward their salvation in God. All people, without exception, must know that God Loves them.
Jesus needed to surround himself with people like the Apostles. It’s necessary to surround ourselves with people who have faith. We read that crowds follow Jesus, want to hear him and receive his teaching. Jesus also taught Joseph and Mary how to become a holy family. The …More
Wreckovation under Archbishop Rembert Weakland: the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist in Milwaukee.
English Catholic
And we all know what happened to Archbishop Weakland: Archbishop Weakland Stole More Than Money, He Stole the Faith
Fr. Jim Blount - God Showed Me a Shocking Vision About the Antichrist. He Is Finally Baptized Fr. Jim Blount - God Showed Me a Shocking Vision About the Antichrist. He Is Finally Baptized -----------…More
Fr. Jim Blount - God Showed Me a Shocking Vision About the Antichrist. He Is Finally Baptized
Fr. Jim Blount - God Showed Me a Shocking Vision About the Antichrist. He Is Finally Baptized
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► Some other videos of us: ⬛ Fr. Michel Rodrigue's Urgent Warning: 45 DAYS of Repentance Await. The Time of Mercy Ending Soon! ⬛ Fr. James Blount- The Devil Is On the Move and Soon Darkness Will Blanket the Earth. Prepare Now! ⬛ Fr. Mark Goring - Mockery will cause the chains of Judah’s sin and that destruction will follow! ⬛ Father Mark Goring - The World in Its Present Form Is Passing Away. Preparing for Death Now! For any enquiries, contact us: cloverdrea@gmail.com prophesy, prophecy, prophecy word …More
The Path to True Love | 06/26/2024 | Fr. Ricardo Mendoza, FM Communication channels of Magnificat TV, evangelizing project of the Franciscans of Mary: Website: www.magnificat.tv/enMore
The Path to True Love | 06/26/2024 | Fr. Ricardo Mendoza, FM
Communication channels of Magnificat TV, evangelizing project of the Franciscans of Mary: Website: www.magnificat.tv/en
Magnificat (Gregorian Chant in Latin) - CANTICLE OF MARY Lk 1, 46-55 harpadei.com/en/home-en/ Spotify: spotify.com/artist/6Ygmtt6OqCEz3OHKv321PM Telegram: Harpa Dei Soundcloud: soundcloud.com/user-…More
Magnificat (Gregorian Chant in Latin) - CANTICLE OF MARY Lk 1, 46-55
Spotify: spotify.com/artist/6Ygmtt6OqCEz3OHKv321PM
Telegram: Harpa Dei
Soundcloud: soundcloud.com/user-749496596-312451560
If you would like to support our mission, you can donate here: harpadei.com/en/donations/
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Pedro - Death Will Be Present in the House of God – Countdown to the Kingdom

Our Lady Queen of Peace to Pedro Regis on June 11, 2024: On June 13, 2024: On June 15, 2024:
Meet The NGOs Facilitating Mass Immigration Under The Banner Of Religion

Meet The NGOs Facilitating Mass Immigration Under The Banner Of Religion

astonishing$1.4 billion from the federal government in 2021. While much of the blame for America’s unprecedented border crisis …
Info Krieger Krieger
Australien schreibt "Lebensmittelrationen" vor, um sich auf die Vogelgrippe-Pandemie vorzubereiten Irgendein Land darf immer den ersten Feldversuch …More
Australien schreibt "Lebensmittelrationen" vor, um sich auf die Vogelgrippe-Pandemie vorzubereiten
Irgendein Land darf immer den ersten Feldversuch führen. Die nächste "Plandemie"?
"Die Elite hat davor gewarnt, dass eine globale Nahrungsmittelkrise auf der Tagesordnung steht, und Australien hat sich zum Testgelände der Neuen Weltordnung entwickelt, auf dem autoritäre Taktiken nach chinesischem Vorbild an der gefangenen Bevölkerung getestet werden, bevor sie auf den Rest der Welt ausgeweitet werden.
Wird Australien den Sadismus der globalen Elite ertragen, einschließlich Hungerrationen, obligatorischer Impfungen und einer vergifteten Wasserversorgung, oder werden sie klug werden, sich erheben, die Tyrannen verbannen und ihre Freiheit zurückfordern?"
Sean Johnson

The Tie that Binds: Francis, the TLM, and the SSPX

With the benefit of a few more days for reflection, here’s what I think I see happening: The tie that binds all these recent events together (ie., Rumor of the imminent complete suppression of the TLM …More
With the benefit of a few more days for reflection, here’s what I think I see happening:
The tie that binds all these recent events together (ie., Rumor of the imminent complete suppression of the TLM; the censure of Vigano; the SSPX preparation of the faithful for episcopal consecrations; and somewhat more remotely, the suppression of the PCED) is that they are all preparatory steps for the formal integration of the SSPX into the conciliar church, via the personal prelature.
In reverse order:
1) The suppression of the PCED leaves all the biritual communities like the FSSP, ICK, et al adrift without a Roman overseer, but it also clears the path for the establishment of a new governing authority (ie., the Prelature).
2. The consecration of bishops is a logical inevitability: A prelature needs prelates. Of course, if this is what is happening, it means the SSPX and Menzingen are still working in partnership, and that being the case, with bishops covertly approved by modernist Rome, the …More
"The tie that binds all these recent events together (ie., Rumor of the imminent complete suppression of the TLM; the censure of Vigano; the SSPX …More
"The tie that binds all these recent events together (ie., Rumor of the imminent complete suppression of the TLM; the censure of Vigano; the SSPX preparation of the faithful for episcopal consecrations; and somewhat more remotely, the suppression of the PCED) is that they are all preparatory steps for the formal integration of the SSPX into the conciliar church, via the personal prelature."
The above reasoning lacks logic. Premise 1 (imminent complete suppression of the TLM) is inconsistent with the conclusion (you want us to believe that Bergoglio will ban completely the TLM to offer SSPX the TLM personal prelature - this is ridiculous). As for Premises 2 & 3 we have non sequitur here.
Boanerges Boanerges
Yes, Bergoglio's goal is to cancel out TLM in ALL societies including SSPX, which is why he has been trying to suck them in to his One world religion …More
Yes, Bergoglio's goal is to cancel out TLM in ALL societies including SSPX, which is why he has been trying to suck them in to his One world religion (and they naively thought these were signs of good will). The false prophet will eventually change Novus Ordo beyond recognition canceling out Real Presence and at that point it will be extremely important to him that there's no TLM being offered because Antichrist cannot enter the shell of what was once Catholic Church if Christ is still present. But there WILL always be TLM offered in the underground Remnant True Church of Christ!

How Argentine President Javier Milei is linked with WEF and George Soros through this religious group …

(LifeSiteNews) — This is the third part of an investigation into Chabad-Lubavitch, the international …
la verdad prevalece
Cómo el presidente argentino Javier Milei se vincula con el WEF y George Soros a través de este grupo religioso
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A little Texas BBQ to brighten your week.

Cow Eats Grass, Man Eats Cow. I Could Get Used to This.

I’ve always been a carnivore at heart. When a friend recommended I try the “carnivore diet”, I realized it was pretty much my diet already. Also …
I believe Our LORD is in the process of cleansing His Holy Church. The first wave of defectors were the proud, self- willed so-called "modernists." The second wave of defections will be the proud, self …More
I believe Our LORD is in the process of cleansing His Holy Church. The first wave of defectors were the proud, self- willed so-called "modernists." The second wave of defections will be the proud, self-willed so-called "traditionalists." Both of these groups will mock those who stay as "stupid sheep," the derogatory accusation of faithful Catholics since to the beginning.
rafaportal shares from rafaportal
German MEP Christine Anderson: The People Need to Prevail in the Strive of Maintaining Freedom, Democracy and the Rule of Law "The people in each and every national state, they actually hold the power …More
German MEP Christine Anderson: The People Need to Prevail in the Strive of Maintaining Freedom, Democracy and the Rule of Law
"The people in each and every national state, they actually hold the power over the government. They are the bosses. Now it's kind of like they switched that around and a lot of people have now come to believe that the government gets to dictate to people what their will is supposed to be"
Deutsche Europaabgeordnete Christine Anderson: Das Volk muss sich durchsetzen, um Freiheit, Demokratie und Rechtsstaatlichkeit zu erhalten "Die Menschen in jedem einzelnen Nationalstaat haben tatsächlich …More
Deutsche Europaabgeordnete Christine Anderson: Das Volk muss sich durchsetzen, um Freiheit, Demokratie und Rechtsstaatlichkeit zu erhalten
"Die Menschen in jedem einzelnen Nationalstaat haben tatsächlich die Macht über die Regierung. Sie sind die Chefs. Jetzt ist es so, als hätten sie das umgedreht und viele Leute glauben jetzt, dass die Regierung den Menschen diktieren kann, was ihr Wille sein soll. "