Linz Cathedral Shows Naked Mary Giving Birth

Since Friday, the Cathedral of Our Lady in Linz, Austria, has been displaying a statue of Our Lady sitting on a rock and giving birth. The statue is called the "crowning." It is made of lime wood, and …More
Since Friday, the Cathedral of Our Lady in Linz, Austria, has been displaying a statue of Our Lady sitting on a rock and giving birth. The statue is called the "crowning." It is made of lime wood, and will remain in a chapel on the west side for another three weeks.
The main responsible is Bishop Manfred Scheuer of Linz.
Artist Esther Strauss explains in a flyer at the entrance to the chapel that Our Lady is the most painted woman in the world, but the moment of birth is not to be found in any painting or sculpture [for obvious reasons].
She believes that "in Christianity, the mother goddesses of antiquity have been transformed into the a-sexual mother goddess".
Her aim is to dominate the interpretation of Christmas, which "for so long has been dominated by men's fantasies and interests": "Or we can go all out and give birth to a new interpretation."
Blasphemous and heretical.
Father Karl A Claver
It is a horrible and pornographic portrayal of Our Blessed Mother.
This will tell you something. Typical for a news outlet. Gloria has been called out before for questionable articles.
Sean Johnson
Gloria.TV should be ashamed of itself for allowing this to be posted. Despicable. Say “Jew” and you get deleted immediately for offensive material, but post a pornographic sacrilegious monstrosity like this, and no reaction.
Dieses Bild gehört nicht hieher. Es ist eine Schande für
Credo .
This pornographic monstrosity from the bowels of hell needs destroying immediately! ~ Totally uncalled for. ~ Begs a question GloriaTV, WHAT IS YOUR AGENDA TO ALLOW THIS FILTH TO BE POSTED?
The Bishop of Linz should be petitioned to remove this offending object post haste, yesterday, and then remove himself from his office as Bishop.
This type of offence has occurred once too often on GloriaTV
Sean Johnson
If I was there, I’d smash it with a hammer, and accept my jail time serenely, where I’d make reparations in my jail cell, praying the breviary at the canonically appointed times.
In Germany they would arrest you for a hate crime for doing that, unless you're a Muslim.
Billy F
The Traitorous Heretics who made this and allowed to be placed here deserve the 7th level of Hell Fire!!! You can’t mock Him forever heretics!!!
Sacrilegious in a church, yes, and extremely sinful to show that on GloriaTV !
Please remove this from Gloria TV right now.
Wilma Lopez
Bishop Scheuer, take the statue away!
Tony M
Gloria TV....please take those images down!!!!
Wilma Lopez
I'm glad to see what is going on in the German speaking world.
All Saints
Shock value. Not worthy of a Catholic website.
Presenting sacrilegious images of sick artists goes below a level where a Catholic media portal should not go.
What is the intention of presenting such images?
Maria Lylyander
I would appreciate not having images like this shoved in my face and etched into my brain.
We need not wonder why God will chastise this world..the filth is so pervasive..We must put our affairs in order and get ready for a great suffering and even death…God help us all!
Credo .