Chris Muniee

I Hate Modernism

As satan said, you will be like gods deciding right from wrong (you just have to reject God and His Word)...
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
My first reaction was "what a good, kind, and holy face!" He was a wonderful Pope. I wish we could have another, with his same values.
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Chris Muniee

Semi-Arranged Marriages for Catholics?

Should Catholics implement semi-arranged marriages?More
Should Catholics implement semi-arranged marriages?
Sylvester Kobe
People used to be socialized to get along, not to demand individual freedom & happiness.
The meme is quite funny. Sad yet funny.
Chris Muniee

Should Trad Catholics Flee to Eastern Orthodoxy?

JPII talked about two lungs 🤔
One must persevere and remain always faithful to Christ and His bride not flee due to the wolves like Bergoglio and his sycophants. "Then Jesus said …More
One must persevere and remain always faithful to Christ and His bride not flee due to the wolves like Bergoglio and his sycophants.
"Then Jesus said to the twelve: Will you also go away? And Simon Peter answered him: Lord, to whom shall we go? Thou hast the words of eternal life. And we have believed and have known, that thou art the Christ, the Son of God." John 6:68-70
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Chris Muniee

Ready for More "Kissy" Fernandez Poetry?

Then check out "Mein Kiss." (Satirical)
Sandy Barrett shares this
Novena - Oremus shares this
I said “witch,” not bitch. You stupid Gringos can never translate! My kissies are transcendent, but you cannot relate. It’s all over now. I’ve had …More
I said “witch,” not bitch.
You stupid Gringos can never translate!
My kissies are transcendent, but you cannot relate.
It’s all over now. I’ve had quite enough.
Those wart-filled kisses were slobbery, coarse, and rough.
I’ve been a whole lot easier since the witch left town; it’s been a whole lot happier without that face around . . .
Little miss, little miss, little miss can’t be wrong!
Did I just steal from some foolish song? Yes, and I’ll do it all day long.
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Chris Muniee

Bergoglio: Heretic or KING of Heretics?

I contend Bergo is the Undisputed King of Heretics. What do you think?More
I contend Bergo is the Undisputed King of Heretics. What do you think?
I think he is a worthy sucessor of Montini, Wojtyla and Ratzinger.
Bergoglio's heretical record disqualifies and invalidates him as Pope. So, by usurping the papacy, he occupies the position of the false prophet, a …More
Bergoglio's heretical record disqualifies and invalidates him as Pope. So, by usurping the papacy, he occupies the position of the false prophet, a servant of the Antichrist.
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Chris Muniee

Diocese of Raleigh: More Suppression of the TLM

Find out why Raleigh's Bishop Zarama seeks to eliminate the TLM.More
Find out why Raleigh's Bishop Zarama seeks to eliminate the TLM.
Chris Muniee

June's Almost Over!

Which will it be? God's Love or Gay Slime?More
Which will it be? God's Love or Gay Slime?
Chris Muniee

Investigate Bergoglio . . . like Kenneth Starr?

Find out why you, I, and other lay people should investigate the Bergoglian antipapacy.
Chris Muniee

Bad Wine at Mass?

More good news! Now, the Catholic clergy are using the wrong wine for Mass (rendering it invalid).
Rand Miller
Apparently this has been going on in KC for years.
Chris Muniee

Suffering Versus Rotting

Catholics: What do you think about suffering? Can you distinguish redemptive suffering from simply rotting?More
Catholics: What do you think about suffering? Can you distinguish redemptive suffering from simply rotting?
Chris Muniee

Why Are Today's Cardinals so Bad?

Chris Muniee

Should We Wait for the College of Cardinals to Declare Bergoglio an Antipope?

To declare him an Antipope would undermine many of the cardinals, since many of them owe their positions in the CC to him. And there is the further …More
To declare him an Antipope would undermine many of the cardinals, since many of them owe their positions in the CC to him. And there is the further complication, that they would need to decide whether he was always an Antipope. If he was formerly a legitimate Pope - when did he forfeit the Papacy ? And how ?
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Chris Muniee

ChatGPT Sermons (Sadly, This Could Happen)

Yes, you can apparently preach from a stupid computer app. Here's a preview of coming attractions with ChatGPT sermons.
Hound of Heaven
Well, if there is Artificial Intelligence can Artificial Theology be far behind?!! (Some might say after having read recent papal documents - "It's …More
Well, if there is Artificial Intelligence can Artificial Theology be far behind?!! (Some might say after having read recent papal documents - "It's already here!")
Chris Muniee

The Doctrine on the Fewness of the Saved

What would you say is the opposite of the Balthassarian or Bishop Barron position of "dare we hope"? Why . . . the Catholic position, of course! 😉 Learn the Doctrine of the Fewness of the Saved.More
What would you say is the opposite of the Balthassarian or Bishop Barron position of "dare we hope"?
Why . . . the Catholic position, of course! 😉
Learn the Doctrine of the Fewness of the Saved.
Phillip F McCabe
Few Saved Be Separate from the Evil World and Evildoers, by RJMI, audio, Alr125 Biblical Proof of Things Men Must Do to Be Saved, by RJMI, video/audio …More
Few Saved Be Separate from the Evil World and Evildoers, by RJMI, audio, Alr125 Biblical Proof of Things Men Must Do to Be Saved, by RJMI, video/audio/article, Vlr60/Alr286/Tr50 Catholics Will Be Persecuted, Few Are Saved, the Great Apostasy, and More, by RJMI, audio, Alr290 Few Are Saved, by RJMI, audio, Alr108 Few Are Saved and The Catholic Church Survives without Catholics, by RJMI, audio, Alr277 Kidron Valley and an Explanation of Apocalypse 19, by RJMI, audio, Alr60 On the True Love of God and Very Few Saved, by RJMI, audio, Alr227 Pope St. Leo the Great on Perfection and the Broad Road That Leads to Hell, by RJMI, audio, Alr187 See in this index Salvation Dogma, p. 27 All these found at
Chris Muniee

The Bergoglio Dossier: An Intellectual Midget's Guide to Why There is No 'Pope Francis'

Catholics aren't zombies, but we can become one if we refuse to face difficult subjects, including the reality of today's Church. Do you need help with discerning whether there actually is a Pope …More
Catholics aren't zombies, but we can become one if we refuse to face difficult subjects, including the reality of today's Church.
Do you need help with discerning whether there actually is a Pope Francis amid all the heresy, pagan worship, McCarrick hiding, TLM stomping, and Anglican liturgical invasions?
Well, look no further than The Bergoglio Dossier: An Intellectual Midget's Guide to Why There is No 'Pope Francis.'
Now, you can put all that melancholy and cognitive dissonance to rest because it turns out . . . he's not the pope for all the reasons I present in this reader-friendly guide to the antipapacy of Jorge Mario Bergoglio.
Want to learn about creepy Cardinal-Bernardin-inspired pectoral crosses?
How about the German gibberish of Pope Benedict's resignation?
I even account for Bergoglio's delightful career as Vicar of All Things Pagan, where our intrepid antipope pays homage to ALL THE PAGAN IDOLS like no other antipope before him.
Enjoy! -Chris Munier
Chris Muniee
I informed one of my priests. He canceled me, which was good because the servant is not greater . . .
Well researched and explosive for those who remain lacking in the knowledge of their faith. Inform your priest and Bishop.
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